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Forum » Any one know Orbiter/TA Spring?
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  • Any one know Orbiter/TA Spring?

    Bien45 17 years ago
    Heck im a fan. Looking forward to 2007. (Orbiter)
    I love it (TAS)
    This is also supposed to be a Diary/Strategy topic
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Can't remember hearing 'bout Orbiter, but I have heard of (and played) TA:S.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    Do you ever play anymore, Grim? 'Cause I'm so bored, I might consider reinstalling Spring.
    bwansy 17 years ago
    I play both. Great games.
    Bien45 17 years ago
    Any 1 have any funny/wierd moments in those games?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Bien45" said:
    Any 1 have any funny/wierd moments in those games?
    If you blow a hole deep enough on a map that has no water, the ground turns blue and you can use water units there. I think its a glitch, but it's fun to exploit.
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    I don't know, thats realistic I suppose.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "ahrenjb" said:
    I don't know, thats realistic I suppose.

    It would be realistic if a steady flow of magma would start flowing from the hole, but come on! If you go to the moon and make a deep enough hole, will the moon turn blue?
    bwansy 17 years ago
    "Bien45" said:
    Any 1 have any funny/wierd moments in those games?
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    In case you don't know what happened:
    Basically, the player's commander was stuck between the adv. fusions due to a possible bug. And then a LRPC shot from enemy bounced off the repulsion shield of one of the allies of his and hit his commander directly and triggered a huge chain explosion.
    It's best to download the replay like I did, but you have find the version, which is not the latest one, that matches the replay.
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "ahrenjb" said:
    I don't know, thats realistic I suppose.

    It would be realistic if a steady flow of magma would start flowing from the hole, but come on! If you go to the moon and make a deep enough hole, will the moon turn blue?

    In any area where there exists a fairly shallow water table, if you dig a hole, it will fill with water.

    If you could manage to blow a 35 foot deep hole covering 5 acres of land, you could quite reasonably use a boat on the newly created pond.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "bwansy" said:
    "Bien45" said:
    Any 1 have any funny/wierd moments in those games?
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    In case you don't know what happened:
    Basically, the player's commander was stuck between the adv. fusions due to a possible bug. And then a LRPC shot from enemy bounced off the repulsion shield of one of the allies of his and hit his commander directly and triggered a huge chain explosion.
    It's best to download the replay like I did, but you have find the version, which is not the latest one, that matches the replay.

    The chat in the final moments is amazing: "WHO CALLED IT?" "That wasn't a nuke." "Yes it was!" "Nope."
    harwe 17 years ago
    "ahrenjb" said:
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "ahrenjb" said:
    I don't know, thats realistic I suppose.

    It would be realistic if a steady flow of magma would start flowing from the hole, but come on! If you go to the moon and make a deep enough hole, will the moon turn blue?

    In any area where there exists a fairly shallow water table, if you dig a hole, it will fill with water.

    If you could manage to blow a 35 foot deep hole covering 5 acres of land, you could quite reasonably use a boat on the newly created pond.

    *makes a group of mines and blow em up* OMG THERE IS WATER ON MARS!!
    Zombie 17 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    *makes a group of mines and blow em up* OMG THERE IS WATER ON MARS!!

    Hahaha... If only it were that simple. Earth has groundwater, which is what will fill a hole if you dig one deep enough. All wells are, actually, are really deep holes used to tap groundwater. On Mars or the Moon that probably wouldn't work as, if I remember correctly, Lunar and Martian water deposits are frozen.

    It is rather realistic in a strategy game, though. Lava would only really start coming up if you had an insanely (for single TA match) deep hole.
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    I got TA Spring, I tweaked some of the setting, and all I get is a freaking sign that tells me I can't play because of really high hardware requirements.

    C'mon! 1GB of RAM and 32MB Graphics card with a 1.6 GH Processor should suffice, right?
    bwansy 17 years ago
    "Madgamer" said:
    I got TA Spring, I tweaked some of the setting, and all I get is a freaking sign that tells me I can't play because of really high hardware requirements.

    C'mon! 1GB of RAM and 32MB Graphics card with a 1.6 GH Processor should suffice, right?
    That's strange. My laptop has same specs, only with less RAM than yours, but I am still able to run it with no problem.
    And I have never heard of Spring giving hardware requirements warnings.
    Pete 17 years ago
    32 mb graphic card?
    That might be the source of your porblem.
    Bien45 17 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    32 mb graphic card?
    That might be the source of your porblem.
    I have a 32 bit Intel Brookdale G and it runs fine with 4 gigs of ram.
    (Its a miracle in the gaming world its dated 2001 but CAN run games like DF:BHD, Empire Earth, MOHAA, Domination : Massive Assault (Dream Catcher) and Etc. (I dont mean to brag)
    Madgamer 17 years ago
    The error says "Needed extension GL_ARB_texture_env_combine not found"

    Although I should look at the TA Spring FAQ, not here >.>;;
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Madgamer" said:
    The error says "Needed extension GL_ARB_texture_env_combine not found"
    ...And that has what, exactly, to do with system requirements?
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Madgamer" said:
    The error says "Needed extension GL_ARB_texture_env_combine not found"
    ...And that has what, exactly, to do with system requirements?
    Lots. It means an OpenGL extension that was needed was not found on your graphics card. Obviously, it might be bad drivers, too.

    That is like saying 'what exactly has hardware shader support to do with system requirements?'
    Zombie 17 years ago
    Either that or the extension wasn't found on your computer (drivers) and you need to update your OpenGL stuff.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Zombie" said:
    Either that or the extension wasn't found on your computer (drivers) and you need to update your OpenGL stuff.
    Which would, again, not be a hardware problem.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "Zombie" said:
    Either that or the extension wasn't found on your computer (drivers) and you need to update your OpenGL stuff.
    Which would, again, not be a hardware problem.
    ... Whadya mean "again"? Did you read what Amarth posted?
    "Amarth" said:
    It means an OpenGL extension that was needed was not found on your graphics card. Obviously, it might be bad drivers, too.
    Judging from the specs of most people that use this forum, he'd have a better chance at solving his problem by replacing his card than getting new drivers, unless he magically posts with a response along the lines of "I fixed it kthx".

    I once had a similar D3D error which led to me getting my very first ever GPUGFX(TM). That solved the problem then, and it should solve his now.

    Edit: Bah, I misread a few names while writing this. Ignore any inconsistencies.
    Bien45 17 years ago
    Can any1 give me a GL 1.0 to 2.0 and DX9C
    harwe 17 years ago
    Download DirectX 9c somewhere... its also in practically any game disks that came out this year
    Bien45 17 years ago
    Aww, CD Drive is broken.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Bien45" said:
    Aww, CD Drive is broken.
    I'm surprised that people still have those. Everyone should've switched to DVD drives already.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    "Bien45" said:
    Aww, CD Drive is broken.
    I'm surprised that people still have those. Everyone should've switched to DVD drives already.
    I have both.
    harwe 17 years ago
    "Bien45" said:
    Aww, CD Drive is broken.
    somewhere i mean at microsoft's website so you dont need a cd
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    It'll complain about your computer not being genuine if you try to use the MS Download Center.

    ... And Bien45, Grim's right. DUDE. Get yourself a DVD drive or two.
    Bien45 17 years ago
    That's the problem, this computer is running on a pirated version (don't blame me, computer techie installed it) while the other computer does not have internet but is running on an original XP.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    That makes me remember the time... 2 years ago, some technicians were supposed to install a new GFX and Windows XP. What did they do? They installed the GFX, good, but they snapped a pirated version of Windows XP!
    Then my father was forced to buy a genuine Windows and we reinstalled the operative system.

    And, man, we're being offtopic.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I think this counts as talking about warez. We should STFU now.

    Now then, the topic... Orbiter looks awesome on detail level 9.
    Bien45 17 years ago
    Whats STFU?
    Forum » Any one know Orbiter/TA Spring?
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