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Forum » Poetry ~ In Shingo flavor

Poetry ~ In Shingo flavor

Shingo 17 years ago
I was inspired to post these, by seeing that Z had the guts to post hers. So please tell me what you think, give me some feedback, etc. I'm thinking of approaching a publisher, btw.

It matters not how black the night doth seem;
E'en blackest night shall soon give way to day.
If this be insubstantial, as a dream,
Then would my dream not end, and I could stay
Lest on my waking I should pierce the veil
And with bright morning's light, percieve that this,
Happy illusion's nothing but a tale,
I beg thee for a gentle touch - a kiss
So might I always have a memory
Of thee that time's clutch might not from me steal
Also would I ask that thou might think of me
And know that love I feel for thee is real.
Alas, I wake! The spell is broke, and yet,
I swear to seek thee and to not forget.

Our love is sweet like honey,
Better and more beautiful than money.
Passion's lost within, our souls;
replacing all the worn and weathered holes.
My love, the one and only,
You who are my dearest and my only...

Aeterno Per Amor

Love Eternal

Eternal Love for you so fair fore'er
And a day shall be the time in wich I
Shall love thee always evermore, for ere
the fairest stars and moon did light the sky
'Twas then my love for you was surely born
of magic made reality through grace's gift
and forging then the shield against the 'lorn
To guard true lovers and their spirits lift
Thus Fated for true happiness and love
Thou art my my evening star and morning dove.

D'Ange Sans Ailes

Angel Without Wings

Destined through eternity,
To bear witness to th' woe;
Thus was born his agony,
Not his to change - but know.
This, not able to believe,
Journeyed forth to rewrite fate
And Destiny to bereave.
Stood unyeilding at the Gate.
Twixt thresholds of Death and Life,
Defiant of th' future caste
Punishèd for this, this strife,
As he from Hea'ens light was cast.
Banishèd from paradise,
'Neath the light from heaven flew,
Seeking to disprove the Wise,
With his heart, sans what he knew.
Far from light his travels went,
Wandered darkened realms and lands.
When his hope was nearly spent,
He grasped th' Truth within his hands.
For this quest, 'twas not for naught.
Th' ancient truth; a derelict
Over which, was second wrought;
So broke he Fate's edict.
His heartbreaking Masterpiece.
That Fate was never writ;
Forged from Love and Sacrifice,
Offered up his ravaged Soul for 't.
Thus in his last 'lorn fight,
Fought 'gainst Destiny's Decree,
Lost redemption and the Light;
Strippèd of his wings was he.

She called me by name,
& I would have came.
If not for the wall
That shut out her call.
Her love was taken
From me the forsaken.
Shingo 17 years ago
BUMP! I r so unloved... No one ever bothered to reply to this! /me sniffles.

Shingo LIVES!!! Despite the lies and propaganda that Cejer's may or may not have been saying about me. >_>

Screw Pedro, vote for Meeee, damnit! Marijuana and er..... free Piencakes for all!
Idiota 17 years ago
Well, I'm not really into poetry... I can't tell the difference by a poem written by my cat or a poem written by Shakespeare...
Crazy 17 years ago
Me neither. Always hated poetry because it's sort of like music without the instruments, just the lyrics.

I've never cared for lyrics. Ever.
Eveningstar 17 years ago
Actually that was pretty nice work there!
Anarion 17 years ago
Well written is about the only comment I can make. I'm not much into poetry either, but it sounds good.
MageKing17 17 years ago
"Crazy" said:
Me neither. Always hated poetry because it's sort of like music without the instruments, just the lyrics.

I've never cared for lyrics. Ever.
Odd. I'm always annoyed at songs that seemed overly focused on the lyrics instead of the music, wondering why they didn't just write poetry instead.
Crazy 17 years ago
Hm. Never heard any of that, but if i did, i'd rather see myself going "thank god it's not poetry."
E_net4 17 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
"Crazy" said:
Me neither. Always hated poetry because it's sort of like music without the instruments, just the lyrics.

I've never cared for lyrics. Ever.
Odd. I'm always annoyed at songs that seemed overly focused on the lyrics instead of the music, wondering why they didn't just write poetry instead.
Input: <this quote>
Output: "MageKing17 doesn't like Hip Hop."

Ontopic, the poem's nice, it's just our lazyness...
Shingo 17 years ago
Losers... and you guys blame me for being too lazy to DM? Yet you were too lazy to comment on this for months? ;p
Cejer 17 years ago
Hey, you don't want me to comment on this. Because you can't handle the truth!
MageKing17 17 years ago
"Shingo" said:
Losers... and you guys blame me for being too lazy to DM?
When have I ever done any such thing? I'm lazy, and hold no delusions to the contrary.
Click 17 years ago
poetry gud.

shingo iz riter of deh poetry.

thus, shingo writez gud stufforz.


omg u suk logik


but seriously, i personally can't stand old english. i'm more into poe's works, or at least Carl Sandburg's butcher of the world.
Shingo 16 years ago
EAP (great initials, btw. He get's kudos just for having that name. ) is pretty awesome. I've been poring over my "Complete works of Edgar Allan Poe" since I got it, and there's still awesomeness to be found. I prefer the style that Shakespeare uses in his sonnets, more than anything. It's challenging and fun, for me, anywhoo.

Iambic Pentameter, ABABCDCDEFEFGG rhyme scheme. that is all me. I cherish the restrictions because it makes writing more difficult, more refined, and I'm much more pleased with the final result. I'm reeeaaaallly picky about anything I write, for instance. And er... most things in general. I constantly (And I do mean constantly.) tweak, twink, and mess with anything I've written and I'm never really completely satisfied with it. It's sort've like an edit in progress... for forever.
Idiota 16 years ago
We're handling poetry in English and Dutch classes now, so I've read some of Shakespeare's stuff. It's good. For poetry.
MageKing17 16 years ago
I love the Raven. Trochaic tetrameter gives the perfect impression of a heartbeat.
Shingo 16 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
I love the Raven. Trochaic tetrameter gives the perfect impression of a heartbeat.
You said Trochaic. I'm in love with you. <333 To think that I'm not alone in knowing such a word. It shines light unto mine lonely world of emo-ness. [/drama]

I'd have to agree with you there. Most definitely a fine bit of poetry right there.
Forum » Poetry ~ In Shingo flavor

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