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Forum » Time Traveling

Time Traveling

E_net4 17 years ago
Everything about it. What are your opinions about Time Traveling? Will it ever exist? Is it impossible? Discuss here.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
There's too many paradoxes to worry about. I think it's possible, but we wouldn't be able to interact with the world.
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
"Douglas Noel Adams" said:
Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.
Idiota 17 years ago
time travel won't ever be possible imo. Time is the very essence of this world. Every human being is bound to it, and cannot manipulate or escape it.

Look around you. Seeing any tourists from the future?
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
"Idiota" said:
time travel won't ever be possible imo. Time is the very essence of this world. Every human being is bound to it, and cannot manipulate or escape it.
Time? The essence of the world? I see time as a relative concept, and also as a mere tool humans and such use to observe their surroundings, quite like light, although time in itself isn't something tangible, whereas light is (in the form of particles and waves).
Crazy 17 years ago
...what the bastard that beat me to said.

Time IS an illusion. There's truth in that quote.

Welcome to relativity.
Amarth 17 years ago
The moment we start time travelling, some intergalactic federation will approach us.

Probably shouting EX-TER-MI-NATE!
Crazy 17 years ago
...ah yes, the mathematician answer.
Anarion 17 years ago
IMO, even if time travel were possible it would be far too dangerous to attempt. You could seriously alter your reality simply by being in a time and place you're not meant to be in.
Bien45 17 years ago
Time travel is not possible. And if it was and we made a time travel device. We could change the world literally even just appearing at 200 AD will mess up the future.
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
I reckon that time travel will be possible at some point in the future, but even if you went to 45 BC or something and did whatever you want there, it wouldn't matter, since it had already happened.

Thus, anything and everything that will happen has, in fact, already happened.

The reason we might not have gotten any visitors from the future might be that this particular time and age is considered BORING.

Or, as DNA put it, time traveling might be (/have been) invented simultaneously in all points of the timeline, mostly due to the paradoxal nature of time traveling itself.
The Gemini 17 years ago
Actually, we can't mess up the present/future by traveling back in time. The past is impossible to change. You see, the universe is developing in a set direction, and it is impossible to change that direction, because doing so would still be a part of the "grand plan of the universe" or whatever you would call it. If you had unlimited computer processing power, gathered every information available at point of the Big Bang, you could run a simulation of the universe and accurately simulate(and thus also accurately predict) the course of its development. You could say that we was destined to for example talk about this specific subject right now, allthough there exist no proof for that the universe and its development was created intentionally, of course.
Crazy 17 years ago
Bring on the paradoxes...
Idiota 17 years ago
I just think time travelling is impossible, and will allways be. The theories to prove it are just not there yet because we suck.

And Grim, now is quite an interesting time to live in, seeing how we are approaching the peak of the amount of oil refined, and people of the future would have found it interesting to see how we reacted to the problem.

And don't forget the most ape-like human, George W. Bush. Who wouldn't want to point and laugh at him from the future? I sure would.
MageKing17 17 years ago
"The Gemini" said:
If you had unlimited computer processing power, gathered every information available at point of the Big Bang, you could run a simulation of the universe and accurately simulate(and thus also accurately predict) the course of its development.
Not so. The only way to accurately simulate a process is to run it at a faster speed. As the universe is already running at the fastest possible speed, we cannot predict its outcome except by waiting for it to happen.
The Gemini 17 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
"The Gemini" said:
If you had unlimited computer processing power, gathered every information available at point of the Big Bang, you could run a simulation of the universe and accurately simulate(and thus also accurately predict) the course of its development.
Not so. The only way to accurately simulate a process is to run it at a faster speed. As the universe is already running at the fastest possible speed, we cannot predict its outcome except by waiting for it to happen.

If you achieved an omega point, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, or created such a computer in another universe with different attributes(such as hyper space), such a computer could be a posibility.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
"The Gemini" said:
If you had unlimited computer processing power, gathered every information available at point of the Big Bang, you could run a simulation of the universe and accurately simulate(and thus also accurately predict) the course of its development.
Not so. The only way to accurately simulate a process is to run it at a faster speed. As the universe is already running at the fastest possible speed, we cannot predict its outcome except by waiting for it to happen.
Obvious answer: optimize it to be non-realtime. Who could possibly NOT think of that?

The only problem with this entire "Simulate the universe" thing is that we DON'T have an infinitely powerful computer. Unless, of course, some alien race is looking at their screens right now and saying "Damn, those human things are advancing fast. Is my gaming rig going to overheat?"

... And that's either unlikely or unprovable. Unless we spontaneously start getting some completely unexpected godly signs for having written this.
E_net4 17 years ago
*tries to send a message*
...huh, What?
Yes, Time Traveling IS impossible. Let's imagine this:

A silly little boy got a time machine for his 10th birthday, and he wanted a VR Game instead. He got so mad that he decided to go to the past and destroy the alliance between their parents.
And so he did. He managed to avoid his father from meeting his mother: "Take that, you old people! Now that you'll never marry, you won't even have kids. Which then... Oops!".
I don't know how he managed to say "Oops!" after being removed from existence. But wait, If he's removed from existence, that means all this scenario will never happen. And so the silly kid does get born. But as he's born, he will later go to the past and break his parents apart again.
And so, this goes on an infinite loop! Here are the possibilities:
- There would exist 2 parallel worlds, where 1 of them has no silly kid at all and the other world eliminates him, just as he uses the time machine.
- This loop wouldn't exist, and the silly kid is removed after the time travel. Everything else goes on perfectly.
- SPACE TIME PARADOX due to either 2 parallel worlds in 1 place!... or something else.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
There wouldn't be a paradox because it'd be two parallel worlds doing related things in their own parallel universes.

... No, wait, I think you have a point. It makes my head hurt, so you MUST have one.
Pete 17 years ago
I say, time travelling is possible. But only to the future. Problem solved >.<
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
Aye. In essence, if time travel was impossible, we'd always be stuck in a static present. But thanks to time travel, we have progressed from the Big Bang to the year 2007! Isn't that fun?
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
... Non-linear time travel. As in tying knots in the timeline and stuff.
MageKing17 17 years ago
"The Gemini" said:
If you achieved an omega point, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->, or created such a computer in another universe with different attributes(such as hyper space), such a computer could be a posibility.
That assumes the Omega Point is even possible. I mean, yeah, it's a cool idea, but it isn't likely.
E_net4 17 years ago
How likely would be? Well, we don't even seem to be able to calculate the probability of the Omega point.

Isn't that fun?
Yes, I'm laughin' here, see?

The Gemini 17 years ago
Have anyone seen Donnie Darko? That movie have alot to do with time travel.
Solus Lupus 17 years ago
O.K. Have any of you seen/read TimeLine by Michel Chriton? it is a good movie and better book. It uses the best theroy, yes the physisist-writer-of-DOOM used a real theory, I have ever found for time travel. Basicly time travel is impossible but infinite dimensions parelell to ours do exsist. One could essentelly "go back in time" by going to one of these other deminsions where say the date is 1142 not 2007 and see a glimps into the past. The differences in the dimensions could be great or small so "time travel is as easy as finding one that matches in every way to ours except say bob had to strike 2 matches to start the fire one day not 1 or 5. The only other theroy that I even can fathom possible is that future travel is impossible, for simulations will always be simulations not real life and if you mess with the past it will right itself. Say your wife dies you try to save he, even if you do she will die in the very near future, or you will NEVER be able to save her. If you do there would have been no need to go back and save her so she dies and then the all over again until you break the loop by accepting she is dead. This if possible all one could be is an observer. Also the answer to the million dollar question of why do we see no tourists? maybe they have a brain and are blending in, if done right who would know? If you went to ancient Rome would you try to act Roman or run around proclaiming to be from a Democratic socioty about 1000 years after the fall of Rome? Maybe they have cloaking tech, or maybe they have come by and proclaimed and all we did was lock them in a loony bin when they were not crazy but really from the future. Now after hearing of such a thing in the future would you want to travel through time for anything? You have to look at things like that, from as many sides as you possibly can.
The Gemini 17 years ago
Well, the fact that we does not see any time tourists have two possible answers: A. That time travel is not possible, or B. Our race will die out before we develop time travel.

And for dimensional travel, I actually does not believe it is possible. Our universe, along with an infinite outher universes would be filled with tourists, as there would be an infinite number of them.

Another reason for this is that every person, thing, planet and universe is moving along a set path. You cannot change that, and free will is just a mere illution. So, what if no one of the dimensions was set to develop dimensional travel? Also, we have no hard facts on if other dimensions really exists.
MageKing17 17 years ago
"The Gemini" said:
Another reason for this is that every person, thing, planet and universe is moving along a set path. You cannot change that, and free will is just a mere illution.
Not entirely true. Yes, there is no free will, but things are not predetermined, either. The human mind operates in a deterministic manner, so, in theory, if someone knew the location and velocity of EVERY particle in the universe, they could predict what would happen in the future. The problem is that this little feat is impossible, so, for all intents and purposes, discussion of free will is pointless, because we may as well have it.
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