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  • Werewolf ep. 6

    Pete 17 years ago forgot that if we wont vote, the wolves will and get a free kill.

    Or did you?

    Amarth 17 years ago
    Oh. Right.

    [EDIT] anyone with a better idea? Anyone with suspicions?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I'm somewhat suspicious against everyone who voted against E and got him killed, but I'm not sure who to vote against. Maybe we SHOULD just not vote tonight?
    Pete 17 years ago
    ...AGRH! I give up! Everybody is so suspicious! How can I possibly tell?
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Someone was going to die that day. Again. The Clan was wearing thin, and shooting one of their own seemed completely wrong, the death of E_net4 and Anarion only adding to this feeling.

    But yet it was the only way.

    The Scavengers were being shot by their own ammo and the only way to make sure that all the traitors have been eliminated is if there are no more deaths in the night.

    However, today the House was filled with confusion. Nobody knew what to do and a feeling of panic was setting in.

    But by the end of the day, the Head still stood up and still told aloud the votes:

    "Grim: Amarth, Pete
    Anonymous: Grim"

    But Grim didn't go as quietly.

    Quickly, he grabbed his rifle and yelled: "But you will all..."

    He never got to finish the sentence.

    This was the first time a Scavenger was stripped of both his machinery and his honor after death.

    Sorry about the poor excuse of a story post.

    Grim: Amarth, Pete
    Anonymous: Grim

    Grim dead, was a Wolf.

    ...and so there remain four.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    When you posted the placeholder for your story post, I thought that maybe it was SO GOOD that it was taking you a while to write, not that you didn't get a chance to write it.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    ...yeah, it mostly took so long because i had NO ideas. But i have a pretty nifty idea for the next WW. In addition, i can draw illustrations to that story.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    ...yeah, it mostly took so long because i had NO ideas. But i have a pretty nifty idea for the next WW. In addition, i can draw illustrations to that story.
    Oooooh, looks like I'm gonna want to participate next round...
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Same to me, of course. No talking now, it's still night time.
    Pete 17 years ago
    Hm, could you include the survivors in the beggining of day please? I lost track of it. Not that I think that I will live that long...
    Crazy 17 years ago
    The Scavengers were alert and nervous the entire night, and as morning crept closer and closer their nerves were eventually near breaking point. On the recent nights, work was forgotten, now even the thought of it didn't cross the striders' minds.

    And morning crept. Painfully, it came closer.

    The Scavengers were rather shocked by the sound of the Mainframe calling them back cutting through the long, suffocating silence.

    And as they returned, they watched for ambush points. And waited to hear the sound of a bullet nearing them. And they hoped for relieve from this lead messenger.

    As they got closer to the House, tension only grew.

    It grew.



    But then...

    Nothing. No whistling little missile bringing End, nothing ripping apart yet another life.

    They all got back alive. Was Grim the only traitor?

    Shingo, Amarth, Anonymous1157 and Pete are the remaining survivors.

    You heard right. Noone died this night.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    So, Shingo, anything to say in your defense?
    Shingo 17 years ago
    Er.... eh... wha? Yes, in fact I do.

    A little bit of reasoning:

    Amarth is the person in question that led us to kill the cupided Seer and Villager. Does this in fact mean that he is an innocent little cupid? Hardly.

    Am I to be blamed for following his lead in "getting" the "suspicious" people that he so nobly marked out for the sacrificial slaughter?

    Take last game, for example: I found out who all WW's were within the first 24 hours of daytime, in-game, because one of the wolve's wanted to plot with me to kill off everyone else. Therefore, I can only conclude that Amarth is either 1. Stupid, or 2. Working with the werewolves. Ludicrous? Yes. Possible? Yes. Therefore I'm going to lay forth my suspicion of Amarth. Sadly, if I am correct, the ww's have won the game.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Shingo" said:
    Amarth is the person in question that led us to kill the cupided Seer and Villager. Does this in fact mean that he is an innocent little cupid? Hardly.
    How does this 'hardly' make me Cupid? Who else would be able to tell this? The chances of this being a lucky guess are 1/8*1/7 = 1/56 or about 1.8%. Of course, they could have told me, but why would they? Not everyone tries to arrange strange schemes that are completely unattainable.

    Anyway, I agree I was wrong there, but their behavior was very suspicious. It is also the only part of information I had at the start of the game, and thus the only way I could prove my identity. And that is why I voted them off. I am not blaming you for following me (in fact, for leading me on the vote for E_net), that I can hardly do.

    But now, let's continue the reasoning. Yesterday, Pete and I voted off a wolf. IF I were a wolf, I would have voted for, say, Anonymous together with Grim, because that would have won us the game. Yet, Pete and I didn't follow Grim. Given your attack on me now, I can only concluded that you, Shingo, are a wolf.

    And that you seem to lack reasoning skill, but I will blame that on the roleplay.
    Shingo 17 years ago
    You are most definitely cupid. I did not dispute that. I merely suggested that you might not be so trusteable, seeing as you goaded us all in to killing our best hope for winning (i.e. the SEER).

    God only knows why the wolves refrained from killing last night.... If you're that sure that I'm a bad guy, go ahead and lynch me. I hope you have fun. A mistake at this point in the game is close to irreversible.

    My attack on you isn't so much of a "lynch Him!!!!!" thing, as a good scolding. Before you start just pointing fingers, please do your homework.

    You, being cupid, are not a wolf. Therefore you're out've the picture. This leaves 1 Angel left, and at least 1 Wolf, and possibly one other Wolf, and/or a villager. Meaning, that if we lynch an innocent today, it's game over, or possibly, if we lynch the last surviving WW, it's also game over, but for the other team.

    If you truly think I'm the wolf, I'll repeat it again: Lynch me.

    If, however, you'd like to talk with me and discuss amonst all of ourselves, instead of this Cloak and Dagger business, then I'll meet you on das IRC.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Oo, interesting... Who will win after all this?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    So, how was I supposed to know I was going to lynch off the Seer? Are you thinking everyone just sends me their roles at the start of the game, assuming they're safe with me? I'd wish, then there was no problem now.

    Also, it might be my own bias, but I find your posts to be written from the point of a non-innocent. As in, if you were innocent, would there be any reason not to disclose your role by now, and use it in your calculations? Or, in short, to accuse Anonymous? Yet, you don't.

    Well la-di-da. I have no hard proof, but I'm still going for Shingo.
    Pete 17 years ago
    Meh, it paid of the first time, so Im going to stick with Amarth again. Shingo vote'o.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Nightfall 20:00 GMT Friday.
    Shingo 17 years ago

    Calculating all possible outcomes.... I find that I don't have the willpower nor a snowball's chance in hell of winning this.

    Shingo's character grabs a rifle... and blows out his brains.

    Game Over! Innocents win. Happy fun time~!
    Murska 17 years ago
    We were having a discussion in IRC about the next roles. And this is the decision:

    Villager = Banana
    Wolf = Fruitfly/Were-Banana
    Seer = Beelzebub
    Guardian Angel = Pesticide
    Aer = Seal(?)
    Cupid = Chuck Norris Spiderman(?!)
    Vigilante = Rambo-nana
    Suicide Bomber = Bukkake Artist/Defiler
    CWV = Monkey
    Mayor = Overlord(Spawn more Overlords)

    Pete 17 years ago
    You want to be stabbed? No? Them go find a brain for you guys.
    Murska 17 years ago
    "Pete" said:
    You want to be stabbed? No? Them go find a brain for you guys.

    Hmf? I assure you, our GM, Crazy, has approved these. Actually, he invented most...
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I actually WANT to try that for some reason. Let's do bananas next game.

    By the way, did Shingo's suidicing mean the game ended?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    I suppose so. By the way he said it, he assumed to be the werewolf, the last one probably. Let's just wait for Crazy to check it out.[/b]
    Shingo 17 years ago
    WW's are extraordinarily screwed. I mean... me and grim basically had a perfect first two days, and we were still screwed horribly. I say that something has to be done to improve the WW's chances for victory.

    Btw, I do apologize to Nuk for murdering you first. However, it's prolly not wise to divulge that you're the seer, while it's still the first night. There is no way to know if you're er...... informing a WW who they should kill first, eh?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    More players would help.
    Shingo 17 years ago
    No it would not. The current ratio of innocents to wolves is a bit off, I'd say.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Shingo" said:
    No it would not. The current ratio of innocents to wolves is a bit off, I'd say.
    The reason why we got totally screwed was partly because YOU were constantly NOT THERE.
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Well, if you would have acted like an innocent, I'm sure I wouldn't have tried to kill you.

    One way to do that could be by having told me that my plan for not voting was going to fail.
    Shingo 17 years ago
    I decided to not be there after the game became hopeless for us to win.

    Honestly, after amarth pulled that crud about the ratio thing we were screwed. Why? Because he was correct. He was /very/ correct. Nothing I could've done about it. You name me anything I could've done and then I'll explain to you why I didn't do it. Do you think that I didn't carefully consider my options?
    Anarion 17 years ago
    "Shingo" said:
    I decided to not be there after the game became hopeless for us to win.
    Are you forgetting the very first game? Murska and I were Werewolves. Murska got killed in what, the second round? Yet I was still able to win it. As I recall the werewolves won the first 3 games did they not?
    Idiota 17 years ago
    2nd round was a cupid win, from there on they were villager wins iirc.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Your mind is tricking you, Anarion, since the results were:
    - 1st game: Werewolves won
    - 2nd game: Idiota + Zephyr won, as the cupid couple
    - 3rd game(the geeky one): The "villagers" won.
    - 4th game: Grim couldn't stand the other 2 villagers, and so they won.
    - 5th game (the future one): The crewmembers won.

    And yes, make things harder for the villagers!!
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    - 4th game: Grim couldn't stand the other 2 villagers, and so they won.
    My possible annoyance towards the villagers had nothing to do with them winning.
    Forum » Werewolf ep. 6
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