[This may be moved to Notrium section if appropriate]
I've started work on a Perl script to parse the data files from Notrium (or any mod) and generate a spoiler, listing the combinations. For now, basic stuff is done (reading everything in + parsing the combinations block), but I still need to take a look at the effects block to see whether there are important parts there. I also need to weed out impossible combinations (like with items that can't be carried).
This tool might also be valuable to mod-makers to check the consistency of their items.dat. I'll pass the Perl code on simple request (it's kind of long and unfinished though), and I might make a .exe version if there is enough support and if I find a decent Perl compiler.
When finished, I'll run it on a couple of popular mods.
So, now, post ideas, requests and general praise. 
(incomplete) SPOILERS BELOW: Barrier [94]: Sand [93] + Ice Pack [73] Battery Charger [1]: Battery Charger Chip [133] + Fuel Converter [11] Battery Extension [34]: De/Magnetizer [33] + Long Metal Rod [6] Beacon Ray [110]: Radiator [28] + Pulse Beacon [67] Biomass Detector [55]: Biomass Detector [54] + Computer Unit [7] Brain Poison [156]: Psionic Focus [150] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140] Cooling Unit [80]: Glass Tube [79] + Ice Pack [73] Energy Unit [12]: Fuel Converter [11] + Fuel Cell [10] Enhanced Power Armor [87]: Blue Alien Corpse [60] + Power Armor [35] Enviro-Armor [159]: Power Armor [35] + Life Support Chip [36] Escape Pod [47]: Escape Pod [8] + Navigation System [46] Escape Pod [48]: Escape Pod [8] + Propulsion System [43] Escape Pod [49]: Escape Pod [8] + Life Support System [39] Escape Pod [50]: Escape Pod [49] + Navigation System [46], Escape Pod [47] + Life Support System [39] Escape Pod [51]: Escape Pod [47] + Propulsion System [43], Escape Pod [48] + Navigation System [46] Escape Pod [52]: Escape Pod [49] + Propulsion System [43], Escape Pod [48] + Life Support System [39] Fixed Escape Pod [53]: Escape Pod [50] + Propulsion System [43], Escape Pod [52] + Navigation System [46], Escape Pod [51] + Life Support System [39] Flame Thrower [78]: Welding Torch B [83] + Long Metal Rod [6] Food Generator [17]: Replicator Cell [16] + Food Generator Chip [126], Replicator Cell [15] + Specimen Container [14] Force Field Generator [21]: Force Field Generator [20] + Energy Unit [12] Force Field Generator [22]: Force Field Generator [21] + Computer Unit [7] Glowing Paper [107]: Tattered Paper [106] + Reaper Corpse [85] Goggles [25]: Goggles [24] + Light Diode [2] Ice Pack Generator [76]: Replicator Cell [13] + Cooling Unit [80] Improved Targeting Beam [119]: Light Diode [2] + Motion Detector [29] Laser Pistol [27]: test a [208] + test b [209], Light Diode [2] + Energy Unit [12] Laser Turret [32]: Repair Unit [84] + Broken (L) Turret [68], Motion Detector [31] + Laser Pistol [27], Broken (L) Turret [68] + Repair Unit [84] Life Support Chip [37]: Life Support Chip [36] + Replicator Cell [13] Life Support Chip [38]: Life Support Chip [36] + Specimen Container [14] Life Support System [39]: Life Support Chip [37] + Specimen Container [14], Life Support Chip [38] + Replicator Cell [13] Lifeforce Drain [161]: Psionic Mystery [160] + Psionic Void Token [141] Long Range Scanner [120]: Glass Tube [79] + Subspace Radio [3] Machine Gun Turret [199]: Broken (M) Turret [200] + Repair Unit [84], Motion Detector [31] + Rapid Fire Pistol [71] Modded Subspace Radio [9]: Subspace Radio [5] + Computer Unit [7], Subspace Radio [4] + Long Metal Rod [6] Motion Detector [30]: Motion Detector [29] + Computer Unit [7] Motion Detector [31]: Motion Detector [30] + Long Metal Rod [6] Navigation System [46]: Star Chart [45] + Modded Subspace Radio [9] Opened Security Box [121]: Security Box [95] + Security Keycard [96] Pebble Shotgun [63]: Long Metal Rod [6] + Powered Accelerator [19] Pistol [70]: Pistol Chassis [69] + Powered Accelerator [19] Power Armor [35]: Force Field Generator [20] + Motion Detector [29] Powered Accelerator [19]: Particle Accelerator [18] + Energy Unit [12] Propulsion System [43]: Warp Coil [41] + Particle Accelerator [18], Warp Coil [42] + Fuel Cell [10] Psionic Ally [167]: Psionic Mystery [166] + Psionic Liquid Token [139] Psionic Armor [149]: Psionic Mystery [148] + Psionic Mass Token [137] Psionic Blast [143]: Psionic Dash [142] + Psionic Heat Token [136] Psionic Chill [147]: Psionic Blast [143] + Psionic Liquid Token [139] Psionic Conversion [157]: Psionic Mystery [148] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140] Psionic Dash [142]: Psionic Mass Token [137] + Psionic Motion Token [138] Psionic Decoy [146]: Psionic Focus [145] + Psionic Heat Token [136] Psionic Field [154]: Psionic Armor [149] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140] Psionic Focus [145]: Psionic Mass Token [137] + Psionic Liquid Token [139], Psionic Liquid Token [139] + Psionic Mass Token [137] Psionic Focus [150]: Psionic Heat Token [136] + Psionic Motion Token [138] Psionic Focus [153]: Psionic Mystery [152] + Psionic Heat Token [136] Psionic Immolation [144]: Psionic Mass Token [137] + Psionic Heat Token [136] Psionic Mystery [148]: Psionic Liquid Token [139] + Psionic Motion Token [138] Psionic Mystery [152]: Psionic Liquid Token [139] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140] Psionic Mystery [160]: Psionic Heat Token [136] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140] Psionic Mystery [162]: Psionic Motion Token [138] + Psionic Void Token [141] Psionic Mystery [165]: Psionic LifeForce Token [140] + Psionic Void Token [141] Psionic Mystery [166]: Psionic Mystery [165] + Psionic Mass Token [137] Psionic Strength [158]: Psionic Dash [142] + Psionic LifeForce Token [140] Psionic Teleport [163]: Psionic Mystery [162] + Psionic Heat Token [136] Pulse Laser [56]: Laser Pistol [27] + Glass Marble [202] Radiator [28]: Powered Accelerator [19] + Fuel Cell [10] Rapid Fire Pistol [71]: Cooling Unit [80] + Pistol [70] Repair Unit [84]: Battery [74] + Computer Unit [7] Replicator Cell [15]: Replicator Cell [13] + Food Generator Chip [126] Replicator Cell [16]: Replicator Cell [13] + Specimen Container [14] Sniper Bullet [108]: Bullets [72] + Ether [75] Sniper Pistol [109]: Pistol [70] + Long Metal Rod [6] Subspace Radio [4]: Subspace Radio [3] + Computer Unit [7] Subspace Radio [5]: Subspace Radio [3] + Long Metal Rod [6] Tattered Paper [100]: Tattered Paper [99] + Beacon Ray [110] Tattered Paper [101]: Tattered Paper [100] + Rapid Fire Pistol [71] Tattered Paper [102]: Tattered Paper [101] + Propulsion Boots [112] Tattered Paper [103]: Tattered Paper [102] + Flame Thrower [78] Tattered Paper [104]: Tattered Paper [103] + VC Stun Laser [88] Tattered Paper [105]: Tattered Paper [104] + VC Pistol [86] Tattered Paper [106]: Tattered Paper [105] + Electro Sphere [97] Tattered Paper [99]: Tattered Paper [98] + Sniper Pistol [109] Thermal Heat Pack [77]: Ether [75] + Ice Pack [73] Time Distortion [164]: Psionic Mystery [162] + Psionic Liquid Token [139] Warp Coil [41]: Warp Coil [40] + Fuel Cell [10] Warp Coil [42]: Warp Coil [40] + Particle Accelerator [18] Warp Gun [57]: Warp Coil [40] + Tazor Stun Gun [26] Welding Torch B [83]: Welding Torch [82] + Specimen Container [14] Welding Torch [82]: Lighter [81] + Glass Tube [79] Wooden Dart [125]: Queen Blue Alien Corpse [123] + Firewood [58] Working Subspace Radio [44]: Warp Coil [40] + Modded Subspace Radio [9]
The following items might have interesting properties: Alien's Nest [193] has script 19 (drop plot_obj). Blueprints [198] might give Hoverbike Keycard [185]. Brown Alien Corpse [61] might give Alien Meat [59]. Crystal Ore [111] might give Ice Pack [73]. Ether [75] might give Generated Ration [127]. Firewood [58] has script 19 (drop plot_obj). Force Field Generator [22] has script 19 (drop plot_obj). Large Brown Alien Corpse [124] might give Alien Meat [59]. Lay Eggs [192] might give Alien's Nest [193]. Lay Eggs [192] might give Blue Alien Egg [195]. Lay Eggs [192] might give Brown Alien Egg [194]. Lighter [81] has script 19 (drop plot_obj). Metal Tube [201] might give Looking Glass [203]. Opened Security Box [121] might give Electro Sphere [97]. Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj). Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj). Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj). Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj). Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj). Planetoid [113] has script 19 (drop plot_obj). Psionic Field (Active) [155] might give Psionic Field [154]. Psionic Field [154] might give Psionic Field (Active) [155]. Psionic Immolation [144] has script 19 (drop plot_obj). Psionic Mass Token [137] might give Life Essence [151]. Robot Wreckage [65] might give Battery [74]. Sand [93] might give Glass Marble [202].