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Madgamer 17 years ago
Yeah, I know I've been gone from this forum for like, what, 1 month? Summer vacation started so I shouldn't even be this inactive.

By the way, I've been teaching myself Japanese for the last month and know about 100 words, some Hiragana, and basic sentence structure. Infact, I've made some dialogues with two people using Hiragana. Quite fun I say.

Here's an example (I don't know unicodes so don't kill me for it):

Tokoro de doko desuka?
Ano... wakarimasen.
Urusai. (Or usse, fits)

(Wish I could've made this one longer. Practice makes better, or so they say.)


Where is your place?
Um... I don't know.
Shut up.

Feel free to correct me, and help me if you want. Might be fun talking to each other in Romaji.

I'm learning Japanese for the sake of crapload of animes and games I have. I wish my connection got faster... 40KBPS download speed does not look good when you want to download 1.4 terabytes of data-ness.

Here's an example of SOME Japanese games I have:

Melty Blood Re-Act Final Tuned
Touhou 7, 7.5, and 8. (Awesomeness)
Baldr Bullet Revellion (Hentai game, but it's actually pretty awesome.)

While I was gone, I think I've downloaded around 70GB in two months. Hate the slow damned speed. The Japanese Learning pack I'm getting is 12.4 GB and waiting 5 full days for it to complete is just too slow...

Anyways, yeah, that's pretty much the reason why I'm learning Japanese. Since I don't have killer hardware to play Starcraft II and the such, I've gone with the Japanese games. Most are actually fun AND original, unlike the American crappified consumer products, where just about everything is sold for eye-candy quality.

Time to watch Azumangah Daioh. Just finished.
Barebones 17 years ago
I am cunning linguist.

I know how to speak Arabic, but I am illiterate with Arabic.
E_net4 17 years ago
Well, my sis got addicted to Anime, and she's also learning Japanese.
She gets to say "kozen" instead of "lol".

Also, my attempt to learn a bit of german has failed.
The Gemini 17 years ago
A friend of mine also downloaded a Learn to Speack Japanese pack. Don't think he got far though...
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
I learned some German out of an MS-DOS game 'cause I couldn't acquire the English version. Yes, I know that's a retarded way to learn another language, but it worked. Das zug ist shaiza!
Amarth 17 years ago
It's the way I learned English. King's Quest, a dictionary. Other games, too, but it started with KQ3 IIRC. Not that I was any good at it.

Of course, my pronunciation is awful. Kids have it easy these days with games having full speech...
Anarion 17 years ago
"Amarth" said:
Of course, my pronunciation is awful.
Why not get on Skype with someone who can teach you better pronunciation?
MageKing17 17 years ago
You do have a couple people like that around.

Sadly, a large amount of my admittedly pitiful Japanese vocabulary comes from video games and anime, meaning I can shout insults and taunts at people, but can only engage in something like toddler-level conversation.

Kakatte koi!
Amarth 17 years ago
"Anarion" said:
"Amarth" said:
Of course, my pronunciation is awful.
Why not get on Skype with someone who can teach you better pronunciation?
Seriously, I'm not going to spend time on that. I'm sure it's good enough, I've had 4 years of English in school and I watch TV.
Marevix 17 years ago
I'm going to start teaching myself German in early July to prepare for the class I'm taking next year. There's also a few games (Gothic 1-3, Stranded 2 for example) that were/are being developed in German for me to play through.

Can anyone from Finland tell me the amount of English integrated in society there? I'm moving there once I graduate from the university I'm going to, and I need to know how much Finnish to learn before I leave.
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
"In Wikipedia, someone" said:
The majority of Finns learn enough English in school and from media to be proficient in that language.
Even so, the more you learn Finnish, the easier it'll be livin' 'round here.

By the way, do you have any particular place in mind as to where you're going to settle in at (god, that sounds like a horrible sentence)?
The Gemini 17 years ago
Finnish, isn't that a hard language to learn? It's not like any other language in Europe anyway.
Amarth 17 years ago
If you go somewhere, try to learn the language or at least the basics. It's a sign of politeness.
Marevix 17 years ago
"Amarth" said:
If you go somewhere, try to learn the language or at least the basics. It's a sign of politeness.

If I do move to Finland (my goal is to move there when I'm around thirty years old), I'll know at least a practical level of the language before I set off and become proficient in it over time.

"Grim Reaper" said:
"In Wikipedia, someone" said:
The majority of Finns learn enough English in school and from media to be proficient in that language.
Even so, the more you learn Finnish, the easier it'll be livin' 'round here.

By the way, do you have any particular place in mind as to where you're going to settle in at (god, that sounds like a horrible sentence)?

Helsinki is basically the metal (in addition to governmental) capital of Finland, and bands like Moonsorrow/Wintersun/Norther/Kalmah/Children of Bodom, etc. play there on a regular basis, so that's where I had in mind. The music community is one of the main reasons why I want to leave the USA - at this rate, I'll never see any of these bands except maybe Norther or Children of Bodom in the United States.

If most Finns speak English as well as you do (most Finnish bands write in English, so it must be fairly common), then most of my necessary Finnish would come in the form of reading signs/books and whatnot.

"The Gemini" said:
Finnish, isn't that a hard language to learn? It's not like any other language in Europe anyway.

It's related to Hungarian and Estonian, if memory serves.
Binky 17 years ago
"Madgamer" said:

I'm learning Japanese for the sake of crapload of animes and games I have. I wish my connection got faster... 40KBPS download speed does not look good when you want to download 1.4 terabytes of data-ness.
Yeah? Try a 16 kb download speed!
E_net4 17 years ago
"Binky" said:
"Madgamer" said:

I'm learning Japanese for the sake of crapload of animes and games I have. I wish my connection got faster... 40KBPS download speed does not look good when you want to download 1.4 terabytes of data-ness.
Yeah? Try a 16 kb download speed!
...Are you saying your Internet connection is 128kbits/s?
MageKing17 17 years ago
"E_net4" said:
"Binky" said:
Yeah? Try a 16 kb download speed!
...Are you saying your Internet connection is 128kbits/s?
They do exist, you know.

Mind you, I've spent far too much time with broadband to ever expect anything below 100 kb/s.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
Wait a minute, I'm sure I have a 128Kbit connection. That means that the fact that I rarely get 100Kb/s makes less sense than before!

Good thing I've mostly been downloading teeny files lately. No need to worry much.
ahrenjb 17 years ago
Sheesh, you think you have it rough? Try an average download speed of about 600kb/s.
E_net4 17 years ago
Mine ain't that far from yours. I usually have a 250kb/s download speed.
But anyway, why are we talking about Interwire connections in this topic?
Madgamer 17 years ago
Cause I happen to be downloading a 12.5 GB Japanese Learning file at 40KB/S.

No, really

Anybody know where to get RAW mangas/doujinshi? I need some *cough* literature, to learn a bit per-se.
Forum » Linguisticness

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