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  • Multiplayer game idea?

    Amarth 17 years ago
    I am searching for a test case to flex my multiplayer coding muscles and to test out jME networking. Can someone think of a simple yet fairly fun game to code that has multiplayer?

    Can be anything really, throw in your suggestions. Realtime would be nice, because that's the real challenge - nonrealtime message passing is easy. Oh, and Notrium is not considered easy. Not yet...

    I'm not really promising anything, either. This is just meant as an exercise for me.

    (I also have a feeling I asked this before. Didn't I?)
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Howsabout something in the lines of volleyball?

    Although I'd like a mix of GMod 10 and Blockland Retail better. This could be done by having same-sized cube-shaped objects, which could be slapped together to form interesting shapes, which would then be static relative to each other, IF they're connected with basic "welding". However, one could always have axises and other neat types of connections between the cubes, not to mention all sorts of special properties one could attach to a cube.

    But since you asked for something simple, I say "volleyball".
    E_net4 17 years ago
    I do put my thumb up on cubes as objects, where you can do stuff with them.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    How about a simple FPS-type game where you use gravity guns to throw cubes around? There are a lot of sources for models on the 'net, and you might even find enough free ones to leave the game in your to-do list once you're done playing around with it.

    But if you really want something simple, I suggest Tetris. Except you can watch what the other players are doing. Maybe even coop Tetris on a slightly larger field. The possibilities are limitless.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    That would requite some advanced physics.
    We better not use that gravity gun, unless Amarth can do it with ease.
    Barebones 17 years ago
    Physics hard to code? They're cubes, not ragdolls. Collision detection unfortunately by my understanding however is overlooked in the event of lag.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    Another argument for not using advanced physics that is.

    Amarth, did you even start making the root of the program... or are you just waiting for a good suggestion?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Barebones" said:
    Physics hard to code? They're cubes, not ragdolls.
    If it would have been spheres... And, well, rotatable cubes, that's already some math to do the collision detection.

    "E_net4" said:
    Amarth, did you even start making the root of the program... or are you just waiting for a good suggestion?
    I'm waiting now... First need to finish them exams anyway.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    And do we REALLY need hard collision detection? Do we really want to be able to throw a cube and make it bounce on the wall and the floor? Well, that could be so, but still...
    Amarth 17 years ago
    What? Do you want it to fly through walls and floors? What exactly is the point of walls and floors you think?
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    It can be spheres if you'd like. I just wanted a deathmatch game with gravity guns. Hell, make it WAD-based and use sprites as characters.

    ... That's actually not a bad idea. Might be easier, too.

    @E_net4: The gravity gun part would actually be easiest to do. All you need is to keep the object a foot or two (In the game's units) from the part of the sprite with the gravity gun, and that's not hard. That or my understanding of physics is a lot worse than it already is (Basically none).
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    What, you never move backwards?

    I suppose that's just me being pedantic, but still...

    And actually, when I read "simple", I immediately thought "2D", but maybe that's just because I never stuck with any proper programming language long enough to do anything 3D in it . But I can come up with a couple ideas, 2D and 3D alike, regardless, so here goes.

    TURN-BASED: (because hey, just because real-time might be harder doesn't automatically mean all turn-based concepts are bad. )
    [list][*]Traditional scorched-earth-style tank-fighting game, where you supply attack angle and power and try to destroy the other tank(s). No, it's not very original, but I didn't know we were trying to come up with original ideas, and the point is the challenge of implementation, isn't it?[/*:m]
    [*]Tactics game (as in, in general, no new units are created during gameplay, as opposed to a turn-based strategy game) where you have at least three unique sides, and each unit can suffer regional damage. The goal here is challenge of implementation, so I leave the exact details up to you. Perhaps 'mech combat, with the damageable regions being the 'mech's arms, legs, torso, head, etc., or something more like X-Com, and having the regions be the people's arms, legs, torso, head, etc. Or you could have spaceships (damageable regions being the different subsystems). Or whatever you feel like.[/*:m][/list:u]

    [list][*]Pong. [/*:m]
    [*]A fighting game, where powerful wizards duke it out with awesome spells (no, I wasn't even considering requesting that the most powerful wizard bear certain similarities with a certain member of this forum who just so happens to have typed this very post. Of course not. Why would you even suggest such a thing?).[/*:m]
    [*]Cormoon (hey, if you finish it first, Ville's freed up for Notrium 2 ).[/*:m]
    [*]Insert witty yet extremely relevant and thought-provoking idea here.[/*:m][/list:u]
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    Definitely go the Gate88 direction.
    E_net4 17 years ago
    A fighting game, where powerful wizards duke it out with awesome spells
    It sounds too good for a multiplayer game.
    It also sounds "Anime-like", I just hope not.

    Cormoon (hey, if you finish it first, Ville's freed up for Notrium 2 ).
    Man, we should be HELPING Amarth, not making jokes.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    A fighting game, where powerful wizards duke it out with awesome spells
    It sounds too good for a multiplayer game.
    It also sounds "Anime-like", I just hope not.
    1) If it wasn't multiplayer, why would it be a fighting game? :/
    2) Actually, my thoughts were more in the direction of Oblivion, where I delight in creating powerful spellcasters.

    "E_net4" said:
    Cormoon (hey, if you finish it first, Ville's freed up for Notrium 2 ).
    Man, we should be HELPING Amarth, not making jokes.
    If we don't have a little fun, what's the point?
    Idiota 17 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    A fighting game, where powerful wizards duke it out with awesome spells
    It sounds too good for a multiplayer game.
    It also sounds "Anime-like", I just hope not.
    2) Actually, my thoughts were more in the direction of Oblivion, where I delight in creating powerful spellcasters.

    I agree with you on that one. One can never cease to like finding new methods of killing a lot of people within a short amount of time with the lease amount of magicka, walking and time involved. The most pleasing method of execution was the paralyse/skill 5 Blade of Woe combination. It took a lot of time, potions, and stabbing, but yes, I did kill the... the... er... what was it? Daedroth? I forgot...
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    I agree with you on that one. One can never cease to like finding new methods of killing a lot of people within a short amount of time with the lease amount of magicka, walking and time involved. The most pleasing method of execution was the paralyse/skill 5 Blade of Woe combination. It took a lot of time, potions, and stabbing, but yes, I did kill the... the... er... what was it? Daedroth? I forgot...
    Or take, say, Kobu's Character Advancement mod, make Magicka increase on level up, and watch as your Magicka eventually shoots above 3000.

    Let's just say there are a lot of ways to kill someone when you've got 3000 magicka. ;P
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    What? Do you want it to fly through walls and floors? What exactly is the point of walls and floors you think?

    Of course not. It should just stick. Like throwing a large wad of gun at a wall.
    Crazy 17 years ago
    Large wad of gun? Like an armory?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    Here's the best idea ever:

    Use the idea of building stuff with boxes and/or spheres, and add into it the ability to fully customize your avatar à la Spore Creature editor.

    Add vehicle construction possibilities, and you have (possibly) the best multiplayer sandbox construction game EVAR.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    He did mention the problem with how complex the physics would get, didn't he?
    E_net4 17 years ago
    If Amarth followed Grim's ideas, the game would be too complex for just a simple multiplayer game. :/
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    He did mention the problem with how complex the physics would get, didn't he?
    "E_net4" said:
    If Amarth followed Grim's ideas, the game would be too complex for just a simple multiplayer game. :/
    Take in mind that I was just making a suggestion for a great multiplayer game, albeit a complex one. If someone here had the knowhow to do such a game, I'd be delighted to see him/her do just that.
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    If they had the knowledge, they wouldn't be hanging out with us.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    Coincidentally, Amarth isn't here that often.
    Nuklearni-okurka 17 years ago
    Making spore editors is good idea.
    Bubb9 17 years ago
    spore? are you talking about that one game will wright is making? if so how do you suggest he makes a spore compatible editor when the only people in possession of the software are the makers?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Bubb9" said:
    spore? are you talking about that one game will wright is making? if so how do you suggest he makes a spore compatible editor when the only people in possession of the software are the makers?
    Not Spore COMPATIBLE. Just something that is similar in look and feel as the Spore editor(s).
    Bubb9 17 years ago
    that would be interesting
    Nuklearni-okurka 17 years ago
    Would be even better if you could make a mp game with some players and their creatures/vehicles
    E_net4 17 years ago
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    Would be even better if you could make a mp game with some players and their creatures/vehicles
    It wouldn't, unless you didn't correctly explain your suggestion.
    Nuklearni-okurka 17 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "Nuklearni-okurka" said:
    Would be even better if you could make a mp game with some players and their creatures/vehicles
    It wouldn't, unless you didn't correctly explain your suggestion.

    E_net4 17 years ago
    I doubt Amarth will make Spore. -.-
    Also, a sandbox game is almost that way, you control your character in a map, with other players, etcetra!
    Bubb9 17 years ago
    one thing I've noticed is how RPGs almost ALWAYS force you to be a human character I for one would rather try being an insectoid or some other more abstract being
    MageKing17 17 years ago
    "Bubb9" said:
    one thing I've noticed is how RPGs almost ALWAYS force you to be a human character I for one would rather try being an insectoid or some other more abstract being
    You obviously haven't thought this through... how, exactly, is the player supposed to properly empathize with something so abstract?
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