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Forum » June, 24th of 2007 - A glorius day indeed

June, 24th of 2007 - A glorius day indeed

Marevix 17 years ago
Stranded 2 has been released in German and English. I've been waiting for this since 2004 when I played the original. I'm downloading it as we speak.
E_net4 17 years ago
I know that already, and I told some people about it in the chatroom.
I played StrandedII since version Alpha, BTW.

BTW v2.0, this should go to our games thread!
BTW v3.0, that's an ambiguous title for a topic like this one.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
Meh. The lions are too smart, and you can't indefinitely stay in the treetops to avoid them anymore. I also had trouble with not being able to find pebbles at first, being attacked by a shark, not being able to find resources at first because you're supposed to b*tchslap the trees now, losing my construction areas because of the lion, almost dying of sleep because the button is so inaccessible and I was in water to avoid the lion [...]

... So I kinda liked the original better. This one fukken wins on graphics and sound, though.
E_net4 17 years ago
Um. O.O
I also had trouble with not being able to find pebbles at first, being attacked by a shark, not being able to find resources at first because you're supposed to b*tchslap the trees now, losing my construction areas because of the lion, almost dying of sleep because the button is so inaccessible and I was in water to avoid the lion [...]
1st - You should have played the Survival Guide first!
2nd - If you don't attract the lions, you'll be safe.
3rd - How are you supposed to sleep on the water?

It ain't that hard. If you were trying a random map, try the adventure mode instead.
Anonymous1157 17 years ago
Same trouble with the adventure mode. Nearly died of starvation until I slapped a monkey dead, and then I had trouble finding edible water.
Barebones 17 years ago
"Anonymous1157" said:
Same trouble with the adventure mode. Nearly died of starvation until I slapped a monkey dead, and then I had trouble finding edible water.

You mean like ice cubes or something?
NeoGangster 17 years ago
I like the new stranded, even though it really seems harder, but if you play it for a bit and get into it, it gets easier
first you have to find a water source then you make some weapons and kill the nearby lions and while you do that you search for some food which you can plant by your water source, then you build your camp
Marevix 17 years ago
"E_net4" said:
I know that already, and I told some people about it in the chatroom.
I played StrandedII since version Alpha, BTW.

BTW v2.0, this should go to our games thread!
BTW v3.0, that's an ambiguous title for a topic like this one.

I've been playing it since beta 1.02. I downloaded one of the alpha releases some time ago, but it crashed upon startup on my PC. I read that it was more of a graphics/sound test than an actual playable version, though, so I didn't miss much.

I find Stranded 2 to be quite easy, myself. A quick guide for those having issues surviving:

1. Food supplies
-Crabs, turtles, and kiwis are harmless and easily hunted for their meat.

-A fishing rod can be made from a cord and bent branch (use cotton/wool from a cotton plant or sheep in random maps for the cord, whack a tree for a branch and use it on a water source) and provides an easy, infinite source of food in the right coastal location.

-On maps that have it, a large quantity of seaweed can be gathered by whacking the greenish underwater plants.

-Various fungi and berries respawn every several days on maps that have them.

-With a bit of practice, one can learn to backpedal away from lions and hit them with a melee weapon without being struck.

2. Water supplies
-Every map has at least one water source, marked by a small fountain of water shooting from a rock with a water reservoir.
-Some maps (the first adventure map has two) have a fountain-less reservoir that allows for several uses and refills on rainy days.
-30 leaves can be combined with a rock to make a water vial that restores about 2/3 of the thirst bar.

Shelter is relatively self-explanatory - make a hammer (branch + stone) and erect a building site for a shelter. Whack things for resources based on logic (rocks yield stones, some varieties of tree yield branches, trees with visible vines yield vines, and so on).
E_net4 17 years ago
The Alpha version WAS playable. The adventure mode wasn't complete, though, and there were few units and items.
The Gemini 17 years ago
Guess this game will ride on the LOST popularity wave. At least that's why I'm D/Ling it.
Pete 17 years ago
I couldnt find a scond firestone.
E_net4 17 years ago
It took me a while to find it too. XD
Search behind them rocks. The firestones are aprox. on the opposite side.
Pete 17 years ago
Meh, I mapeditored it in, went to pick it up, started a fire, them while hunting a monkey took a wrong turn and found the firestone.
Mika 17 years ago
Wow, this game is great!
Anarion 17 years ago
I'm rather impressed with it myself. I've reached the point in the first island where I'm completly self sustaining. I have crops, a house and a well. It's quite an enjoyable game. I can't work out how to make an axe tho.
Murska 17 years ago
"Anarion" said:
I'm rather impressed with it myself. I've reached the point in the first island where I'm completly self sustaining. I have crops, a house and a well. It's quite an enjoyable game. I can't work out how to make an axe tho.


Oh, and make a tree-house to find a pick-lock(German translators...) to open the überstable axe/pick-axe resistant crate in the rocks.
Anarion 17 years ago
I already have that lockpick. I got it when I built my hut. I have yet to find the bloody parrot tho.
harwe 17 years ago
first..... 5 or so days... survived by wilderness food, ie butterflies, mushrooms, berries, etc.... while mass farming wheat and making a system of each day harvest/plant 6 crops or whatever their called to start making bread easily... then develop buildings and food supply... whenever ready, continue with adventure plot... if playing the adventure plot (invisible phantom ship lmao)

anyone notice the weird skill system... funny how you can plant trees and bushes by planting leaves.. which also makes farming for wood easier hehe
Marevix 17 years ago
"E_net4" said:
The Alpha version WAS playable. The adventure mode wasn't complete, though, and there were few units and items.

It was? I must have misinterpreted/forgot something, because I remember it as having been described as more of an engine test than a playable release.
Murska 17 years ago
"Anarion" said:
I already have that lockpick. I got it when I built my hut. I have yet to find the bloody parrot tho.

My hint: Stand on a hill with a net, wait for a parrot to fly to the rock, they'll get stuck for a second(maybe), catch.
E_net4 17 years ago
Oh Wells, make sure you put those stuff in a spoiler. Lucky that I already know all those stuff.
I'm in the fourth island.

Note: Fish.
Murska 17 years ago
"E_net4" said:
Oh Wells, make sure you put those stuff in a spoiler. Lucky that I already know all those stuff.
I'm in the fourth island.

Note: Fish.

Of adventure mode? I finished that. Yeah, fishing is my primary source of food. Eating fish also affects thirst, and on a fishing spot you get a fish every time. They don't even weigh that much.
E_net4 17 years ago
I did actually take a long time on the first island, I could have left it a big while ago. Now I'm having fun on this one.

"Then we drink cup of tea."

"[] You guys have cups?"
"[] You guys have tea?"
So hilarious. XD

Note: I made a map and an item (pen knife), which can be downloaded in the UnrealSoftware forums.
Forum » June, 24th of 2007 - A glorius day indeed

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