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  • Ideas for future Notrium versions

    Crazy 16 years ago
    "Aegis" said:
    3. Cut-scene support.
    Pure. Awesome.
    I thought it's already possible to place cut-scenes within the game. Just not animated ones. Or if there is a feature that waits for a certain amount of not clicking and then changes frames, you can also make animated cutscenes.
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    "Aegis" said:
    3. Cut-scene support.
    Pure. Awesome.
    I thought it's already possible to place cut-scenes within the game. Just not animated ones. Or if there is a feature that waits for a certain amount of not clicking and then changes frames, you can also make animated cutscenes.
    No, I mean in-game cutscenes with controls which can move creatures across a waypoint, and start a dialog. I'll like it if it could also control the player.
    Redemption 16 years ago
    Thats possible if you use eat items.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    How would you halt the player's movement?
    Redemption 16 years ago
    You could do the player thing by using effects 1, 10, 49 & 54 (Effect 10 would drop a creature graphically identical to the player).
    Aegis 16 years ago
    "Redemption" said:
    You could do the player thing by using effects 1, 10, 49 & 54 (Effect 10 would drop a creature graphically identical to the player).
    Yes, but who knows what the AI will come up with? It's quite random.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Hmm. If you make them nonaggressive so they only go after these eat items, make each one go after a different eat item, and be very very careful while you're scripting... it could work. In theory.
    Kaizer 16 years ago
    1.- I have always believed that if something like the alien queen attack you, you should fly through the sky, and if a bullet hit you, you should feel a great pain and divert your aim

    I would like much to the fact that there can be more "interactive" and hard fights, of course in a big difficulty

    I explain it: the queen may be able to grab you and trow you or attack you so strong that your aim flyes out, and with the bullets could be the same thing, someone shot you, hit your hand/weapon and move your aim, because sometimes is pretty easy, just run and shot, if you get injured you heal and you kill it without problems.

    2.- some aliens and creatures are advanced, and they know that some preys dont see well in the night

    i say that some aliens/animals could go to hunt in the night, when the animals cant see, including the player, that could make that others foes cant attack very well in darkness (the marines could have a bad aim in night) and that could make that the player have more concerns in the night

    "watch out, the reapers are deadly in night, but giant things are in the day"

    The idea of the more usefull journal is very good, the human could put some combinations of surviving teachings
    TRG94 16 years ago
    by what you guys are saying ive got and idea or 2

    think fortress defence, big map as u say with 2 fortresses on either side, then chuck in food and energy spawners in each fortress and add in key componants such as your fortress has somehting that they need to make a spaceship to get the hell outta ere and vice versa.

    but this doesnt produce a proper storyline so it might be better suited for a little player v bot map

    thats the problem with some of the things youve come up with, lack of anything to build a story, this is for later versions not for maps

    also, this is about the game, not the music files it plays, lay of of it.

    i like the idea about a race's city (1 human city, 1 android etc) the idea of giving someone a shop and selling stuff, but the thing is with most rpg's is the fact that the bots might not go to your shop, youll have to write more scripts for the ai, and if you just choose sell and it sells it, you might as well be a person going to someone elses store

    the thing is, if this is supposed to be a sequal with more elements, then in the spirit of notrium, keep it as a survival game.
    z5151 16 years ago
    Escape pod makes it off notrium and lands on a differnt planet. A primitive planet like back in the stone age with intelligent races that form camps so that you can join them or destroy them and one superior race, like ville corp, that is living away from the primitives and not interacting with them.
    Hemebond 15 years ago
    In order of preference[list=1][*]Open source[/*:m][*]Support for multiple operating systems (esp. GNU/Linux)[/*:m][*]Cleaner, simpler 2D graphics[/*:m][*]Completely data-driven[/*:m][*]Seamless world[/*:m][*]Deformable/destructible terrain[/*:m][*]Procedurally generated world[/*:m][*]Eco-systems[/*:m][*]Constructable/destructible buildings[/*:m][*]Natural resources[/*:m][*]Swarm AI[/*:m][*]Weather[/*:m][*]Stimuli event system[/*:m][*]Python API for mods and scripting[/*:m][/list]I know you can do it.
    harwe 15 years ago
    "Hemebond" said:
    Open source
    I'm all for this, but I don't think Ville would make it Open Source. But I wonder... if Notrium was open source, would we still need the scripting part of Notrium or directly mod the code itself?

    Speaking of source, what is the Notrium engine written in?

    "Hemebond" said:
    Deformable/destructible terrain
    Constructable/destructible buildings
    If done correctly, everything is destructible.

    "Hemebond" said:
    Cleaner, simpler 2D graphics
    What about 3D?

    "Hemebond" said:
    Python API for mods and scripting
    I hate Python, stick with what the pros use: Lua.
    Hemebond 15 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    "Hemebond" said:
    Cleaner, simpler 2D graphics
    What about 3D?
    3D would be nice. Something like Space Hack but with the camera directly overhead.

    I was also referring to the pure 2D elements of the game such as the HUD and GUI; those need to be kept clean and simple.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    "Hemebond" said:
    Open source
    I'm all for this, but I don't think Ville would make it Open Source. But I wonder... if Notrium was open source, would we still need the scripting part of Notrium or directly mod the code itself?
    Definitely the scripting part. The core of Notrium is just a giant interpreter for the scripts. Besides, it's easier to mod the scripts than to change code.
    Speaking of source, what is the Notrium engine written in?
    C++, with a 2D library (Grim2D) that uses DirectX.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "harwe" said:
    "Hemebond" said:
    Python API for mods and scripting
    I hate Python, stick with what the pros use: Lua.
    The pros do use Python.
    ville 15 years ago
    The new game I'm working on basically supports most of the things I've had in mind for Notrium 2. So when I'm finished with the new game, I'm probably going to make Notrium 2 as a mod for the engine. But I'm hoping some of you might also try something Notriumish with the engine before I get the time to do that.

    The engine is 3D, but to ease modding, we don't actually have any 3D models made with professional 3D tools. Rather we have sprites and lots of them.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "ville" said:
    The engine is 3D, but to ease modding, we don't actually have any 3D models made with professional 3D tools. Rather we have sprites and lots of them.
    Hooray for sprites!
    FinDragon 15 years ago
    So if we are allowed to idealize this game here is a few thing. /some of them are already said though)

    -better graphigs
    -walls, stones and other movement stopping props provide cover.
    -more items
    -marines shout something like: intruder get him and such.
    -can talk to allies after they've met. (like in kotor and mass effect and such games)
    -trees provide hiding places
    -marines first priority if possible, is to shoot aliens first
    -still bigger map
    -alternate endings (like leaving your allies behind and escape or staywith them till end)
    -change race gender.
    -enemies cant shoot so accuary outside the screen (i was stuck at ship cemetery very long because sniper marines shot me before i even saw them)
    -camo-suit to hide from enemies
    -more same kind of items on ground. ( i gave my radio to hermit at the start of the game and i took me forever to find a new one.
    -more food options.

    well that all i can imagine now, hope it was some help
    FinDragon 15 years ago
    oh oh and i forgot, a journal that can view earlier messages would be nice too
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "FinDragon" said:
    oh oh and i forgot, a journal that can view earlier messages would be nice too
    Doesn't this Notrium feature that already?
    FinDragon 15 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    "FinDragon" said:
    oh oh and i forgot, a journal that can view earlier messages would be nice too
    Doesn't this Notrium feature that already?
    duh, i found it right after i posted that idea.........
    shadowfire123 15 years ago
    How about a variety of pets (maybe a baby dragon!) And imbuing weapons so like fire shotgun!!!!
    Quantumsingularity89 14 years ago
    Something I found in another thread: Enemies should tell if someone shines a flashlight on them, and also recognize other light sources.
    I'd love creatures that are afraid to come near your fire and prowl just outside the ring of light...
    Venom31 14 years ago
    I thought they already could recognize a flashlight... At least aliens seem to get on me as soon as they see me with it on, while ignorant if I walk by in darkness.
    ville 14 years ago
    Yeah, they're more prone to notice you with the flashlight on in the regular version. In Notrium 2 there definitely should be some creatures that are afraid of fire, it'd be cool to see them back away from it.
    thomaz117 14 years ago
    had a little think about ideas for notrium

    i was thinking that there should be deffinaly be a character maker
    which can let you choose your gender girl or boy (goes the same with other races such as aliens andriods etc....) a girl or boy should have there own surivial skills (so your going have to add skills such as wood cutting herblism weapon making etc.... but they also will get the same skills as a girl if your boy and the same with girl just more experience in that skill than he or she )but they can both have their own certains skills.anyways boy should be able to attack harder and have more defense and mably a special attack ,while a girl can run faster and dodge attacks plus she can have a baby (goes the same with other races ehhh.. i dont know how an andriod is going to do that lol)she can have one by getting married ill tell how in what in general notrium should have.aswell notrium should mably have different classes such as assasian a brute a physco and etc...

    notrium general ideas:

    notrium in general should be a bit like wazzal going from planet to planet and in some planets there should be citys were you can buy or sell items weapons armour etc...
    plus people you can talk to get missions and get rewards for them
    now onto the part were i said that a girl should have a baby. you should be able to marry people you like and they like you and then you can have your own child.
    notrium should also have cars (ive seen the hover bike so atlest thats one car)
    there should also be a shop were you can upgrade weapons for money and the parts you need to upgrade it

    thats all for now
    Narvius 14 years ago
    That sounds like a full-fledged RPG rather than a survival shooter like Notrium. You might want to keep track of ville's upcoming Driftmoon thingie (heh, I almost wrote Cormoon).
    E_net4 14 years ago
    I also disagree. Those features wouldn't fit in a survival game. Also, how the heck can there be a female android!?
    "Narvius" said:
    (heh, I almost wrote Cormoon)
    I wonder whose idea was to let both have "moon" on it.
    thomaz117 14 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    I also disagree. Those features wouldn't fit in a survival game. Also, how the heck can there be a female android!?
    "Narvius" said:
    (heh, I almost wrote Cormoon)
    I wonder whose idea was to let both have "moon" on it.

    well if notrium 1 you escaped in whatever way
    then how the heck would you want to get stuck on the same planet again (not saying that u said anything about going back to the same planet ) but there has to be somewhere to go but still
    that doesnt make a good story line thats like me leaveing planet and then say
    *oh crap i forgot to bring my jellys better go back and get shot down by missles*

    plus the female andriod thing was just me messing for i dont even know how you can do that
    Narvius 14 years ago
    I'm sorry, but... what?
    Pete 14 years ago
    I THINK he is talking about Notrium 2... I think.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    Even though it's slightly understandable, it still fits in my concept of gibberish.
    He's trying to say that the player shouldn't go back to the same planet again, which wasn't exactly stated before. Also, I don't know what he meant with the female Android.

    Notrium, as far as I know, is a space system, so it doesn't really have to crash in the same planet. Not that I disagree with having more than a planet, but I wouldn't want to spend my time travelling rather than surviving. There should be something like stargates that connect distinct planets. Though I agree that the planet in Notrium 1 didn't show such an advance in technology, there would always be some planet with intelligent species. In addition, I'd rather keep the survival genre and take away the Wazzal style gameplay from it.
    Narvius 14 years ago
    "E_net4" said:
    intelligent species

    Ville Corp :>
    Venom31 14 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    intelligent species
    Ville Corp :>
    Sure, but in N2 they must be made more intelligent first to fit your note
    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    "E_net4" said:
    intelligent species
    Ville Corp :>
    As we know, there were no teleportation devices in Notrium 1. It would be mandatory for them to implement it in the mining field if they actually had portals. And Ville Corp developing a teleportation system right after the storyline of Notrium is improbable.
    Forum » Ideas for future Notrium versions
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