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Forum » Can't seem to get Notrium to run at all...

Can't seem to get Notrium to run at all...

aj 17 years ago
I cannot seem to get Notrium to run properly on my computer. Given that noone seems to have reported this as a bug, I can only assume that it's something I'm doing wrong, so I'm asking here.

Basically it starts fine, but once I go to the tutorial the game will freeze for between 15-30 seconds at a time, during which my system becomes totally unresponsive. Then it will unfreeze again for perhaps two or three seconds, and freeze once more. The music skips when this happens, but otherwise plays unabated. Is there some setting I'm missing or something? I've tried it in both 16 and 32-bit modes, but nothing.
MageKing17 17 years ago
Computer specs?

Only in the tutorial, or does it happen in the normal game as well?
Bien45 17 years ago
Why don't you try turning the music off?
HJP1993 16 years ago
I can't get the default mod to run correctly. All I can do is play the tutorial.

When I got to default and click start game it pops up with the standard error message.
I.E.: "Notrium.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close"

Like I said the tutorial works fine but I can't seem to get the vanilla mod to play. I just downloaded the game to this pc and I'm not sure about other mods.
If anyone can tell what to do to fix this then, Please, Please, tell me. I'd love to start playing Notrium again.

P.S. The version I have on this pc is one I downloaded today form <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w -->.
Anarion 16 years ago
Have you tried reinstalling it? Or if that doesn't work, re-downloading it? Something may have gone wrong during the install or the download might have been corrupted. It happens.
HJP1993 16 years ago
I found out what is was now.

I had canceled out some of the scripts in script(s).dat and I had canceled the last script before the end of file line. For some reason that canceled script was causeing a problem with the game because as soon as I deleted that the game worked perfectly!
Grim Reaper 16 years ago
"HJP1993" said:
I found out what is was now.

I had canceled out some of the scripts in script(s).dat and I had canceled the last script before the end of file line. For some reason that canceled script was causeing a problem with the game because as soon as I deleted that the game worked perfectly!
How exactly did you "cancel" those scripts?
HJP1993 16 years ago
just with the
colon ;
character. I figured that they were for comments and that the game would ignore them, It did to as long as it didn't have the script in front of the endoffile command.

I hadn't felt like just deleting them because I wanted to add some of my own scripts and I know I'll want to put them back in eventually. I just commented them out so I wouldn't have to copy over the file and add my scripts back in later.

If that isn't the proper way could you tell me how I should be doing it?
Pete 16 years ago
Im not really sure Notrium can handle commentaries, but I think the proper way would be //.
Grim Reaper 16 years ago
"Pete" said:
Im not really sure Notrium can handle commentaries, but I think the proper way would be //.
Ah, yes, now I remember it myself. The semicolon simply denotes end of line, so the // should be used instead.
HJP1993 16 years ago
Ok. Thank you.
Forum » Can't seem to get Notrium to run at all...

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