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Forum » Eveningstar's Music

Eveningstar's Music

Eveningstar 17 years ago
Here is some music I've made lately. My main genre is orchestral, but I compose some techno and wnb-metal too. I am amateur game composer.
Sounds are pretty crappy in the most songs, since I mostly use free soundsfonts and VSTs. The program I've made these with is Fruity Loops Studio 6. I recently purchased EWQL Symphony Orchestra and Symphony of Voices -VSTi libraries too.

I'm just a beginner, but yeah, I've worked hard because I want to improve. So it would be nice to have some constructive criticism. =)

Overline (Main Theme)
My latest and probably the best one. Orchestral and epic... or at least it should be. Main theme for a game.

The Light Around You
Song I made when I tested new choir sounds, Symphony of Voices. It has a warm feeling in it, and I concentrated in the polyphony. But the melody isn't anything special.

The Darkest Path
Song with sad and pretty dark lyrics... and it sounds pretty empty because I haven't found anyone to sing... :weep: Pretty simple piano song with guitar and some synths in it.

Righteous Fight
Another piano-guitar -song with lyrics written. This one should be encouraging and emotional story with some synhesizer and oboe solos. My instrument is oboe, so I like to use it everywhere.

Yeah, piano-guitar-stuff again! This is actually my first song in this genre... I call it wnb-metal. Pretty simple without any kind of main melody, pretty random parts in one song.

One of techno songs I've made. I don't like making these as much as orchestral, but this one just had to be done. Name comes from IRC-bot from #jonneweb @ quakenet.

Actually this is probably my first techno song. It's made for a game project "Overline" which I'm working in. It should have cold, lifeless touch in it by purpose because the game tells about future, very dark one.

In the Edge (v2)
This one's for Overline too. This time Orchestral beginning will fade to more heavier ending. Our team leader liked this pretty much.

Heart Cries of Pain
Sad orchestal the ending of the our game. The song itself is meant to be looping in the background so it sounds probably pretty repeative.

The Final Day
Credits theme for... guess what, Overline! This is probably one of the worst songs I've made IMO but our leader liked it... so I guess it's going to be there... (but honestly, this one has NOTHING in it.)

Maze Theme
This one's for game (as the rest in the list), but not Overline. The game this one belongs to is simple puzzle where you need to find your way through the maze. Happy song without too much emotion and it's very simple as well.

Eh, not actual fanfare, this is my first test with EWQLSOSE sound library. The sounds are very nice, but that thing eats all power from my computer.

Opening Theme
Opening theme for a fantasy game, but this (like the rest) is not for a specifc game, it's made for one Finnish game maker team as a song that everyone can use in their games.

World Theme
A second song for free use in the team. This one took some time to get finished, because I have been very busy with my studies. The song is meant to be very emotional theme for an adventurer.

World Theme 2
A third song for the team, but originally I made this for one friend of mine who wanted a theme song for his WoW server. Very simple and repeative, so it doesn't feel emotional enough. I truly failed with this one...

Distant Lands
I started making an album with some kind of a story written within. I named it "Flowing Fantasy". This is one of my own favourites, emotional and not too repeative. The main melody is near the end.

Eye of the Tiger
At the moment the only ethnic samurai-themed song I've completed. This is my older work and sounds pretty crappy, but it's still one of my favourites.

Light & Darkness
Pretty old song I composed for a competition. I was 2nd.

You can find more my older work from here. It's the soundtrack I made for our amateur movie, but the project died.:weep: Some of these songs are going to be in Overline Soundtrack as well.

I hope you'll like. ^^
MageKing17 17 years ago
I... I have no idea if this is a spambot or not.
Eveningstar 17 years ago
"MageKing17" said:
I... I have no idea if this is a spambot or not.
No, it's a real user with bad English. (If that's what you mean...?)
But man, I never realised I was THIS bad!
Crazy 17 years ago
It's mostly that we've had some rather obscure spambots 'round.

Wnb-metal? Teh shit that means?
Eveningstar 17 years ago
"Crazy" said:

Wnb-metal? Teh [censored] that means?
I call it that way becuse it can't be called real metal...
Grim Reaper 17 years ago
Ergo, the "wnb" stands for "wannabe".
Crazy 17 years ago
Ah. "Wannabe metal".

It could ofcourse just be "orchestral metal", something like S&M from Metallica.

Also, imho, the only "wannabe metal" is metalcore.

I only listened to "Victim" (i have a 11KB/s connection, so...), which was interesting, the combination of piano-guitar was a bit strange and really didn't work out well. Though i listen, not write, is would suggest attempting to use the piano as the lead instrument, while creating a wall-of-sound effect with powerful rythmic guitarring. Also, the downtuned guitars of groove and death metal don't fit an instrument such as the piano. The definition of extreme metal is pretty much "ugly music" ("ugly", but not "bad"), the piano, though it can also play melancholic music, remains a beautiful sound. Extreme metal is also very furious, a letout of pent up anger, the piano is unfit for this. On the other hand, gothic metal (and doom metal to a lesser extent), attempt to combine the furiosity of extreme metal with female vocals. Gothic metal very often has dual vocalists, a trained female singer and a male vocalist usually doing screams. This is another thing i would suggest you take from. Namely gothic metal has, within a song, very different tonality, while "Victim" had both the piano and the guitar going on through the song. One thing you could try doing is replacing the piano with an organ altogether to create a more epic atmosphere.

Sorry for only being able to listen to one song.

-Criticism from a metalhead
Eveningstar 17 years ago
Thanks Crazy!

I'm still pretty unsure which genre would suit that song the best... and I know that pino and guitar aren't that... beautiful together. But this song is old, and back then the piano was one of the rare intruments with a large scale of sounds and a sufficient sound quality. I have a solo guitar, many of them actually, but non of them are working propelry. The one I'm using the most often is sometimes unwilling to cooperate. When I listen the song it's okay, but when IƤve rendered, I notice that at least half from the melodies have vanished. That really piss me off somtimes... I've tried many other guitars as well, but their quality is crap.
And yeah, Victim was my first "heavier" song actually, and I've made some progress with those other two songs. Still there's piano and chord guitar, but also strings and oboe. And actually, both have lyrics as well. I didn't post them here because they really suck hard.

But I'm sure I'll test organ some day, thanks from the idea!

I'm still pretty unsure what could be the real genre... if there's one. That's why I've been calling then "wnb-metal". It (probably) isn't any real genre. And I don't think there is a real one for that kind of stuff. =/
Crazy 17 years ago
There IS no genre, but you can either not set a genre for it or you can make one up.

[EDIT] Another suggestion, this time rather practical: no offense, but the drums sound like shit. I don't know if you compose the whole thing on one program, but if you don't, you could just aswell use a drum program called Hydrogen, i uses it myself and iz gud. [/EDIT]

[MOAR EDIT] Listened to "The Darkest" path. Liked it. Fits together perfectly, and would work very well as game music ('course if the guitar was real) [/MOAR EDIT]
Idiota 17 years ago
I might not know a whole lot about music, but I do know when something sounds good. At first I thought you were just another person who advertised his load on our forums, but I guess I'm wrong, because it's actually not that bad. Can't help but think of some of the earlier generations of games when listening to Overline.

I might listen to some more tomorrow, but I might forget. I might, or I might not.
Eveningstar 17 years ago
"Crazy" said:

Another suggestion, this time rather practical: no offense, but the drums sound like [censored]. I don't know if you compose the whole thing on one program, but if you don't, you could just aswell use a drum program called Hydrogen, i uses it myself and iz gud.
Heh, I know. I've always been bad with rhythm, but I'm trying to improve.
Crazy 17 years ago
Nono, that's not what i meant. I meant that the drums themselves sound like shit.

I would actually be rather interested to see a bit of notation for The Darkest Path, the drums played fills for a third of the entire songs and some of the fills repeated, creating a rather interesting break to the beat. Funny i never noticed this before. :S
MageKing17 17 years ago
Well, I'm listening to Overline right now, and as soon as I heard it, I immediately started downloading the rest. By the way, the link for In the Edge (v2) is broken.

I must say... you've got talent. Keep practicing, and keep up the good work.

Thumbs up.
Anarion 17 years ago
Yeah, I listened to a couple myself today. Very nice.

Edit: I LOVE the wnb-metal stuff! Thats great. The guitar sounds are kinda crappy, well...Ok they're really crappy, but it's definitely a good start.
Amarth 17 years ago
Interesting... Good stuff.

What is this Overline game if I might know? Is there some info on it somewhere?

Also, if you don't mind me asking... Why is a personal post about your music the first post you make on this forum? Sound kind of strange to enter a random community to make a somewhat unexpected post...
Eveningstar 17 years ago
I would actually be rather interested to see a bit of notation for The Darkest Path, the drums played fills for a third of the entire songs and some of the fills repeated, creating a rather interesting break to the beat. Funny i never noticed this before. :S
If you can download FL Studio 7 demo it could be possible. I'll e-mail the project file for you.
By the way, the link for In the Edge (v2) is broken.
Fixed. The link is in my first post.
What is this Overline game if I might know? Is there some info on it somewhere?
It's just an amateur game made with Multimedia Fusion X (or something like that) and it's going to have a website... but the quality isn't anything compared to these great games this site has in it. It's our team leaders first game actually...
Why is a personal post about your music the first post you make on this forum? Sound kind of strange to enter a random community to make a somewhat unexpected post...
Well, I just registered, but I have been visiting this place many times before since I truly enjoy Bikez II and Notrium.
I just thought that in the place like this there would be people interested from game music. And I get on well here even I can't understand all the posts I've read.

Now I just uploaded two new additions for Overline:
The capital of new world is under attack and no one knows who is behind it. This piece was just a test to make battle theme -like music with EWQLSOSE.

Dark Feeling
This on is made only for keeping up the feeling you get when you discover who really was behind all the surrounding suffering and the worlds current state. But yeah, this one has nothing surprising in it.
Forum » Eveningstar's Music

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