Question. The rules talk about removing players with non-positive HP from the game at the end of the turn. Given the order of actions as in the first post, when would be the exact time to remove them? I can see 4 possibilities, each with at least one reason to pick it:
At the exact end of the turn (Thursday, 23:59) This would mean they are already out when votes are counted, and thus that they cannot keep proposals from being passed by being not around. This would also mean that it's impossible for a dying player to save himself by launching a good proposal - only score heals can help him during that last round.
Whenever it is mathematically impossible they will regain enough HP to have a positive amount by the start of the next turn. Which means loads of thinking, but it'd be pretty flexible. Someone who launches a proposal might stay in, while someone who is really inactive will get kicked out at the end of the turn, or even when there aren't enough points left to heal him.
After voting, before redistribution. To disallow the leading player to give his points to someone who will be out next round anyway.
After redistribution. Because that would be the same time as the score >= 0 check.
What do you think? If no-one has a preference (or something to leave out), I'll just pick the thing that gives me the biggest advantage.