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    Murska 16 years ago
    VC is shorter to type. Also, as Idiota said, the conjoiners are rather less in numbers, as seen in the backstory, and their current only planet isn't as good. But whoever wins this battle will control the new colony anyway, so...
    Also, better story if the conflict escalates further. Having the conjoiners just win the first and only real confrontation is a bit anticlimatic. Also, we have them outnumbered and we have more PCs.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    the conjoiners are far too calculative to be RPd effectively.
    Excuse me?
    Crazy 16 years ago
    Well, that's my opinion, anyway. I'd rather be VC than conjoiner. Only joined conjoiner because the balance of PCs would be ridiculous otherwise.

    Also, i think Idiota should kick off the battle as he's the only one that knows how the mechanics of this specific kind of ship-to-ship combat works.
    Idiota 16 years ago
    Ok, so lengthening the conflict it is.. Mind you, if you really want your character to survive you can allways narrate something that allows it. Even if your character dies, I will allow you to pick a higher rank for your new one, as most players will have recieved a promotion for their fighting. I will leave the post for tomorrow morning, a but tired atm.

    Last note: The conjoiners will not go down without a fight. If there are any last moment change of hearts, it's quite easy to adjust a few things to allow the battle to develop a lot different, seeing as how equally matched both sides are.
    Murska 16 years ago
    Also... Do fighters have anything with which to hit missiles with or are they too fast to track?
    Crazy 16 years ago
    Perhaps flares for smaller missles, larger nukes or such can be intercepted? Freespace, anyone?
    Idiota 16 years ago
    smaller missiles can't be intercepted, so you'll have to indeed use a flare to divert them. But bigger missiles with large payloads can be intercepted and destroyed.
    Exile1291 16 years ago
    this dead topic is just a shame... lemme breathe some life into it with my application .

    Name: Rilus Argaro
    Faction: Freelancer
    Job: Assassin for hire
    Current location: Loindred (is this allowed? else i'll settle for any other planet.)
    Flavor ( oh yeah! ):
    Rilus was born a conjoiner in the year 2234, his mother's implants had already turned him before he was born. he can remember the day the Outworlders attacked Loindred, vague images of sudden red flashes in the sky. during the years when a normal teenager would be in high school, he was taken by rogue Conjoiners, and taught how to stay in the shadows, and how to strike from them. he was also taught limited skills with computers by his only friend in life, Dr. Ethan Dius. Dr. Dius was killed when conjoiner forces found him working with the rogues however. now, 29 years later, Rilus decided that even though he is a conjoiner, the murder of his friend kept him from officially joining their ranks. instead, he will work for the highest bidder.
    Murska 16 years ago
    "Exile1291" said:
    this dead topic is just a shame... lemme breathe some life into it with my application .

    Name: Rilus Argaro
    Faction: Freelancer
    Job: Assassin for hire
    Current location: Loindred (is this allowed? else i'll settle for any other planet.)
    Flavor ( oh yeah! ):
    Rilus was born a conjoiner in the year 2234, his mother's implants had already turned him before he was born. he can remember the day the Outworlders attacked Loindred, vague images of sudden red flashes in the sky. during the years when a normal teenager would be in high school, he was taken by rogue Conjoiners, and taught how to stay in the shadows, and how to strike from them. he was also taught limited skills with computers by his only friend in life, Dr. Ethan Dius. Dr. Dius was killed when conjoiner forces found him working with the rogues however. now, 29 years later, Rilus decided that even though he is a conjoiner, the murder of his friend kept him from officially joining their ranks. instead, he will work for the highest bidder.

    Thanks for reminding me of the RP. Someone should continue it.

    Anyway. Problem with being a freelancer is that it probably drops you from the whole current conflict since it's a war between the only two factions and they don't hire mercs. Or maybe they do. Idiota?

    Also, are there rogue conjoiners?
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    One wouldn't think so... neural implants probably make going rogue very hard.
    Murska 16 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    One wouldn't think so... neural implants probably make going rogue very hard.

    Unless the implants can be modified.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    Yes... but here's the thing. Depending on how Orwellian the Conjoiners want to go, they could just modify people's personalities so that they wouldn't want to. You'd need some unaltered people around to perform the modifications, and I'll bet the Conjoiners don't let unaltered people walk around at all.
    Murska 16 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    Yes... but here's the thing. Depending on how Orwellian the Conjoiners want to go, they could just modify people's personalities so that they wouldn't want to. You'd need some unaltered people around to perform the modifications, and I'll bet the Conjoiners don't let unaltered people walk around at all.

    Yeah... I'd say it depends on their society anyway. Since if there'd be one rogue conjoiner, via malfunction, modification or whatever, he could change others. But... Whatever.
    Exile1291 16 years ago
    i was afraid the whole implant thing would stand in the way of my rogue-ness

    i was thinking of letting Dr. Ethan Dius to be one of the original conjoiners, held alive by artificial means or something, and he'd still have a degree of independence from the other conjoiners, but i thought that would impact the story too much, so i didn't do that XD
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    You should have. It makes things far more interesting, and provides a level of plausibility. One of the original conjoiners might have had the capability to pull something like that off, and by killing him off in your backstory, he can't influence the ongoing RP.
    Exile1291 16 years ago
    crap .

    but are we participants allowed to make such decisions?

    and besides, i DID make the good Doctor create rogues, and rogues also have the capability to create rogues

    so... without further ado:

    File 455387,
    Dr. Ethan Dius, Autobiography chapter 17:
    [transvid screen]:
    Date: 23 march, 2068
    "...But enough about that, my best acknowledgement would be my creation of the algorythms, necessary to mimic brainwaves, for the Cynode project."
    "The Cynode project was meant to help mentally crippled people regain some funcionality in the society, but it turned out to be far more than just that."
    "people with Cynode implants, who weren't even able to walk before implantation, started to show such amazing skill in not only motor skills, but logic, mathematics and linguistics as well, they were capable of thinking much faster than the average human, much more in control of their limbs and thought."
    "But, it took away their humanity, as they started getting upgrades from the corporation, they started losing emotion and morals, some even went as far as basing their whole life on numbers and logic."
    "this, i thought, went too far, but as i was preparing to shut down all these nodes, i found out about the other scientists, they called themselves "the conjoiners" now, and all they were out for was to brainwash the entire planet using these implants."
    "i was afraid they might notice me tampering with my algorythms, which would have shut them down effectively, so i decided to play along, waiting for my chance."
    "so you might say, my greatest blessing on humanity, would also be their greatest blight..."
    [End video]

    now that i wrote this, i think it is too bad i killed him in my background, and so... non-heroic as well

    Edit: oh yeah, this is only from the doctor's point of view, i don't want to picture the conjoiners as "evil", since that would depend on your point of view
    The Gemini 16 years ago
    Actually, this is in my eyes a great idea. It makes the whole RP far more interresting. Dr. Ethan Dius makes the backstory of the conjoiners more intricate and complex, and as you know in a storydriven freeform RP the backstory is as important as the ongoing story itself.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    "Exile1291" said:
    but are we participants allowed to make such decisions?
    Yes and no.

    Yes, you're allowed to do make the decision and type the things out as though that decision were true...

    ...but no, the decision isn't really made unless other people agree. Which we do.

    "Exile1291" said:
    now that i wrote this, i think it is too bad i killed him in my background, and so... non-heroic as well
    Killing him off in the backstory is the only way to make it work without unbalancing the main RP.
    Exile1291 16 years ago
    alright , so... any chance of this RP kicking of in the first place?
    Murska 16 years ago
    We've started it in the AETAS 2 thread. What did AETAS mean again? Well, anyway, the original AETAS was a more RPish continuation to the previous EETEE, Extremely Evil Thread of Extreme Evilness, which started out as a chaotic spamfest/joke-thing, and was quite fun, and then was forcibly turned into an RP by Mageking.

    It died. AETAS died. AETAS 2 almost died but I recently posted in it, we've still got hope!
    Idiota 16 years ago
    It kicked off, but everyone kinda let it die. (including myself)
    Murska 16 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    It kicked off, but everyone kinda let it die. (including myself)

    Your turn.

    Continue it!
    Idiota 16 years ago
    I just did, but we kinda need some opposition to respond.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    From my old AETAS page (which is no longer linked anywhere, I think):
    Q: What exactly is this AETAS thing anyway?

    A: The AETAS was orignally going to be the Role-Playing Thread of Well Thought-out yet Interesting and Occasionally Argumentative Posts, but the acryonym was too cumbersome (RPToWToyIaOAP), so we went with Awesomely Entertaining Threaded Adventure Story (AETAS). Also, aetas in latin means "Period of Life."

    "Idiota" said:
    [OT] Not gonna make this to long since we really kinda need some conjoners to start posting! And I'm not talking about MK...[/OT]
    Well, I could RP the entire Conjoiner side of the battle myself, but I have other things to be doing.
    Exile1291 16 years ago
    i think i found the old AETAS in the intelligent conversation forum.

    can't wait for the next chapter, i wanna join in now
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