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Forum » companion mod

companion mod

seddo111 16 years ago
this is my first mod
so far i have made a dog that follows you and attcks thing really close to you.
but i am having trouble with a script to heal it when you drop a health pack by it, i have searched the hermits scripts but can't find it, also i was wondering if there was a script so that i could feed it as well?
MageKing17 16 years ago
Both require the same thing: Food items (or maybe not, the Hermit might just have a timed block to look for medkits nearby, it's been a while. ).
seddo111 16 years ago
thanks, ill try this out
seddo111 16 years ago
hopefully, as soon as i finish the scripting, ill upload my dog mod for any onw who is interested
Draco 16 years ago
Well is your mod ready
Draco 16 years ago
Dont know if you finished or know this but the alien pet may has the scripts you need also based on this you could let it heal when it reacht maturity and so like this
pup>young>yougnvile>adault(mature)> and elder?(not so good hm)
seddo111 16 years ago
i am propper anoyed, nearly finished it, but the damn laptop that i had it on wont start, shud be able to do it again. but it will prob b a little bit, got loadsa coursework atm
sorry people ill hopefully have it in about a week
Forum » companion mod

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