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Forum » Something silly for trying times.

Something silly for trying times.

Idiota 16 years ago
Just follow these steps and post the result

Month of birth:
January - I yawned at
February - I loved
March - I texted with
April - I gave a blow-job to
May - I walked away with
June - I fucked up
July - I choked on
August - I burned
September - I got drunk with
Oktober - I woke up next to
November - I raped
December - I jumped

Day you were born:
1 - an orange
2 - a flute
3 - a garden gnome
4 - a floorcloth
5 - a train
6 - grandma
7 - the whole world
8 - a bottle of wodka
9 - you cutely
10 - a cucumber
11 - a poodle
12 - a lamp
13 - a tree
14 - a horse
15 - a picture
16 - a lock
17 - a spoon
18 - my best friend
19 - a chair
20 - a candle
21 - a nun
22 - a toilet
23 - King Kong
24 - a pornstar
25 - Jezus
26 - an iPod
27 - a christmas tree
28 - a surfboard
29 - myself
30 - a disc
31 - a wig

Color of your shirt.
If you have two or more colors, choose the dominant color, or just pick 'something else.'
Blue - because I'm a noble
Green - because I enjoy talking to trees
Pink - because I'm in love with Barby
Yellow - because I don't shave certain places
Black - because I'm hot
White - because it's my hobby
Purple - because I'm worth it
Gray - because the voices in my head like me more than you
Red - because I'm just fucking stoned yeaaaaaah
Brown - because I'm horny
Striped - because I like ladybugs
Orange - because I'm in love
Something else - because I have no life.

I'll kick off:

I yawned at a train because I like ladybugs. (Probably the most boring combination, but ah well...)
Murska 16 years ago
I yawned at a surfboard because I am a noble.
varsi 16 years ago
I fucked up a pornstar because I'm hot

... LOL.
Grim Reaper 16 years ago
I got drunk with a train because it's my hobby.
Amarth 16 years ago
Bah, trains. I got drunk with my grandma because I have no life.
E_net4 16 years ago
How nice of you to find such an amusing game.

I jumped a pornstar because the voices in my head like me more than you.
Aegis 16 years ago
I loved my best friend because I'm hot.
Idiota 16 years ago
"E_net4" said:
How nice of you to find such an amusing game.

Lack of forum activity has been killing me lately... I saw the Dutch version of this online somewhere and I thought a wth, I'll translate it for you guys.
Narvius 16 years ago
I woke up next to a flute because the voices in my head like me more than you.

speedblade 16 years ago
I'm born June 29th and am wearing a blue shirt...

I [censored] up myself because I'm a noble.

Nobles simply are smart enough to figure out how to solve the world's "birth control" problems.
MageKing17 16 years ago
I fucked up grandma because I'm noble.

...Hmm. I'm not sure I like this game.
Crazy 16 years ago
I woke up next to a spoon because i'm hot.

Isn't it ironic that mine makes no sense whatsoever?
MageKing17 16 years ago
No, I think it makes perfect sense.
Anarion 16 years ago
I jumped a toilet because i'm hot.
Joozey 16 years ago
I got drunk with cucumbers, just because I'm hot.
Bones 16 years ago
I yawned at a wig because it's my hobby. I'm a weirdo.
Darkdude 16 years ago
it disturbs me how many of you are wearing black shirts......
Bones 16 years ago
It's because beer stains cannot be seen as easy on dark shirts rather than white... My girlfriend wouldn't like that... She's so clean.

OR we are all perverted cultists that are here to eat you alive.

It's your choice...
Murska 16 years ago
Hey, my shirt is red! Red with the blood of innocents.
Bones 16 years ago
AKA Watch out darkdude...
Idiota 16 years ago
Hmm... I have like 2 black shirts. I prefer wearing white, even though it stains easily.
Nuklearni-okurka 16 years ago
I yawned at a toilet because I'm noble.
muffinman 15 years ago
I jumped a nun because I'm hot.

Um... Lol?
Idiota 15 years ago
exactly the point of this thread, friend!
Acron 15 years ago
I yawned at an orange because it's my hobby. Lol, quite weird, isn't it ?
Forum » Something silly for trying times.

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