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Forum » 28 Years Later (MOD)

28 Years Later (MOD)

JDIZZLE 15 years ago
This started as sort of a simple training mod but now that it's almost finished i am looking for testers. It is about zombies infesting a small town. You can either be a Leader or a Loner. The Loner starts out in the woods and has to fight his way to the town but he is faster and starts out with better weapons. The Leader begins in the town and controls a ragtag group of survivors. He can give orders and his strength come from his followers since he's slow and has a more limited selection of weapons. The Leader can also find more survivors in the town and in other precarious positions around the game world. Small and simple game but since there are SO few completed mods available i would try to get it on the official Notrium modding page after being finished up and tested more. Also, any graphical help is greatly appreciated and credited. Anything from zombies, survivors, roads, new walls/door textures are all wanted. It's obviously set in the near future and certain cool tech will be available to the player such as the laser pistols and a phasing device that allows you to go through walls!
roburky 15 years ago
Your best option for testing is getting people you know to play it while you watch them. You can get so much more useful information from seeing where and how people get confused, frustrated, or enjoy themselves than you can from written text feedback.
JDIZZLE 15 years ago
When i read the SOS thread i saw that you wrote about your testing steps and that was one of the first ones, so i'll start with friends and familia.
roburky 15 years ago
It was 2D boy's guide to playtesting that I followed when I first started doing it:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Their game World of Goo has been getting some amazing reviews, so it's obviously worked for them.
JDIZZLE 15 years ago
Yea i played the free Tower of Goo game like a while ago, good game and i wanna get the new Goo on the wii soon.
Gregg 15 years ago
It sounds awesome, but I wouldn't want to test it, as I won't be able to explain / express anything. I'm more at home with mathamatics than english writing, LOL.

Edit: Do you have any idea on the release date? I love zombies so much I can't wait.
JDIZZLE 15 years ago
I'm glad to see interest Gregg. I'm almost done right now, i just want to dabble in some cool features rather than JUST a kill-run around-kill sort of game. The story is pretty basic and most of the maps are in urban areas which is new. All i need right now is a few textures and a cool headshot death sequence =]. Release date for a very early version is at most 1 week. If you have any suggestions feel free to suggest away!

P.S- Me too =P
Gregg 15 years ago
Yeh, I have a bunch of ideas, but I don't think you'll want to use them (because I basically jot down the first thing that comes to mind):

Zombie animals
Trainable animals
Infection (bite) meter
Stealth so you can get pasts Zs.
Candles. Cause I liek candles. I have a red one burning now.
Tinned food With a tin opener
Knifes, Machetes, Axes, Crowbars
Pistols, SMGs, Sniper Rifles, SAWs, Rifles, Flame Throwers, Rocket Launchers, Uzis, Acid bombs, Grenades (smoke, fire etc.)
Silencers, Scopes, Bipod, Red dots, Hi cap mags

Stuff like that .
JDIZZLE 15 years ago
Wow, we are totally on the same wave-length right now. I have like 75% of those ideas written down on a page in my 28 years later book. =) There will definitely be zombie animals like crows and infected dogs (stole that from Resident Evil). I might make you have a dog(or something more interesting) companion that would do something but it might become frustrating to have to care for it. An infection meter could go up when attacked by an infected person and down if you inject an antidote that can be found scattered around the game. But what would happen if tje bar fills? In a zombie game Urban Dead you can become a zombie but can also be returned to human form. Maybe there could be zombie missions that you must complete before you can be cured? I am not a huge stealth fan but the zombies in the game were created with bad eyesight and hearing so sneaking is possible. Ummm no candles yet, but i am working on a lightswitch that you click to turn on the lights in the room. Axe, SMG's, shotguns, laser pistols, flamethrowers, grenades(only frag) and CHAINSAW are mostly done already.. I am also planning on either having a sniper rifle or a grenade launcher as game super weapons. The trick is that they come in seperate peices (barrel, stock, trigger, scope) and they take a loooong time to assemble. But once built they kick boo-tey. Weapon modifications could be cool, hi-cap mags, laser sights, a scope that lates you see farther are possible but not in development right now. BTW good ideas!
Gregg 15 years ago
Thanks. The lightswitch idea sounds awesome. I would be terrified of putting the lights on incase a zombie grabs my hand...

The sniper rifle thing sound soooo cool. Imagine you need one last part, and it's on the other side of a zombie filled room!
Would zombie missions include hunting down animals for food (birds, cats etc.) and the oppisite group (the leader or loner).
Or would you have a special immunity which meant you were an "aware" zombie, and you had to find someway to cure your self, but you might have to eat a live cat for hunger .
JDIZZLE 15 years ago
I think a zombie mission could be destroying a certain survivor outpost or supply cache. That way becoming a zombie would be a punishment because it would make surviving tougher later when you become human. If you die as a zombie should the game end? or should the game just revive you again in a short time? A cool tactic could be an infection skill that could turn animals and survivors into your minion zombies. But when you turn hunan they'll try to kill you which would force the player to plan ahead about the size of your horde. Another idea i've been thinking about is barracades. I could turn doors into creatures with health and the player could reinforce it with raw materials and time. But if Z's are following you when you enter the building they will start to destroy the door. I might also make it so when you are badly hurt you "bleed"-drop zombie eat items so they can follow you. Those are all things i might add but for now i want to totally complete the basic version of the mod ASAP and add on to it later.
Gregg 15 years ago
Aww that is so cool! Trying to hide in a building and they follow you! Dude, that's awesome.!!
JDIZZLE 15 years ago
I am still working on this mod and tomorrow i will be able to work on it fully and might finish it. I am not a good level designer so suggestion about city designs would be credited and used.
seddo111 15 years ago
id love to test or help in any way, me n my m8 were tryna make a zom notrium mod, but my laptop broke lol
JDIZZLE 15 years ago
Sry i haven't been on in a while(crazy school stuff). This mpd is still being developed! As soon as i get an unembarassing version i'll let people get their testing hands on it.
seddo111 15 years ago
well, ill b lookin 4ward to it lol
JDIZZLE 15 years ago

Haha Hey everyone, this mod is not gone! It is shambling along at a zombie's pace but still moves. After playing Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel Without a Pulse on my xbox and as my new year's resolution I am going to finish the game.... or atleast get something for everyone on the forums to chew on out soon. Expect more from me in the coming days!
seddo111 15 years ago
well, whenever you getit out, ill still be happy to 'eat it up'
JDIZZLE 15 years ago
I am pretty positive the Notrium Mod Viewer was sent from heaven to be my best friend! I just discovered it and i'm impressed and amazed. The application eliminates 90% of the typo and confusion issues i was having before. Anyone who hasn't gotten it yet or has tried to mod without it and quit needs to use it. I am making loads of progress because of my current spring break status and the Mod Veiwer thing has probably doubled my productivity and efficiency. I doubt anyone will turn up but i am currently looking for ANYONE to do artwork. A zombie creature sheet at this stage would really be appreciated and credit would be dually noted. Thank you to everyone in advance!
MageKing17 15 years ago
"JDIZZLE" said:
credit would be dually noted.
Duly. Dually would be if it was noted twice or something.

To address your actual request, finding anyone willing to do artwork for a Notrium Mod seems to be virtually impossible. Your best bet is to give learning how to do it yourself a shot.
seddo111 15 years ago
i have made the main character into a cop if you would like to use that, and if you want ill do my best to make new textures, just not sure how to upload it?
seddo111 15 years ago
i know its been quite a while, but if you ever do look at the forum any more, i would love to have all the files, so i could continue this
Forum » 28 Years Later (MOD)

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