Voice acting would be no problem . I can find more than enough ppl to do the voice acting. But If you say it'd be easily out of synch, then forget about it... We'll just need some ppl groaning, screaming and mumbling 
About desctructability, that wouldn't be our primary objective. Maybe, some puzzles would require some destruction, but I find it hard for a simple cop to break his car in pieces
About the "sleep" thing, I think you're right. Probably the "speed time" would be easier. But how about random spawning to see if the player manages to sleep the whole night without being disturbed? Like: Player sleeps. Time soeeds up. There's then, let's say, 30% of chance of a group of zombies entering the house the player managed to barricade. Also, we'd need two story building, for the player would have to break in a house, so the door would be useless, allowing zombies to break in, as well through the windows, forcing the player to actually barricade only the stairs, thus saving barriers-debris. Then we'd have to set the 30% probability of a zombie trying to break the barricade. I don't know if that would be possible, we still have to examine the code thoroughly. But it'd be great to have trip-wires. Imagine the situation:
The player found a 2storey house with the following layout:
----------------------------| |--------------------------- | | | | | | | | | - - | | | | | | | | | | - - | | | | | | | | | |-----------------------------TTTTTT---------------------------- | | | | | |--------| | | |-STAIRS-| | | |--------| | | | | | -----------------------
He has two possibilities: Either he just barricades the top of the stairs, in which case he would only wake up (slow time back to normal) if zombies actually started to break through the barricade. Or he sets a tripwire with some soda cans where marked with T, so that he wakes up whenever a creature goes through the tripwire. Wooooot? Who's gonna program that all???? Of course.... Me. 
Also, it'd be great to have a shopping mall... We have a special plot for Typhoon City Shopping Mall 
If you are near finding a good police car, it'd be gr8. If not, then I'll just reinstall GTASA, and take a picture of the police car from above. Possibly, take pictures of all the cars, so we'd have a big population of cars to fill the roads of Typhoon City.
At last, I've started some work on the player's creature, but I can't get it quite right though... Maybe you could fix it up? Or even make it better? We'd need him (and her) punching, knifing, shooting with a sidearm (one hand weapon), shooting with a shotgun (like the original animation maybe), shooting with a 2handed automatic (like the original, but with no animation), and throwing. I didn't even try editing the "throw" animation... When I tried to color it, it would lose the transparency. And don't worry about the ragdolls. We think we got someone to draw it as well. Just bear in mind. He's white, brown hair, she's white, gold hair. I don't know if it would be pratical to have two creature's sprites. One for when the player has the bulletproof vest on, and another for when it's off. And Typhoon City's police officer uniform is black, with short sleeves.