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  • Notrium Mod Viewer

    Endymion 16 years ago
    Wonderful. Haven't really tested much but still I have some suggestions:
    I think that in the error list or whatever it's called, same kind of errors cropped together like this:
    Field 'Combines with' of Items(12, 13, 1>ItemCombination has value -1 lower than 0
    would be better than:
    Field 'Combines with' of Item(12)>ItemCombination has value -1 lower than 0
    Field 'Combines with' of Item(13)>ItemCombination has value -1 lower than 0
    Field 'Combines with' of Item(1>ItemCombination has value -1 lower than 0
    (a small bug? in example said Items should have combinations part as red but it isn't so I'm guessing that fields with edit button aren't checked for errors while viewing)

    Being able to filter what fields are shown and such or even better be able to compile some sort of list with only the wanted fields shown so that you wont need to go through them one by one to see a certain detail...

    advanced and summary search.

    Also links to the objects could be worth considering for example in "what links here" but should it open it in a new window or the one being used or depend on the type of window... tabs would be great so you would have at most about three windows open at the same time instead of a dozen.
    ZeXLR8er 16 years ago
    "Endymion" said:
    Also links to the objects could be worth considering for example in "what links here" but should it open it in a new window or the one being used or depend on the type of window...

    That would be fantastic.
    About the tabs, personally I'm not sure that they would be necessary, but then again they would hardly be a negative either.
    Dorten 16 years ago
    Links to objects I'm thinking about it, but my interface-creating experience is too small to wrap my mind around this task...

    For now, I concentrated on more simple tasks.

    Just try and see the difference with previous version (Effects are not yet finished)

    I apologise to anyone who is interested in well-being of this project, but it will evolve much slower now, as the NY vacation is long over, and I my work takes almost all my time.
    ZeXLR8er 16 years ago
    "Dorten" said:
    Links to objects I'm thinking about it, but my interface-creating experience is too small to wrap my mind around this task...

    For now, I concentrated on more simple tasks.

    Just try and see the difference with previous version (Effects are not yet finished)

    I apologise to anyone who is interested in well-being of this project, but it will evolve much slower now, as the NY vacation is long over, and I my work takes almost all my time.

    Hey Dorten, what actually is new in this version so I know what to look out for?
    harwe 16 years ago
    Good stuff man, are you heading for a mod editor?
    Dorten 16 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er" said:
    Hey Dorten, what actually is new in this version so I know what to look out for?
    Try changing the type of some condition for example.

    And a bugfix ops:
    Dorten 16 years ago
    And even an update, with effect dynamic fields set up.

    Now... to the buttons in descriptions!!!
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    You keep posting new versions before I even have a chance to try the old ones.

    Good to see you're still working on this, though, it's really cool to see this tool evolve.
    KArthur90 16 years ago
    I'm gonna ask a very noob question so take it easy.
    Is NMV recommended for modding? More specifically creating a new mod? 'Cuz I read somewhere that the previous editor, NFV, used to eat up mods.
    MageKing17 16 years ago
    NFV was made for an old version of Notrium. This is being actively developed for 1.341, so it shouldn't eat your mod (although make a backup just in case you find a bug that does eat your mod).
    Dorten 16 years ago
    Every time you save mod with NMV, it backs up all contents of Data\ModName folder. So no need to bdo backups yourself.
    And also, in case of bugs, don't forget to tell me about them. (What did you do, what should've been happened and what actually happened)
    ZeXLR8er 16 years ago
    "KArthur90" said:
    I'm gonna ask a very noob question so take it easy.
    Is NMV recommended for modding? More specifically creating a new mod? 'Cuz I read somewhere that the previous editor, NFV, used to eat up mods.

    KArthur90, take it from an old modder, it's definitely recommended for modding. Whenever I've used it it's worked fantastic, and it's nothing like the old Jan's File Viewer (which was great for its time, but just a bit buggy You'll find though that often you will still spend a lot of your time editing directly from the .dat files; this program is best used in combination with the old methods. Even if you don't wont to use it as an editor, simply use it to check your code before you open up Notrium, and to check that everything will do exactly what you intended it to. It's absolutely invaluable for that, and makes things so much easier.

    I know the program copies back-up files automatically, but I would always recommend making your own periodic backups just in case. That isn't saying I don't trust the program, I simply do that all the time, even when editing the files directly. You don't ever want to risk messing up your whole mod because of one untraceable careless entry.
    happybro 16 years ago
    This is the best tool ever, tho i wonder if u can link maps together with it?
    Quanrian 16 years ago
    You guys really need to PM me or Ville about this kind of stuff. This seems promising and if it helps promote easier Modding, we're all for it. This 'can' be hosted here on the main site, but not if we don't know about it, and we need to make sure it's not creating more bugs in the files than it's saving time. The old NFV had a habit of fubaring your files, and I'd like to see that avoided. If you the creator of this thread would please PM me their progress, I would appreciate it. I can likely give you some foresight as well.

    P.S. Sorry guys I'm not checking the forum so much anymore. You can ALWAYS PM me to grab my attention, so please do.
    KArthur90 16 years ago
    I've been using it for some time now, and I haven't got a single bug that wasn't caused by me ops:
    IMHO, it is flawless (apart from some spelling mistakes [intencity is actually intensity ])
    The only downside I found is that when you create a new entry on a dat file, you have to reload the mod for the viewer to recognize the new entry while editing other dats. For example: I create a new particle, ID 6. If I want to use it on a weapon, I have to reload NMV before it appears on the particles list while editing the weapons dat.
    Dorten 16 years ago
    "KArthur90" said:
    intencity is actually intensity
    "KArthur90" said:

    The only downside I found is that when you create a new entry on a dat file, you have to reload the mod for the viewer to recognize the new entry while editing other dats. For example: I create a new particle, ID 6. If I want to use it on a weapon, I have to reload NMV before it appears on the particles list while editing the weapons dat.
    Well, actually you just have to select another weapon in the list, and it will reload the particles.
    KArthur90 16 years ago
    "Dorten" said:

    Well, actually you just have to select another weapon in the list, and it will reload the particles.

    Hm... didn't noticed/tried that ops:
    ville 15 years ago
    This seems like a great tool, good work! I posted a newsitem of this.
    JDIZZLE 15 years ago
    OMG!!!! This program is amazing! It saves a bunch of time and will definitely ease beginners into modding. Even creating more complex things is easier because the program tells you what the conditions and effects actually mean! It is fantastic and i am positive that it should be hosted on the site next to the barebones mod to create a great newbie modder starter pack.

    btw did you program this in VB?
    killas900 15 years ago
    Wow... This is awesome, saves soooooooooooo much time!

    Also, I would like to revive N3D in us... so PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE VISIT THIS SITE!!

    All we need is some traffic on this site, just so people get curious, if you can help in anyway, textures, 2d renderings, coding, scripting, storylines, COME ALONG!! DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU CANT DO MUCH, JUST DO IT!! AND AN AWESOME GAME WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ALL OF US!!!!!

    Thanks for listening.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    Which has nothing to do with Notrium Mod Viewer.
    fifth 15 years ago
    this programm is truly a gift from the heigths of heaven xD
    it made modding about 10 times easyer and faster (and easyer to understand)
    this (and the fact that i have holidays) made my mod progress burst! ...from: crashing once i want to implement anything, next time i'll throw this stupid computer out of my f***ing window
    to: yeah got few weapons working n' some other stuff already a bit tweaking xD

    i only saw one (very) minor mistake yet (and im terrible sorry for not remembering it ^^')
    Quanrian 15 years ago
    Sorry that I haven't been so active in the forums. I do try and follow the more important things going on. It seems there haven't been any negatives to this and I have always been a major promoter of modding with Notrium, for obvious reasons and probably some that newer forum members may not know. I'm going to promote this thread to an announcement(of which there are fewer), rather than a sticky. I hope this doesn't bother anyone, I just don't want this getting mixed in with the mods, as I really feel this will help fuel the modding community. My only condition, is per usual, the creator must continue to show proper support. If anyone has any outright objections to me promoting this thread, so it can be easily found, please PM them to me.
    Dorten 15 years ago
    Heh heh... It actually gave me enough motivation to continue working. You know, my brain once again entered the state of boiling ideas
    Dorten 15 years ago
    Here's the first try on links in descriptions. It's buggy for sure, cause I don't have time to test new feature today.
    The problem with strings not wrapping down is harder than it seems: I use linklabel control, and if I use AutoSize, it will grow right (like it does now), and without AutoSize it wraps down, but I can't determine how many strings it has (to extend its height and move all other labels). Help?
    Dorten 15 years ago
    The bugfix:
    - shifting links in descriptions
    - ugly metainfo in object lists
    - SLOW loading of maps info (it's still SLOW, but about two times faster than it was. It just takes too damn long to render thousands of linklabels )
    Quanrian 15 years ago
    I'm glad I could encourage you to continue working on it. I'd hate to see you stop before you 1.0. This could be the royal kick in the rear the modding community has needed for the longest time. As for rendering too many things, find your limits and than display enough that it doesn't bog it down. This way you can move from chunk to chunk, with speed not taking a significant hit. Try it out and see if that works for you. I'm not sure what you mean about wrapping. We really need to get your link onto the Notrium page, and not just the News. You might want to start keeping a changelog as well.
    Dorten 15 years ago
    "Quanrian" said:
    As for rendering too many things, find your limits and than display enough that it doesn't bog it down. This way you can move from chunk to chunk, with speed not taking a significant hit.
    Aww... I knew, that I'll have to do something like this. You know, I'm not very good on making efficient interfaces Oh, well...
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Perhaps someone else can help? I have some knowledge of programming, and there are a few others on the board too. It's a bit hard to fix slow code without the code though...
    Quanrian 15 years ago
    We live and we learn. If you know it's your weak point, all the more reason to improve at it. As Amarth sagely suggested, there are plenty of people within this forum you can get help from. I know quite a few in these forums know how to program and I think even MageKing in the past was going to make Notrium Modding editor.
    Dorten 15 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    It's a bit hard to fix slow code without the code though...
    My code was not slow there. But it produced the control with thousands of children. And rendering this control was slow.

    Here's the first try on fixing the problem (as Quanrian suggested). It now shows only those linklabels, which should be on screen. The scrolling is more discrete, though, because now the single step is a linklabel, not a pixel -> a bit squeaky and flickerish scrolling. But I'm working on it.
    Dorten 15 years ago
    Another bugfix, not related to this new control. (Fixed some variable field definitions, deleted old unused code etc.)
    spoons 15 years ago
    so from what i've gathered from this forum is that Dorten did some thing really really good for modders and now it's easier? sign me up! i don't know how to mod but i guess now is a golden oppertunity to start learning. thank you Dorten. i've been putting off learning how to mod for a while, but you've given me a swift kick in the pants (that's a good thing)
    Dorten 15 years ago
    OK, I have some more time to work on NMV.

    Say, would you like to see the feature like this: when updating an ID of something automatically update it in all the references?

    There will be some probs with double ids of course, but they are solvable (I hope)
    D000M 15 years ago
    Thanx for a great stuff. Modding is much easier with that.
    Also, heya all. (1st post)
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