Hey happybro, sorry about not giving you any feedback earlier. The mod sounds great, as long as you stick with it. Unfortunately, I just don't have any time to be able to personally help you out, but please feel free to download Wazzal II from my thread and steal absolutely any graphics/sounds/code etc that you want, as long as you give me credit somewhere in your mod. As long as you ask permission, I'm sure almost every other modder here would be more than happy to let you use their files as well, and as always all the graphics and everything from the original Notrium are there for you to use, until you learn how to make them yourselves.
For information on making graphics (especially creature graphics), make sure you read Quanrian's modding FAQ on the main monkkonen.net site. It's absolutely invaluable for anyone getting into modding, and it explains making graphics step-by-step. If all else fails, simply edit an existing file (replace the frames that show the head with your head, frames that show the body with your body, frames that show the footsteps with your footsteps etc) and use it as a guideline.
One more thing: for our sake, stick away from deadlines lol. I should know this more than anyone here; I can guarantee you that there is a 0 percent chance of you getting the full version out one week after the demo. That's no insult to you, it's just I know from experience that whenever a modder gives a time, they're often out by a factor of at least 7. But please, I'll be very happy to be proved wrong! 
Good luck with everything mate, and as always, feel free to use the "Modding Questions" thread for more help!