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Forum » Disease Mod BETA RELEASE!!!!!

Disease Mod BETA RELEASE!!!!!

happybro 16 years ago
(Parasitic Alien):
You are a special kind of alien parasite that was found by a strange planet called Notrium. Scientists have experimented with your kind and sensed that your a dangerous life form, so they tried to destroy all of your kind with a nuclear strike.But during the explosion you somehow managed to live and learnt how to survive on your own. Finally after 21 years of resting and fixing your body, you wake up and see an alien walking towards a big city, you sneak into its body unnoticed and shrink into a bacteria-like lifeform so you can start evolving and destroy it from the inside.

So generally the point of the game is that ur inside a body (alien) and u will be controlling a small bacteria-like alien whitch will grow stronger and by time u will be able to learn stronger attacks, u will be given various missions to do in order to wreck the body and eventually get out of it, there will be more though (if there are any feedbacks)

And also i have made lots of graphics so far, approximetly in 1 week i'l start giving screenshots and eventually release a beta for you to test and see.

Small Edit: I know this plot reminds some of u the game SPORE but its waaay different

greets from happybro
happybro 16 years ago
Ok Yall who are seeing this post, u can watch this everyday because every now and then i update this progress bar ^^ once the Overall is at 100% i will give out the beta + screenshots for you to see and play ^^ then a new progress bar will be made for the actual version

Progress: Beta

Maps 100%
Items 100%
Enemies 100%
Weapons 100%
Terrain 100%
Bug Fixes:100%

Progress: Full Game

Bug Fixes: 11% (note that this can decrease and increase, it depends on how many scripts,etc i have put in and are bugged)
ETA: 1 week & 5 days

greets from happybro
ZeXLR8er 16 years ago
Hey happybro, sorry about not giving you any feedback earlier. The mod sounds great, as long as you stick with it. Unfortunately, I just don't have any time to be able to personally help you out, but please feel free to download Wazzal II from my thread and steal absolutely any graphics/sounds/code etc that you want, as long as you give me credit somewhere in your mod. As long as you ask permission, I'm sure almost every other modder here would be more than happy to let you use their files as well, and as always all the graphics and everything from the original Notrium are there for you to use, until you learn how to make them yourselves.

For information on making graphics (especially creature graphics), make sure you read Quanrian's modding FAQ on the main site. It's absolutely invaluable for anyone getting into modding, and it explains making graphics step-by-step. If all else fails, simply edit an existing file (replace the frames that show the head with your head, frames that show the body with your body, frames that show the footsteps with your footsteps etc) and use it as a guideline.

One more thing: for our sake, stick away from deadlines lol. I should know this more than anyone here; I can guarantee you that there is a 0 percent chance of you getting the full version out one week after the demo. That's no insult to you, it's just I know from experience that whenever a modder gives a time, they're often out by a factor of at least 7. But please, I'll be very happy to be proved wrong!

Good luck with everything mate, and as always, feel free to use the "Modding Questions" thread for more help!
happybro 16 years ago
hehe ^^ ty for your feedback and yes i know i readed threads in here like years ago about mods and almost 99% of the mods are dead, so i decided like a month ago like what the heck why not try my own? it cant possibly be that hard, so here i am, so i know what you experience and i guarantee u that beta/demo will be out sooner or later (maximum 1 week) because my exams are over so i have more time to mod . And again ty (for letting me borrow some sprites and teaching me how to make my own), and yeah i have readed fully the mod FAQ and am using NMV whitch is totally awesome editor with no bugs at all.

PS1: btw i forgot to tell you how awesome your mod was, it has to be like top3 best mods, its very cool, specially build 5!!

greets from happybro


Oki because i dont like double-posting or posting the same, il be updating everyday my progress on open beta and full version, the updating will be done in my 2nd post (because im trying to avoid double-postings,i dislike them honestly)
happybro 15 years ago

As ZeX stated below this post, i accidently missplaced the paths of the sound/graphics/etc..if i caused any problems im very sorry, now the link is updated with the correct paths:

LINK: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... A.rar.html</a><!-- m -->
ZeXLR8er 15 years ago
Great! I'll have a look at it as soon as I have some spare time!

One important thing first though: I've installed it and discovered that the way you've archived/.rar the files is not right at all; within each "data" "textures" "sounds" folder, you need to create a new folder that has the name of your mod ('disease') and put your files in there.

I've fixed it up and posted the correctly working version here:

To anyone downloading this mod: DO NOT download it from the rapidshare link that happybro posted, use the above link instead. Otherwise, it will ruin your Notrium install and you'll have to delete the whole lot and re-install it. I'll remove this message once happybro updates his link.
themados 15 years ago
k i played this and destroyed the stomach core there are a few things that are annoying such as you need to tell us when we get deadly claws and please remove he evolve feature on fat because the evolve item does nothing.
happybro 15 years ago
ofcourse, aslong as it makes every1 enjoying the game i will fix it, ty for your feedback

just 2 questions though:

1)how did you know i had deadly claws as a weapon since i haven't released them yet?
2)did you notice that when you evolve ur health/energy bars increase by 10? (btw im going to increase the increase value as it is very low for 20 fat)

PS: inside the stomach i didnt want to make the turrets as it makes it quite hard so i'l have to remove them from their current place
themados 15 years ago
you do receive deadly claws at around 600 morph points i got them and it is way to difficult the only way i could make it to the stomach was removing the die script because the turrets kill you in 1 second flat and everything else kills you in 4. also you need more fat and for some reason the arms clear themselves off enemy's at a certain point. and why does the stomach core heal you?
Forum » Disease Mod BETA RELEASE!!!!!

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