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Forum » Cannibalism mod

Cannibalism mod

DrLector 15 years ago
I have recently created a mod where you can kill and eat people. Many things in this mod are different than any other notrium mod. I will probably get my first version of the mod sometime this month. Since I cannot make this mod completely on my own I will accept any help given and I will update frequently to let everyone know how the mod is coming along. If anyone is willing to help me with anything or suggest Ideas, feel free to post them.

I am having issues with killing people and cooking them with a fire. I use the brown alien corpse (I just change the corpse to a dead person) as the human corpse and I have the cooked meat and the fire but when I try to cook the meat, the game crashes. Could someone tell me everything that is involved with cooking the brown alien corpse in Notrium (creatures.dat, scripts.dat, items.dat, etc.) so I can figure out what I am doing wrong and hopefully fix the problem.
Pete 15 years ago
Mmm, its hard to help without any actual code, but Ill try to search my faulty old memory anyway.

...*grind*... *bee-boop* *ba-doop* /divide by zero error, (i)gnore, (r)etry, (a)bort?: i *boop*...

Righto, as far as I remember, the corpse checks if its near a fire plot object, and if it is, removes itself and gives you some meat items. Id suggest checking if you HAVE said meat item and fire plot object, as well as if you have the correct IDs in the condition.

EDIT: Wow, 4 days after the post.
DrLector 15 years ago

Mainly I create my mod by copying code from other mods which usually works.

So the fire is a plot object? Well, that solves the problem (I was using fire with the light palette)

I was just about to put a download of my mod up when for some strange reason, it started crashing when I started a new game. I am trying to fix that and will get around to it sometime tomorrow or the next day. Expect a demo of the mod within the week.

Also, if I cannot figure out what the problem is soon, I will upload the mod WITH the bug and see if anyone can download it and figure out what is wrong with it. This is not likely to happen because I am pretty sure what is wrong.
DrLector 15 years ago
I have released the first version of my mod

Download: (sorry, something happened and I can't upload it [it's complicated])
Please let me know if the mod works. Before you play read the readme and it will explain everything going on so far.
Quanrian 15 years ago
"DrLector" said:
Mainly I create my mod by copying code from other mods which usually works.

I'm just going to warn you, if you use this practice, to make sure you know extensively what the scripts you're copying do. If you don't understand how things work that you use, you'll have major troubles when you have to do bug hunting in your mod. Before you add large chunks of scripts, make sure you backup your work as well. There's nothing worse than ruining your work with new scripts that you put into several files and having no way to revert back to a previous more stable version.
DrLector 15 years ago
I am a very fast learner. I have familiarized myself with notrium modding and I know what everything does, and yes I have had my fair share of crashes and plenty of bugs, but trust me, [i]I know what I am doing[i] I also have a backup file for my mod. If something does go wrong, I have the mod on two computers (One computer to draw with GIMP [the faster computer] and another computer which I use to get on the internet) so I am sure I know what I am doing. Thanks for the concern though. It saddens me to see very potential mods go to waste because the creator was incompetent.

In release related news, I am intending on releasing a playable version soon (When is soon? Whenever I get around to uploading it )
DrLector 15 years ago
This mod isn't dead yet! I haven't been working on it in the past few months but I'm ready to start again.
There are two main things I want to focus on right now:
-I do not use ANY dialouge ingame (mainly because the ingame dialouge always bothered me, secondly because I couldn't figure out how to script people to say dialouge at certain points ) so I created invisible plot objects that, when you step over them, a dialouge box appears and describes what is going on (also includes dialouge like in a book. Ex. He said "put out the fire," but she replied... and so on). For the first time that I know of, I am including actual ingame voices for dialouge every time a human character is wounded or dies (I may further the dialouge if I can)
-one thing I didn't like about Notrium was that the flashlight was part of your body when you turn it on. I am going to attempt to make the flashlight an actual "weapon" that uses the visual effects of a flashlight so you have to choose between the flashlight or a gun or melee weapon. Later on in the game, I will utilize the amazing combination system to make it where, if you have a gun, duct tape, and a flashlight, you can combine them to make a gun w\ flashlight so you can see in dark corridors and shoot at the same time.

If anyone wants to help me on the flashlight thing, please show me how to script this ( I have some idea of how to do this but it is mostly based on theory)

as soon as these two things are out of the way, I intend on releasing another (much, much more completed) version of the first part of the game.
guthixmodman 14 years ago
plz can i have the mod i really want them all!
Forum » Cannibalism mod

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