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Forum » Xbox 360 Community Games

Xbox 360 Community Games

Quanrian 15 years ago
If you ask me, I'd tell you Community Games are the best thing to happen to consoles in a really long time. This is Indy games on the consoles in the way they've been on PC for years. If you go to the official Xbox forums you'll see me posting in any number of CG's forums. I'm very serious about my involvement and my support, so please keep that in mind if you decide to bash CG's, as I will take it personally. The last time I made a thread about XNA it was younger and the only way you could try them was with a membership.

This thread is here to discuss CGs, the games made within them and the community itself. This thread is NOT to discuss console wars or your hatred for Microsoft. I kindly implore you all to at least give them a chance as there have been several interesting gems, and these developers really need your support. I'll start by providing a link to a very helpful site in sorting out the less stellar CGs from the more impressive ones.

Xbox Live Community Games Catalog -

This site is continually updated and improved. With over 200 games in the Community Games catalog, I'd be very surprised if you can't find something you like. If you have a Live account, you can log in to vote on your opinion of the games you've tried.

Remain on topic and be aware this is not the place to bash CGs and I will delete your posts if you post anything that I find non-constructive. I will moderate this pretty heavily, this is your only warning
XboxHornet 15 years ago
I have to agree, XBLCG is a very important development in gaming. It is only a matter of time before it is recognised as just that. Most of the games at the top of the <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> are well worth a try and an absolute bargain.
Quanrian 15 years ago
Since you've been kind enough to drop by and give us your time, I'm going to return the favor and drop the link to your site, which I personally have found quite helpful. XboxHornet hosts a blog about Community Games and XBL content as well. You'll also find links to many other similar sites on his blog's page. It's a really good source to find a broad range of information.

Xbox Hornet's Blog -
XboxHornet 15 years ago
I have just started to compile a list of XBLA and XBLCG developer websites <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... -websites/</a><!-- m -->. If you would like me to add your details, please contact me. Thanks
Idiota 15 years ago
If you ask me CGs are a very good oppertunity for smalltime game developers not backed by EA or something to get their games known. One of the developments in the last decade has been that only the biggest and richest companies would have their games released. This resulted in a slow decay of originality. (Allthough there are allways a few games that stand out, none of them are revelutionary (Except... some )) With CGs, as I understand it, smaller game developers will have a way bigger chance to get their games known to the masses. I personally haven't checked them out yet, but I believe you immediately when you say that some of them are quite good. I've been a big fan of free- and shareware games for years, allthough I don't allways buy the shareware games. It's good that a similar concept has evolved on other platforms: The console. Especially now that an ever increasing part of the world's gamers play their games on their favourite console.

A good development indeed.
Quanrian 14 years ago
In the event you have a 360, and do check the Indy Games, there will be several Dream Build Play 2009 (DBP) entries ending up on Marketplace. I'm pointing the entries out, because many of these games are a good cut above what is currently on the Indy Games service. One great example, is Dust (think Disney meets The Dishwasher), which I've personally been waiting for. Another good looking one is Guru Guru, which looks absolutely stunning (I'm sort of a sucker for darker themed art styles), and could easily pass for at least an Xbox Live Arcade title. Those are just two titles to look out for, but I'll also include a link to several more videos anyone may or may not wish to check out.

Dust - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

Guru Guru - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

List of XNA titles on youtube - <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... 2FA4DED6A5</a><!-- m -->
Forum » Xbox 360 Community Games

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