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  • How did you win Notrium?

    odie 17 years ago
    "1scifiamo" said:
    I have ended with spacepod, queens, and marines. Tried radio, planetoid, nothing happened. And I waited a long time (even set up camp, with stasis field in one case). Tried scroll, got to second stage, then again, nothing. Maybe my installation was bad. Never could find psionic ending.

    Eloz, its not difficult for radio - u need kill all rubbish, and make sure big guns taken down. Or else u can wait for 1 million galaxy min and it wun happen.

    For Planetoid, u need kill big green thing, and use that plantoid at the Altar in tat same place where u killy irky greeny.

    For the psonic, related to green thing too.

    Installation prob? try uninstalling, deleting the directory after uninstall manually, restart. Then reinstall. Else, simply install into a diff directory name after uninstall.
    ahrenjb 17 years ago
    I'm the only one that killed the marines eh?
    odie 17 years ago
    "ahrenjb" said:
    I'm the only one that killed the marines eh?

    5) Goto the ship, destroy all and command the mining station, become super rich.

    This is the marine ending. lol
    Technically when u control the ship, u r controlling the mining station - and for werivar MOD, this is even more satisfying.
    Binky 17 years ago
    I haven't finished it yet, but I like the killing the queens idea.

    P.S. Why can't anyone but moderators or people with special access post in either of the Notrium forums?
    Amarth 17 years ago
    "Binky" said:
    P.S. Why can't anyone but moderators or people with special access post in either of the Notrium forums?
    Spambots attack only these forums for an unknown reason. The mods took the brute-force approach to keep them out.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Binky" said:
    P.S. Why can't anyone but moderators or people with special access post in either of the Notrium forums?
    You mean creating new threads? That's so the ad-/spambots can't go about making threads.
    Binky 17 years ago
    Ok. Then how would I go about making a thread/getting a thread made?
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "Binky" said:
    Ok. Then how would I go about making a thread/getting a thread made?
    Ask Quanrian or some other mod/admin.
    Binky 17 years ago
    Thank you.

    P.S. Man, Grim(sy), you reply fast.
    odie 17 years ago
    Hey Head Mods / Webmaster,

    I have a forum for running the st johns matters in my sch.
    To date, it has not been able to be spammed.

    One good way i guess is to restrict the rights to post to onli members.

    Alternatively, you will only allow validated members to post?

    There are many ways to overcome these silly spam bots.
    Alternatively, block their IP altogether, tats if they are consistent, which mostly does not really

    Btw, i am a IT coordinator by profession.
    Grim Reaper 17 years ago
    "odie" said:
    Hey Head Mods / Webmaster,

    I have a forum for running the st johns matters in my sch.
    To date, it has not been able to be spammed.

    One good way i guess is to restrict the rights to post to onli members.

    Alternatively, you will only allow validated members to post?

    There are many ways to overcome these silly spam bots.
    Alternatively, block their IP altogether, tats if they are consistent, which mostly does not really

    Btw, i am a IT coordinator by profession.
    1: A BIT too off-topic, I'd say.

    2: And IT coordinator? Really? By your spelling I'd have thought you were just another script kiddie.

    Anyways, if you have any ideas on how to repel the 'bots, please feel free to discuss them at the "Spambots suck my behind kthx" thread in "Intelligent Conversations". [/OT]
    Amarth 17 years ago
    Besides, all those things have already been done and didn't help.

    Well, except for the 'validated' members in the sense that membership requires moderator validation, but this would not exactly reduce the load on the mods.
    Anonymous1157 17 years ago
    I think somebody mentioned a dedicated validator team. I'd join it.
    Matej Beniš (guest) 3 years ago
    Yeah same here 1scifiamo.I got the escape from notrium,megacorporation and alien queen endings.Didn't get the other ones tho.I just don't get it...I also waited for like 2 minutes after I used the radio and the planetoid(still haven't gotten to the scroll yet).Nothing happened.Glitches I guess orrr?Has anyone seen these endings pls?
    Ps:Found this guide on the internet:
    I wrote this guide in 10 minutes because I feel that a game this good is way too obscure. I couldn't find any of this online, so I've decided to beat the game and write a guide myself.
    When I find the necessary time I'll improve the formatting, add some images, and maybe write in detail where each item can be found. Until then just remember that a poor guide is better than no guide at all. Enjoy.
    Kill Achievements
    Hunter - Hunt down 100 aliens.
    Murderous Frenzy - Kill 200 monsters.
    Destroyer - Destroy 300 enemies.
    Should unlock along the way.
    Mortal - Die 20 times.
    Should unlock along the way. If you're so good you never die: Save. Get killed. Reload. Repeat 20 times.
    Phone Home - Repair the radio.
    For this ending you need to:
    1. Destroy the big guns (cannons) in the Missile Base.
    2. Fully upgrade the radio. You'll need:
    Computer Unit
    Long Metal Rod
    Warp Coil
    3. Enter the Communications Array via a teleporter in the Ship Cemetery.
    4. Find a spot with marines and turrets. Use your radio there.
    5. Survive the standoff.
    Escape from Notrium - Repair the escape pod.
    For this ending you need to:
    1. Fully repair the escape pod and carry it all the way to the VC Base located in the Mining Field.
    2. To repair the escape pod you'll need:
    Navigation System: Star Chart + Modded Subscape Radio
    Propulsion System: Warp Coil + Particle Accelerator + Fuel Cell
    Life Support System: Life Support Chip (found in Ship Cemetery and Eden) + Specimen Container + Replicator Cell
    Megacorporation - Capture the corporation mothership.
    For this ending you need to:
    1. Infiltrate the VC Base located in the Mining Field to find the key to the shuttle.
    2. Take the shuttle to a new location.
    3. Destroy all round things to open a new path.
    4. Kill two VC Commanders in the newly opened area.
    Alien Queen - Destroy the alien queens.
    For this ending you need to:
    1. Kill all alien queens in The Hive area.
    2. Destroy all eggs in the queens' nests.
    Green Ruler - Conquer the Planetoid.
    For this ending you need to:
    1. Kill unique enemies in Eden: one of them is a larger version of those fast monsters you may encounter in this area. It drops the Planetoid key item.
    2. Kill all remaining vines in Eden: they're in the middle of square zones made of stone.
    3. Bring the Planetoid to the most distinctive one, use it there.
    4. Survive the standoff.
    The Riddle - Solve the mysterious paper.
    For this ending you need to:
    1. Go to the Mining Field.
    2. Find or craft a Welding Torch (Glass Tube + Lighter, both found in the Mining Field)
    3. Find and open a large crate with the Welding Torch to find the Tattered Paper.
    4. Combine the Tattered Paper with the following items, in the following order:
    1. Sniper Pistol = Pistol + Long Metal Rod
    2. Beacon Ray = Radiator + Pulse Beacon (drop an unlit beacon then pick it up)
    3. Rapid Fire Pistol = Cooling Unit (Glass tube + Ice pack, both found in the Mining Field) + Pistol
    4. Propulsion Boots - found in another large crate in the Mining Field
    5. Flame Thrower - drops from flamethrower marines in the Mining Field.
    6. VC Stun Laser - drops from stun laser marines in the Mining Field.
    7. VC Pistol - drops from rapid firing marines in the Mining Field.
    8. Electro Sphere - inside the Security Box, which is dropped by one of the marines. The Security Box can be opened with a Security Card, also dropped by marines.
    9. Reaper Corpse - drops from reapers (duh) most commonly found in the Hive.
    5. Use the newly created Glowing Paper.
    Surviving achievements
    Still Alive - Survive for 25 days.
    Survivor - Survive for 50 days.
    Tougher than Steel - Survive for 75 days.
    Last Man Standing - Survive for 100 days.
    Find a force field generator in the Missile Base area. Place it inside the hermit's hut and close the door. Simply stay inside the force field for 100 days - your health and food will regenerate.

    Edwin 24 Jan, 2019 @ 4:36am
    Thank you for all details

    RiceMuncher 15 Jul, 2016 @ 3:59pm
    If you are the Captain (tried and tested) you can achieve all the endings. Not sure if an alien take over a mega coporation but from memory, still works.

    E_net4 14 Jan, 2016 @ 2:51pm
    Nice guide. I may just point out that your survival hint does not work for all difficulties and races (food will still decrease for the Alien, although slower).
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