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Forum » I'm still around

I'm still around

Quanrian 15 years ago
I've been really busy with college lately, so I've had a hard time remembering everything I used to do, including coming here. I am still around, but you will likely only see me on an infrequent basis. I am not withdrawing, I'm just a tad busy. I wish you all well and hope everything is ok with all the forum staff.
ville 15 years ago
College, wow! I hope it works out alright, best of luck to you in there.
Quanrian 15 years ago
Yep, I'll still pop in, and yes I'm going to owe a nice chunk of money when I'm done. I hope my writing at least appears to be improving, but it's really hard to say, since I tend to let my guard down on academic work. I'm really enjoying seeing your progress on Driftmoon. I look forward to checking out the demo, and of course I will do my best to keep in touch.
Idiota 15 years ago
I must say, I'm also quite busy with my life as a student. Not necessarily the studying, but the life that goes on around it is really trimming my interest in doing stuff on my computer. I've taken up sports far more actively than I used to, while maintaining a very active social life, which is taxing the amount of time I spend on my computer and thus these forums. But my presence here will never fade as I still check them daily, even though I don't input as much as I used to.
ville 15 years ago
That's no problem, I'm still around keeping things in some sort of loose control.
I greatly value the time you've given to maintaining the forums, and I want to thank you both for it!
Quanrian 15 years ago
Not a worry, I like seeing the forum be an orderly place for people to visit. You're once again going to have an influx of users once Driftmoon comes out, so do keep that in mind. You may need to start creating topical threads, and locking off thread creation for non-moderators. That way you're just deleting posts, instead of a bunch of frivelous threads.
Idiota 15 years ago
I wouldn't inhibit people's freedom on the forums too much though. Much of the community we have now was created in the relatively chaotic days around the release of Notrium 1.2 and 1.3, and I don't remember having any posting limitations back then. Of course moderation should be more strict in the game-related forums, but I don't like the idea of taking away the freedom of making a thread alltogether, at least not after the release of Driftmoon. It's a wise thing to to in the development stage though, but that you know already,
Quanrian 14 years ago
Still here and there, though school is taking up a good chunk of my time. I am making absolutely not money right now, so I am just taking things as they come and praying I cannot support myself on what little money the government sees I am fit to have through grants and loans. I am however maintaining a 4.0 GPA, so I am happy about that. So hrmm, yeah that is well enough for an update, I'll be around and hopefully not forgotten or thought too ill of .
ville 14 years ago
Glad to hear you're still alive. I'm already looking forward to continuing our discussions regarding Notrium 2.
Quanrian 14 years ago
"ville" said:
Glad to hear you're still alive. I'm already looking forward to continuing our discussions regarding Notrium 2.

I hope you weren't being sarcastic about that Notrium 2 discussion. I am still popping in, and I apologize that I am not the modding nazi I used to be. If I see things start to derail I will show up more often, but overall the forum seems to have settled down quite a bit. I am still attending University of course, and it is pure hell because I am just not used to using my brain this much. Truth be told I'd rather just sit around and dream, and than just sporadically create things, but that wont pay the bills. Ironically, after I'm done with school, I will have accumulated about 20k in debt, so yay me. I can always be reached on Xbox Live as Quanrian, or on messengers on the same name. Happy holidays to you both!
Idiota 14 years ago
Yes, the holidays seem to have started while I fail, right now, to notice any difference in workload. But that will change in due time, so allow me to wish you the same, Quanrian, and you too of course, Ville.
ville 14 years ago
Merry christmas fellas!
Forum » I'm still around

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