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  • No Happy Endings (#09)

    Crazy 15 years ago
    A wordpress page featuring #08 and up.

    "When Crazy started NHE, he" said:
    TIAoGaC is dead. For all intents and purposes. There. I said it.

    Phew. It's a load off my shoulders.

    Now, hear me out. TIAoGaC was becoming a burden to me. It was orginally planned as forum comic, but it never really took off with that, introducing but 5 members. To put it more clearly, it failed as a project. I wanted to make it work as a gag-a-day (er. week) strip, but that didn't really work out, either. The page format which i adopted later was more designed for storytelling, a continuous comic book. On the other hand, i couldn't see it working at all as a smaller format. So again, failure.

    But people liked it and apparently wanted me to do more. So i felt obligated somewhat. At some point i heard someone say something about a completely different subject that i believe applied pretty well. The argument went somewhere along the lines of "Imagine if Joss Whedon tried to do all of creative ideas he wanted with Buffy? What would we have missed?". So i felt it was time to move on.

    And so, we come to "No Happy Endings", a final formulation of something that basically started out as scribbling in my notebook then evolved to making hand-drawn comics in my notebook for the amusement of myself and those around me.

    In time, i adopted a very simple, straightforward approach. No plots, no story archs, no character background stories- hell, no characters! Everyone is to be faceless, each comic independent from the last, it's sole purpose to provide a bit of entertainment. A simple joke, a gag, with no faffing about. I could take whatever approach i wanted, whenever i wanted.

    So yeah. Here's the first issue of "No Happy Endings". It's not a particularly good joke and there's not much of an image after all that text but hey - can't have everything, y'know. At least not free.

    "When Crazy released NHE 6, he" said:
    Well, i'm hoping to start a weekly schedule now, with the comic being updated somewhere between 18.00 and 20.00 GMT every Wednesday.

    "At some later point, Crazy" said:
    Haha, scratch that, i'm a moron.
    Thaif 15 years ago
    Eh, not supricing. TIAoGaC had a good run.

    "I can't". Heh.

    If it helps I'm not terribly bothered about you dropping TIAoGaC, as when the creator loses the impetus and passion for his work it just doesn't feel the same. Since it was a "burden" on you I think it's better to set that load aside and do something else.
    NeoGangster 15 years ago
    I kinda would like to see the look on the face of the left guy on the last picture
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    Perhaps emotions shown as emoticons on TF2-style paper masks (as worn by the Spy)?
    Narvius 15 years ago
    I actually only once attempted to read TIAoGaC, but now that it's "complete" I might re-read the whole thing.

    Good luck with this one.
    NeoGangster 15 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    ... I might re-read the whole thing.
    Well you could re-read it, if all of the comics were still online...
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    "NeoGangster" said:
    "Narvius" said:
    ... I might re-read the whole thing.
    Well you could re-read it, if all of the comics were still online...
    Aye, that'll have to be worked on...
    Narvius 15 years ago
    You might just .zip and attach them.
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    You might just .zip and attach them.
    Yeah, we could do that to the ones we (me and Crazy) have access to.

    Some of the buggers seem to be lost in Crazy's old computer's HDD or something.
    Crazy 15 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    Perhaps emotions shown as emoticons on TF2-style paper masks (as worn by the Spy)?
    Emotions are mostly shown by body & hand language. If you were to remove all the text, you could still see that the left guy is attempting to explain something on the first panel, then leaning in to continue but pausing as the other guy contemplates 'on the second panel and then, defeated, letting his hand go limp on the last panel (which, along with furrowing the brow, is the first movement people do when they are interrupted and annoyed in the middle of talking. After that, he would lower his head for a moment and return to a more upright position).

    Perhaps you didn't notice all of this, but that's much the point with art - it's supposed to be so detailed that you won't consciously notice things. But even so, they will change the way you perceive the picture.

    Oh. And i forgot to mention. Anyone is free to submit a script, scripting is open. If i like it, i'll make it.

    The general theme i'm aiming for is more "making fun of human nature & telling humorous, but tragic stories" than "geeky humor", though. The next two comics i've planned sort of set the general tone.

    [EDIT] Jesus H Christ, i sound like i know what i'm doing or something. :S
    Crazy 15 years ago
    Ever notice that "Double Post" short is "DP"? Hum.

    Anyway, i won't be announcing new issues (#02 just got uploaded), i'll just use MK's technique of adding the latest issue to the topic.

    I'll be posting a few comics somewhat more rapidly to get some sort of tiny archive going (a webcomic hardly exists until it has 5 or so issues, IMHO) before turning to what will hopefully be a once-per week schedule. If the comic making process continues to be as painless as it has been so far (no shading or backgrounds and i'm using new & improved techniques for some menial tasks - one NHE takes about an hour or two while a TIAoGaC took a good 5-6), i might consider a bi-weekly schedule.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    I like both of these. Even if I'm not entirely sure why I like #3. I can't tell if it's first panel or the third. Hmm.
    Thaif 15 years ago
    I can truly relate to these two.

    Nice to see Crazy doing komiks again, if not TIAoGaC.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    I'm honestly getting IRL-LOLs out of these. Iunno, it could be that it's past midnight again, or I might actually be laughing because it's funny. At least I got the jokes. The jokes are good. Continue on with the jokes.

    I'm starting to regret that I decided to put the comics in my image collection in their own folder so late. I would have saved a copy of TIAoGaC if it had occurred to me. (In order to avoid such a thing happening again, I already have local copies of these three comics and the intro text.)

    Good luck with No Happy Endings, and may it span another 40-or-so comics like its predecessor!
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    #4 is good. Keep it up!
    Anarion 15 years ago
    I love #4. Thats funny as hell.

    Never really got that expression. Is hell amusing to some people?
    Crazy 15 years ago
    I'm glad people are liking these.
    MageKing17 15 years ago
    "Anarion" said:
    Never really got that expression. Is hell amusing to some people?
    Well, also consider "for the love of crap". Who actually wants the love of a pile of shit?
    Narvius 15 years ago
    It would be funnier if it wasn't so true, somehow. *sigh*

    Still, awesome :3
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    Excellent as always.
    Crazy 15 years ago
    K, fixed a bit of an error in #05 ("...served use..." > "...served us...").

    Thanks for noticing, Grim.
    NeoGangster 15 years ago
    I lol'd
    Crazy 15 years ago
    Well, i'm hoping to start a weekly schedule now, with the comic being updated somewhere between 18.00 and 20.00 GMT every Wednesday.

    Number six is based on something Grim said on IRC. I don't remember what we were talking about, but at one point i said i'm tired, to which Grim responded, without missing a breath: "Then takes tires off!". I laughed for quite a while and i think that this is my favorite comic as well so far.
    Narvius 15 years ago
    I think he said that at least *once* before... or I've heard it somewhere else. Well.
    It's awesome. :3

    You might want to switch a more comic-friendly place. Once you hit episode 20 or something, the links-in-a-post method becomes, well. Bad.
    I mean some external place.
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    It's fun to be funny.
    Murska 15 years ago
    I like these. Especially #5. Oh how I wish...
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    It took me too long to get #5. Meh. On the other hand, #6 could have made me WTF my pants laughing.

    A winner is you comic! (Lol, paraphrasing)
    Crazy 15 years ago
    A large percentage of my readers has requested that i start announcing comics because it'll show that there's a new post in the Projects Corner and because the title thing would require one to be constantly aware of what issue is currently at hand.

    So. Issue 7 is up.

    And thanks for the lols.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Large percentage of readers... Ever heard of the term "statistical noise"?
    Narvius 15 years ago
    I'd like to express some kind of positive feelings about that issue, but...

    I can't. :/
    Crazy 15 years ago
    I've not. Please, do enlighten me.
    Narvius 15 years ago
    I guess it's something like pretending that there's a lot of something without directly lying, and with using statistics (anyone smells a contradiction here? ). Because, "large percent" sounds like... a lot
    Amarth 15 years ago
    No. Statistical noise is just the variation you always get when gathering data. "Wrong" answers because of all sorts of uncontrolled factors, measurement errors, people not paying attention, all that stuff. If your sample size is small, then the result you get ("a large percentage") might be completely worthless because they are entirely statistical noise and thus have no meaning.

    Which is why we have developed hypothesis testing. This is a technique in statistics to calculate the certainty you have that the results are meaningful and not attributed to randomness. One of the most important factors is, of course, sample size...

    (definitions: "population" is the group you want to know the results for, "sample" is the group you "know" the results for. Usually, population size >> sample size and you want to generalize your sample results to the population)

    Still, another principle says that the best estimation you have for the real result is your sample average, so if X percent of your sample size is indeed requesting change, then it's most probable that X percent of the population is requesting change. But with a small sample size, you cannot rule out the possibility that, in reality, the percentage of the population is much smaller.

    Also, here your sample is self-selected (I complained to you) and not randomly picked (you didn't ask around randomly). This adds bias towards my answer. Random people (a better estimation for the population) might just not care.

    Just for clarity: it doesn't map to this situation in a scientific valuable way (it's a bit of a joke), but it's important to know about these concepts IMO.
    Crazy 15 years ago
    Ah, interesting. Strangely enough, these "techniques" and "principles" i considered to be "pretty much common sense". But then again, maths and common sense don't always go together (i remember one occasion where we were discussing contraceptive statistics on IRC, in particular).
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    It doesn't matter that Narvius didn't like #7, 'cause I did. Coincidentally, my avatar is Lego Bionicle/Technic. You, good friend, have a sense of humor for in-jokes.
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