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Forum » No Happy Endings (#09)
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  • No Happy Endings (#09)

    Narvius 15 years ago
    Actually, I was trying to be funny. I *did* like it :3
    Idiota 15 years ago
    These things are definetely getting better. I didn't really digg the first few (I didn't want to discourage you from making it), but the last ones made me smile.

    Perhaps someday I'll even have a lol!
    Crazy 15 years ago
    I best get this out now.

    I'm really sorry, but there probably won't be a NHE this week. I've got a metric fuckton of firewood to move from point A to point B and i've got to get ready for Mütofest, a 5 day historical reenactment festival (I don't have any shoes yet!), which starts on Thursday. I'll probably try to make up for it with an extra comic next week or something.
    Crazy 14 years ago
    #08 and #09 are out (announcment is late-late)

    So yeah, NHE is sort of on a hiatus. Not because i can't be bothered, no, i'd love to make more NHE-s, but i've no good ideas. I'm trying to remember to look for situations that can be put into comics, but alas, no results as of yet.

    Also, NHE has a wordpress page, which has already been discussed on IRC, i'm not sure why i haven't posted about it here before.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    Have you been learning french recently?
    Amarth 14 years ago
    Pour le français... Je pense que le dernier "ne" doit disparaître, en que "façon", c'est avec le C-cédille. Et on dit "d'une façon", pas "dans une façon". "Je voudrais le faire d'une façon interessante".

    Although I might be wrong, my French isn't really perfect.

    Also, I like.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    Pour le français... Je pense que le dernier "ne" doit disparaître, en que "façon", c'est avec le C-cédille. Et on dit "d'une façon", pas "dans une façon". "Je voudrais le faire d'une façon interessante".

    Although I might be wrong, my French isn't really perfect.

    Also, I like.
    Je pense que la phrase corrigé est mieux. Mais je n'ai pas entendu le blague. Il <<orf>> le morse code?

    In plain English (HAHA I THINK THAT QUALIFIES AS A PUN AT THIS POINT HA), your fixed phrase does sound better but I didn't get the joke to begin with. Same discalimer; I learned French in school.

    ... In other news, #9 was definitely random, but I think it could have been coupled with some kind of punch line to make it funny.
    Crazy 14 years ago
    I'm not really sure about the French, i don't know enough to decide which one is correct. I asked my French teacher (yes, E_net4, i've been studying French, it's one of the 3 foreign languages taught at school (actually, the 3rd is a choice between French and German, but yeah)) about this one, so for now, i'll go with her suggestion.

    Anyway, the joke? It's a pun - the phrase "le code Morse" could either mean "Morse code" or "walrus code". Hence the comic being in french.

    And much of the whole point of #09 was to not have a punchline, instead be just wholly weird. Not one of the better NHE-s, but you can't win 'em all.
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    Oh! Now I get it. (My teacher never taught us how to say walrus. )
    Narvius 14 years ago
    *pokes Crazy*
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    *Seconds the poke*
    E_net4 14 years ago
    *thirds the poke just to jarate Crazy*
    NeoGangster 14 years ago
    *also pokes Crazy just to join the bandwagon*
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    *pokes the bandwagon*
    Venom31 14 years ago
    *pokes the scythe*
    *yells in pain*
    Anonymous1157 14 years ago
    *Throws in a pun for good measure*

    E_net4 14 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:
    *Throws in a pun for good measure*

    What do we learn? 1157 always wins!
    Anarion 14 years ago
    Ooooo, nice bandwagon.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    I saw that.
    NeoGangster 14 years ago
    Ninja Release :O
    Binky 14 years ago
    That is one impressive-looking bandwagon.
    Crazy 14 years ago
    Okay, okay, poke proposed, seconded and passed! Consider me fucking poked, okay?


    There's a new NHE up post-poke. I may be making another one either tomorrow or, like, never, because i'll be drinking heavily through friday and saturday and will prolly feel hungover on sunday and i cure hangovers by DRINKING MORE and there's school on monday again.

    I may have to whore myself out for the booze.

    EDIT: Oh wait, no, there's no school on monday! Whoo, drinking time!
    NeoGangster 14 years ago
    "Crazy" said:
    ...i'll be drinking heavily through friday and saturday and will prolly feel hungover on sunday and i cure hangovers by DRINKING MORE and there's school on monday again.

    I may have to whore myself out for the booze.

    Sounds like a well thought-out plan
    Crazy 14 years ago
    Uh. Yeah. Thinking. Sure, i did that.
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