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  • Let's play oldies!

    Amarth 15 years ago
    I've picked up a new hobby that should serve me for the next few years. I've found this rather huge collection of old games *somewhere* and I will play and review each and everyone of the 900 games, in alphabetical order. Today, I started with "3D helicopter simulator" and in roughly 5 years time I will hopefully end with "Zyll".

    You can follow my progress on the newly-created blog, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->. Check it out. Add it to your RSS feeds. Post comments. Play the games. Your encouragement is wildly appreciated.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    My encouragement is yours. I love oldies and I'm sure you'll do a great deal.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    I support this project. Oldies can be a lot of fun, but it kinda does depend on the age they're from. Tell me when you hit Alleycat. I played that a lot in my youth.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Alley Cat is in the list, depending on the rate I keep it up I should be at it in 2 weeks to a month. I've also played it quite a bit back in the old days, I loved it. There are others that I played before in the list.

    Speaking about the list, I've put it up. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> As I said, a few I've played, there are a few duplicates too, and a whole lot of games I never heard of. Some I haven't played and looking forward to also, like Lost Vikings or Quest for Glory. Not nearly enough games of that last category though.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    Alleycat and The Lost Vikings were quite remarkable in my youth as well, not to mention Disney's Aladdin and Lion King.
    Narvius 15 years ago
    Quite a big goal you set yourself... good luck on your journey :3

    Ah, Castle of the Winds. My first roguelike, before I even knew what roguelikes were...
    NeoGangster 15 years ago
    Well good luck there
    I'm sure you will find games which you played back then and have a nice memory of, then you'll play them now and see how bad they actually were ^^
    There are some games from your list which I still play from time to time :
    Centurion,GODS, Loom, Lost Vikings

    Well I guess you rlist misses some great games, but there are also some games which I never heard, so I'm looking forward to read a review about them ^^
    Crazy 15 years ago
    This is a good idea and i vehemently approve.

    I shall be checking this blog and thinking nice things, even when i don't say them. I shall be supportive right down until you finish the list, though i shall not show this support because i am an unemotional dick that drives all other people away but keeps reading this one blog about old computer games.
    Narvius 15 years ago
    Hey, you're doing that pretty high-speed. If you keep up that pace, there's no way it'll take 5 years.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Well, I know I won't be able to keep it up at 3 games/day. Right now I have some time to spare, but in a year time, a lot can change. And these are rather small sport games, wait until I get to CRPGs or adventure games, it'll take me a bit more than 30 minutes to see what the game is about.

    NeoGanster: I'm also missing some games. Prince of Persia? Wolfenstein 3D? Fool's Errand? Granted, I played those before, but what other greatness might I miss? But well, I guess I shouldn't really complain that there aren't more games to play.
    NeoGangster 15 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    ...but what other greatness might I miss? ...
    Burntime, The Horde, Colonization, Fantasy General, Victory,Motor City, Transport Tycoon, Syndicate and Syndicate Wars
    these are all brilliant games. If you didn't play them, you should try them.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    From that list of yours I recall Budokan and SimAnt. (along with many others)
    SimAnt has a lovely tutorial and a neat Experimental mode (it's sandbox).
    Narvius 15 years ago
    Oh, right.
    Still, I'd say three, tops, if you don't run into a multi-month phase of "No more of this crap, please".
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    This is an awesome project. Really. I just hope that getting through some of the letters with lots of sports games doesn't put you in one of those, "Oh, F this project" moods.

    ... Oh, and if this gets serious enough, would you be willing to have other people contribute reviews or website art or whatever? (Like I said, it's an awesome project.)
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Sure! Let me know if you want to do anything. I'm not too good with Wordpress so I hope I can manage the things you would want (like with website art), but in theory I've got no problem with it.

    [EDIT] Also taking recommendations now for those missing your games in the list! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    I've added E's Disney games and NeoGanster's list already.
    NeoGangster 15 years ago
    You're always forgeting a "g" in my nick :/
    I guess you can remove "Victory" from your list, because it was never released in english.
    There is only a german, a polish and a czech version.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    NeoGangster: eh, what the hell. I'm sorry.

    I've just found a torrent with 3000 DOS games. Hmm. I suppose that's for the next phase.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    ... Ooo, that's the one I wanted to try out a while back. I never finished downloading it.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "Amarth" said:
    [EDIT] Also taking recommendations now for those missing your games in the list! <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
    I've added E's Disney games and NeoGanster's list already.
    *performs a double jump*
    By the way, the 007 remix was... odd.

    Edit: Forgotten game tracked!

    Double Edit:
    "The list" said:
    Narvius 15 years ago
    I just reread the list... COMMANDER KEEN. GOD DO I HATE THAT GAME. I think it was the sixth part... I swim around in a full-water level, suddenly that big ballfish appears out of nowhere and swallows me. That was the first step to my virtuaquaphobia I had the next eight years.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    "Narvius" said:
    I just reread the list... COMMANDER KEEN. GOD DO I HATE THAT GAME. I think it was the sixth part... I swim around in a full-water level, suddenly that big ballfish appears out of nowhere and swallows me. That was the first step to my virtuaquaphobia I had the next eight years.
    I was actually trying to play all the Commander Keen series from the start to the end. I stopped by Keen 3.

    Also, I found a few more good games unlisted. One of them is a fun(ny) RTS. I'll just use the recommendation page.
    NeoGangster 15 years ago
    dune and dune 2...
    well dune is funny because it's a adventure/strategy game, but dune 2...suckiest controls ever.
    And you can only beat the last level with Harkonnen, because if you don't use Harkonnen, then you'll get two nuclear missles against you every 5 mins(or less, I don't remember)...
    Well Dune 2 invented the RTS and it's good that it did that, but I wouldn't recommend playing'll just freak out
    Idiota 15 years ago
    "NeoGangster" said:
    dune and dune 2...
    well dune is funny because it's a adventure/strategy game, but dune 2...suckiest controls ever.
    And you can only beat the last level with Harkonnen, because if you don't use Harkonnen, then you'll get two nuclear missles against you every 5 mins(or less, I don't remember)...
    Well Dune 2 invented the RTS and it's good that it did that, but I wouldn't recommend playing'll just freak out

    Actually, there is a maximum amount of nuclear missiles that will be used against you. Though it is indeed hard to play the game as anything but Harkkonen, it's not impossible. Also, you can't blame the very first RTS for having sucky controls. That's like saying hatchling birds suck because they can't fly. The genre needed to grow into that.

    What must also be said is that the Dune 2 soundtrack is really one of the best I've ever heard in any game. Face it, Dune 2 kicks ass and youshould totally review it Amarth.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    I agree with the above. Even though you can hardly beat the game without being Harkonnen, it's a nice game.
    Narvius 15 years ago
    Heeehe, I've found myself checking if there's a new review every few hours, and being disappointed that there's still that 007 one on top :3
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Ah, well. I've switched to a 1 game / day rate, and I'm going to update at set times. Currently that is 6 PM in my timezone (GMT +2). So there's no real use to keep checking.

    I think 1/day is quite a good rate. It allows me to do other stuff in my life (not that unimportant), and when I have a few small ones after each other (like 007 and 10th frame currently) I can finish those quickly and have a few days to really get into the next game. Been busy for a while now with 2400AD which is a rather interesting RPG.
    Anonymous1157 15 years ago
    That's a good idea indeed.

    ... Alrighty, I have several ideas for the new banner. I can't seem to pick one specific one, though. Would it be possible to set up Wordpress to automatically select from several banners?
    Amarth 15 years ago
    No, I don't think so. It might be possible with extension on a custom wordpress installation but not on that free blog site. Either pick one or send them over and I'll select one myself.

    In the current theme, the header (the blue box thing) is 740 x 192 pixels, by the way.
    Narvius 15 years ago
    Hey, that AD thing sounds like an insanely awesome roguelike.
    I'll definately try it :3
    Amarth 15 years ago
    It's not entirely a roguelike though. You can't die. There's no randomness. There's not much of leveling or stats building or item collecting. There's a bit of a grind to collect credits to buy better weapons, but still. It's more running around collecting clues than slaughtering enemies. A lot more RPG than roguelike, really.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    New awesome review written by Crazy is up! Go read it people!

    (a little in-the-face marketing never hurt anyone I guess)
    E_net4 15 years ago
    I actually thought you wanted to do it all by yourself. Will you need more help some day?
    Amarth 15 years ago
    All by myself... I'll play this game anyway just to have the "played-them-all" achievement unlocked. But if someone wants to write the review for me, why not eh. Especially when I'm really busy like these days. Not sure that's going to happen often, probably when I have exams or something. But you're always welcome to write a review.

    Note that the spirit of the blog is to discover games, so don't go all "cool I'll review all the popular games I liked back then". If you do a guest review, take one of the next games on the list, doesn't have to be the exact next but not something weeks away. Anyway, just ask if you want to do one.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    I actually have one of the next games on the list, but never really managed to do something in it. Al'qadim The Genie's Curse (IIRC its name) is the game I'm talking about. Still, I can wait until you reach it. Then I'lll think about reviewing this RPG.
    Dorten 15 years ago
    That's one good game indeed. A bit arcadey for a game based on AD&D, but still good. I even managed to make it through on the lowest difficulty

    Good times...
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