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INFERNUS 15 years ago
hey im madding mod called Explorer are marine in that team and your mission is to capture new types of aliens eggs and larva with an team and survive because food and water suplays are low there will be a lot of new aliens and maps.when you find an most dangerous aliens you and team must destroy them becouse they can spread on other planets
this is what i will add:
thirst tab (but i dont know how to do it)
new guns
new aliens
new items
new maps
new textures
and other
ok how can i made thirst bar
and when i add plot objects and object definitions notrium crush down what will i do
plz help me ops:
DRL 15 years ago
You should post a download; people are much eager to help you when they *see* something. You should post also screeshots, if possible. Otherwise, (take this from someone who had this problem) you will mostly recive no help.

P.S.: For the "hidratation bar" you should look at the one made in the SOS mod. A fine job done so far, you should at least give it a look .
INFERNUS 15 years ago
INFERNUS 15 years ago
i have an problem
metal wall;//name---------------------------------------
metal_wall.png;//texture name
0.000000;//time to display frame
1.500000;//vary size
0;//does it sway with the wind
0;//gets transparent when player near
0;//provides shade for player
1;//collision detection type, -1=none, 0=circle radius parameter0, 1=polygon parameter0 from polygons.dat size parameter1
2.000000;//collision detection parameter0
1.100000;//collision detection parameter1
1;//Block vision. If 1, enemies and player cannot see other creatures through it. Use sparingly, this slows the AI down.
1;//Stops bullets. Use sparingly as this can slow the game down a lot.

when i run a game with this notrium cash down!!!!
what whud i do?
Anonymous1157 15 years ago
"INFERNUS" said:
i have an problem
<Insert code>
when i run a game with this notrium cash down!!!!
what whud i do?
I couldn't tell you exactly why it doesn't work since I haven't modded Notrium in a while, but I can help. IIRC, certain entries won't function properly if you don't write in the six zeroes after a number; compare this entry to others and make sure all of the numbers are formatted as expected. Additionally, check to make sure that you haven't used the same ID twice.

Have you modified more than one entry at once? Maybe this isn't why it crashed. It definitely looks right to me. The only part I'm not sure about is the time to display an animation frame. Try setting it to one and see if it works.
INFERNUS 15 years ago
i did it but it is the same when i run game it crash down
i copied all it from werival mod and only walls dont work
ore i copied only wall and same
DRL 15 years ago
"INFERNUS" said:
i did it but it is the same when i run game it crash down
i copied all it from werival mod and only walls dont work
ore i copied only wall and same
Have you copied exactly everything?; I mean, not only datafiles, but textures sound, ect., too?
And regarding to the walls, in what sense do they not work: They do not appear in game? or is it that you can pass through them?.
Anonymous1157 15 years ago
"DRL" said:
And regarding to the walls, in what sense do they not work: They do not appear in game? or is it that you can pass through them?.
He clearly-- Actually, that would be a lie. He TRIED to say that the game won't start if that entry is in the files. It crashes on initialization.

If DRL is right and you're having a texture problem, moving the wall's texture to the main texture directory would solve it. (The main texture directory acts like a "common" directory, where any mod can use those graphics. This goes for the other directories as well, IIRC sound and music.)

Provided that you haven't done too much work on the mod, you could consider starting with a fresh Werivar/Default install and copying over the changes you've made. Notrium is pissy about typos; you may never find out why exactly it isn't working.
INFERNUS 15 years ago
i made 5 tipes of aliens
and i made that queen can make eggs and when egg die larva came but if alien kill other alien why wont larva eat it?
(i made that player eats from item date to 1 and i put when alien die corps number is 1)
ore i must drop it?
DRL 15 years ago
From playing experience of many mods, I can tell you the following:
*AI eats items when it is droped by the Player -OR-
they are placed there by the game.* So far I have not found any mod were
the AI eats items found in dead enemies; I had allways to take the item and
then drop it.
INFERNUS 15 years ago
I make a 85 creatures and some weapons and items,i fixed bug with the wall and i still need help
so i need to make a robot(that you can go in it and shoot from it)but i have some bugs
robot need some ether and it shoots 2 small red lasers and it need repear unit to fix it
so can somebody help me?
DRL 15 years ago
You need someone to make it?, or you need somebody to fix it´s bugs/issues?
INFERNUS 15 years ago
make it
and can you please write what is parameters 1,2,3 and 4 doing
like this:
16;//effect number
182.000000;//parameter1 (put it here)
1.000000;//parameter2 ...
0.000000;//parameter3 ...
0.000000;//parameter4 ...
INFERNUS 15 years ago
i made a creature with two bars (hp and infection)
so i want if the inf bar goes to 0 he turns in other creature but if hp goes to 0 he dies
how can i do that?

and how can i make that creature can heal all player units?
Redemption 15 years ago
Creatures automatically die if any of their bars reach zero, so the hp won't be a problem. The infecton bar would work better if it started at 1 (or something like 0.00001) and rose up to reach infection point, at which time effect 15 should do the trick.
As for healing, giving player units a timed effect to test if the creature is near (condition 14) that activates health increases would work.
INFERNUS 15 years ago
if you have some ideas for this mod post it here
INFERNUS 15 years ago
I made some new planets, new alien race (not player race), some stories , cut scenes, bars (water and infection) tank ( tank and adv tank) weapons (trace pistol ,plasma gun ,laser gun shotgun ,SCAR ,hand gun , pulse gun , drill gun (it cut crystals) and more. And i made if you eat, drink or smoke allot you puke
plot objects-60%
object definitions-70%
climate types-30%
cut scenes-20%
players races-100%
INFERNUS 15 years ago
I got a problem on my old computer (im writing on my brother computer)
i cant log in my side i think my system crashed down
meybe my friend can fix the problem

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