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Forum » Happy Birthday Grim!

Happy Birthday Grim!

Zankman 15 years ago
O.K. guys on some of the forums I'm on it's a practice and tradition to make regular "happy birthday" topics for all notable members. By his forum presence, which I first noticed when I registered a looong time ago here, I can say that Grim certainly is a "notable" member... After all, he taught me the basics of foruming, like manners and such. This is why I want to create this topic.

I'm sorry if this is forbidden/unusual or such. So:

Happy Birthday Grim Reaper!
MageKing17 15 years ago
I suppose you could consider someone who can out-post the forum admin a "notable" member. I suppose you could consider someone who's been on these forums for five years "notable" as well. As it happens, Grim fulfills both of these constraints, but that's not why he's notable. He's notable because he's Grim.

Happy Birthday, pal.
Narvius 15 years ago
Happy birthday, Grim!
Grim Reaper 15 years ago
Yay, someone other than me made a Happy B-day thread for me

Thank you, everyone (both those who have already posted and those who haven't had the time to do so yet)
E_net4 15 years ago
Happy Birthday, sir. Man, how time flies. I can still remember Grim's last birthday.
Murska 15 years ago
Ooh! Happy AFONAL day!

Anonymous1157 15 years ago
Happy burfday! Fun times indeed.
NeoGangster 15 years ago
Happy Birthday, I hope you get plenty of presents ^^
harwe 15 years ago
Happy Birthday, Grim.
Amarth 15 years ago
Belated happy cakeday Grim!
Crazy 15 years ago
Happy Birthday! Huzzah.
Pete 15 years ago
Happy birthd-oh I missed it again.
Redemption 15 years ago
[attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->present(grim).gif<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]
Grim Reaper 15 years ago
"Redemption" said:
[attachment=0]<!-- ia0 -->present(grim).gif<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment]
Lulz, and thanks
shadowfire123 15 years ago
Happy b day bro !!!
E_net4 15 years ago
"shadowfire123" said:
Happy b day bro !!!
You did it wrong. It's happy birthweek.
Forum » Happy Birthday Grim!

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