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  • Poirot Murder Mystery - Game Thread

    Murska 15 years ago
    Poirot Murder Mystery

    Short version of rules, check the discussion thread here for a more detailed ruleset.

    Day Actions:

    The innocents can investigate one murder scene for one type of clue in blue every day. They will get the results of this investigation via PM at the end of day. They can also accuse someone in red, but if they're wrong, both the accuser and the accused are removed from the game.

    The murderer can remove one clue or plant one fake clue per day on one murder scene. He must investigate this clue in blue to have the opportunity to do so, however.

    Night Actions:

    The innocents can investigate one person's room for two aspects of said person by PMing their target and the clues they're looking for to me. They will get their results at the start of the next day.

    The murderer has the following options:
    The murderer can kill one person every two nights. This will open up a new murder scene however.
    He can try to mask one aspect of his own, fooling anyone who would investigate his room that night. This only lasts one night.
    He can try to mask one aspect of someone else. Same as above.
    He can follow a passenger to determine who they are investigating and for what clues.

    The murderer can ALSO investigate one person's room for two clues.

    A scream in the night...

    The news of the Count's murder hit you with mixed feelings. You all had reason to want him dead, but apparently someone had beaten you to the punch. Everyone's first thought was to head to mister Poirot...

    ...but that had evidently been the murderer's first thought aswell. Poirot was, despite the poison, still alive. But only just barely, he was in no shape to lead an investigation. It seemed as though you would have to catch this murderer yourself.

    The seven of you arrive at the Murder Site of Count Fritchi Mitoslev.
    It's difficult to gather any clues with absolute certainty at a mere glance. You'll have to be thorough in your investigations, constantly remaining on the lookout for false leads and misdirections.

    What will you look for? (put this in blue)
    •Strands of hair
    •Minor clues
    •Clues in regards to the murder weapon that was used
    •Clues in regards to the motive behind the murder
    The results of your investigations will be PM'd to you at the end of this day phase.

    You can make accusations at any time during the day, but they will only count as 'official' accusations if they are put in red. No majority vote is needed to arrest someone. If you are wrong about your suspect, you will lose the game however.

    Mageking - Patrick Morris
    Grim Reaper - George Edwards
    Amarth - Elisabeth Forsyth
    E_net4 - Tom Lorraine
    Idiota - Jack Snyder
    NeoGangster - Carrie Jones
    Zankman - Duke James Woodworth

    Count Mitoslev (Murska) has been murdered. He was a narrator.

    Day One starts and ends in roughly 48 hours. This time might change depending on how fast people are at getting actions in. Night phases will always last about 48 hours.
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    Count Mitoslev (Murska) has been murdered. He was a narrator.
    So the new game finally begins, and who gets killed? The narrator. Now who's going to tell us the story?
    E_net4 15 years ago
    It's hard for me to understand whether it is currently day or night time...

    *5 minutes later*

    It's day time, right?
    Narvius 15 years ago
    Read the beginning of the bold text like this:
    "The day has started. It will end in 48 hours."
    NeoGangster 15 years ago
    ok then I'll make the beginning:

    As I don't trust anyone in this room I'll have to dirty my own hands,
    I the famous Carrie Jones will look for "minor clues" at the crime scene of "Count Mitoslev".
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    ...oh by the way, since not everyone called dibs on roles, might we have a "Who's who" list in the first post (i.e. username - character)?
    Zankman 15 years ago
    Soo... The poor chap has been killed... Pardon my excitement, I truly feel sorry for him... We where rivals as you might have heard, always equal... But in the race of leaving this world he has apparently bested me!
    I've seen much death in my time, in all manors and in many lands, from her majesties city to the deserts of the black continent. I suppose I'll start my investigating with searching for the murder weapon.
    Idiota 15 years ago
    I'll start looking for clues regarding the motive behind the murder.
    Murska 15 years ago
    "Grim Reaper" said:
    ...oh by the way, since not everyone called dibs on roles, might we have a "Who's who" list in the first post (i.e. username - character)?

    Right, sorry.
    Amarth 15 years ago
    Gimme fingerprints at the count's murder location, please.
    E_net4 15 years ago
    I'll be searching the Count's room for footprints.
    Grim Reaper 15 years ago
    Hmm. I think I shall be looking for motive as well.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    I commence my search for stands of hair.
    Murska 14 years ago
    About time to end the day, then. Narration occurring once I get it done, no more actions.
    Murska 14 years ago
    The first day ends.

    Tired after their exhaustive search of the Count's room, bed, corpse and, in one case, tequila storage, the amateur investigators return to their own rooms. Of course, a scant few of them are actually going to sleep.

    Maybe the one with all the tequila will, however.

    The first night starts and ends in around 48 hours.
    Murska 14 years ago
    Sorry for being late. The first night ends.

    Shadows sneak around the train during the night. All of them go to grab a bottle of tequila from a certain room, and then they continue their investigations. Except one, who has a more sinister purpose...

    The second day starts now and ends in around 42 hours perhaps? Depending on when I have time.
    Amarth 14 years ago
    Anyone discovered something interesting? I haven't, anyway... Bit strange that no-one was killed tonight...

    I'm going for footprints at the count's murder location.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    Well, I'll search the same room for minor clues.
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    I shall search for the murder weapon, then.
    Idiota 14 years ago
    I'd like to search the count's murder location for minor clues this time.
    NeoGangster 14 years ago
    Well then I'll be looking for the motive
    Zankman 14 years ago
    I will quest for teh motive.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    I begin my search for footprints around the count's crime scene.
    Idiota 14 years ago
    I was wondering if you were going to make your action in time, MageKing. :p
    Murska 14 years ago
    Day over, I'd say.

    The Investigators return to their duties with renewed vigor, and scour over every inch of the murder scene. No drawer left unopened, no stone left unturned, no tequila bottle left unemptied. That last one causes a common drop in the mood, however, and soon enough everyone returns to bed. With new information? Who knows.

    Night 2 starts now and ends at some point after roughly two days.
    Murska 14 years ago
    I will end the night now and the day will last until I both am back from a short trip and have had time to organize stuffs so it might be longer than usual.
    E_net4 14 years ago
    I shall search the Count's room for hair strands.
    NeoGangster 14 years ago
    I'll be looking for the murder weapon.
    I wonder why still none was killed, my guess is that the murder is switching all the clues...
    as everyone in the first day was looking for something else, we can be pretty sure that what we found that day was unchanged, maybe we should say everything that we found on the first day
    I'll start:
    I was looking for minor clues on the first day and found a Coat Button
    Amarth 14 years ago
    Spartans! Today, we look for MOTIVE!
    Grim Reaper 14 years ago
    I'll be looking for minor clues.
    MageKing17 14 years ago
    I commence my search for fingerprints.

    "NeoGangster" said:
    I wonder why still none was killed, my guess is that the murder is switching all the clues...
    as everyone in the first day was looking for something else, we can be pretty sure that what we found that day was unchanged, maybe we should say everything that we found on the first day
    I'll start:
    I was looking for minor clues on the first day and found a Coat Button
    I don't know why nobody has been killed... presumably, the killer doesn't want to give away more clues. And it seems to be working, since nobody is ready to make any accusations. Also, we really should all be pooling our information. Even if the killer attempts to throw in disinformation, one would presume that some useful information would appear anyway. And we might find which points of data changed from day to day, letting us narrow down who the killer might be.

    On that note, here is what I found so far:

    Day 1: Black hair
    Day 2: Medium-sized footprint
    NeoGangster 14 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:

    ...Also, we really should all be pooling our information. Even if the killer attempts to throw in disinformation, one would presume that some useful information would appear anyway. And we might find which points of data changed from day to day, letting us narrow down who the killer might be...
    that were also my thoughts, we can be pretty sure that if we gather all information from day one at most two clues may be fake, the killer's and the one he faked on the day.
    I'll post my information again, so we have everything on one page:
    Day 1: Coat Button
    Day 2: Greed
    E_net4 14 years ago
    I agree that giving away some information might serve a good purpose, though I can only assure of some already-given data:
    In the first day I found medium-sized footprints. In the second day I found a coat button.
    Don't give up. We'll soon find the murderer.
    Murska 14 years ago
    Daaay end.

    And night start. It'll end at some point. Possibly. Depending on whether or not the sun comes up.
    Idiota 14 years ago
    Crap, too late ;_; No clue for me...
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