Great game!
- cool turn on light effects
- the firefly (btw, what about it use the flowers to replenish its light [I mean like to refill its (mana?) to be able to produce light!]; i wansnt enough time with it to let it ask for another btw..)
- the physics puzzle, that block to put to be able to pass thru the door, cool! btw, I think complex physics puzzles should not prevent the main story flow, I mean, complex ones should grant access to powerfull items (not without a fight also!) but I *blush* am not that smart HAHA, and liking action I would come back for the puzzle at a later time when I got patience again xD. - bug: after I blocked the mechanism, I + theCat(forgot name, btw it looks like a dog?) + firefly, tried to go thru the door at same time the 2 skells come also the other side, so we all got stuck, no one could hit the other one, it seems to require free space to be able to hit?
- I use a trick move, I hit and walk back, not sure but that could be making the game easier? also, the wolves are so slow, may be they could move slow but leap forward when near, use stamina.
- controls are very responsive, great work!
- when talking to ppl and mobs, we could go on 1st person view (I know, more work with textures and face meshes...), but would be interesting, just add a fog to the background to not show too much stuff xD
- "talking" telepathic animals... no? xD, that make me wonder if the wolf mobs could talk also, I mean we could avoid a fight thru talking (not that I want to do it ).
- usability: when you get items, they could go to the inventory and not the quick bar, I had to move all stuff to there.
- bug/problem?: when leveling, I couldnt avoid the selection of glowing perk.
-suggestions: - hold shift to sprint run (use stamina?). - setuppable keyboard, I am lefthanded (mouse), having some trouble.. - accuracy attribute for chance to hit, dexterity for dodge/quick self moves and hit speed (my personal taste that is ) - weapon speeds (dagger faster, sword slower) - punch lowers stamina, as bashing with weapons, but punch would allow 2 hits per "round" (2 fists.. right? xD), and also be faster, but hit little, unless u r strong. - zoom out view with scroll - minimap (despite I like the map not being so big, so I had not much trouble to scavenge all places, I like to scavenge each corner!!!) - swimming capability (despite I always thought that to swim with loads of items on a cold water was something weird on RPG games, irl we avoid getting wet...). May be we could use swimwear to acomplish some underwater task, taking only a dagger may be...
- when wearing bow, the view could zoomout and highlight mobs you can see, but dont zoomout if they are near and attaking you... - when arrows end, could equip previous melee weapon - bow shooting is automatic, that is cool, melee fighting could be auto too, after mob selection, could use a key to select next mob
- ctrl key to show item names could be togglable, or items could blink-shine, could have a perception attribute to let you find items farer/hidden.
- add quicksave and autosave, add time to the save name, I have several saves that I cant see the diference as they have only date, I save too often!
- it works perfectly/flawlessly under Ubuntu Linux!! (Notrium also works great here!)
- is it possible to add bumpmaps? 
- bug?: there was an endless sound of a rock being moved on the floor, may be there should have a music? or may be some problem linux related only (I use Wine to run it, yeah it is an application not only a drink ).
- MAJOR BUG!!!! I found a door that said me to come to this site, after coming here, the door is still closed so I cannot continue playing D: ... uuuu