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Forum » Congratulations, sir! It's a...blob.

Congratulations, sir! It's a...blob.

predcon 14 years ago
Is there a hidden purpose to creating sentient slimes from ether containers? Like the thirteen inchworms in the Temple of the Moon in Commander Keen Episode 4? Also, I thought I was supposed to get an empty container back from the action of dumping it out.
E_net4 14 years ago
First, there would be no apparent use for an empty container, because it doesn't even exist. Also, you haven't looked further into its uses. You can set it on fire in order to set other enemies on fire. Apart from that it's barely any use, so you'd rather keep it as just fuel.
Anonymous1157 14 years ago
Actually, there IS a good use for an empty container. Food generators! But then again, you can already find empty containers lying around (Forgot their exact name... Glass Jar?), so it would imbalance how hard it is to get the various parts a bit.
E_net4 14 years ago
Those are SPECIMEN containers, and are not the same containers used to hold ether. The journal logs also mention that the ether container is of a resistant material, whereas the "glass jar" is made of... glass.
predcon 14 years ago
Setting a blob on fire is A) Murder, as they're described as sentient, but I think Ville simply meant "living", so maybe not so much murder as animal cruelty. B)It's not really an effective tactic unless the blob's AI gives it the aggressiveness of Duke Nukem 3D's Protozoid Slimes, and they inherently track enemy creatures. C) You'd have to have a flamethrower, I guess, since using firewood right next to one didn't do the trick.

Additionally, why wouldn't emptying an ether container give you an "empty container"? It seems counter-intuitive to have said container simply dematerialise otherwise, unless they do that by design to prevent littering. But I don't think Ville thought that far ahead, or did he?
E_net4 14 years ago
There's another reason why there are no empty containers. If we assume that each unit is one container, then we would be picking up a big number of containers from the ground at the same time. Also, how would you refill it?
MageKing17 14 years ago
"predcon" said:
Murder, as they're described as sentient, but I think Ville simply meant "living"
No, killing something sentient is not murder, or people would be prosecuted for butchering cows. Do not confuse sentient ("having senses") with sapient (as in homo sapiens).
Forum » Congratulations, sir! It's a...blob.

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