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  • Notrium Final Mix - New Version out. 0.31

    lotsofpaper (guest) 12 years ago
    Looked at my captain save again.. yes, my thirst WAS full when I starved to death. So.. that makes more sense now, but yes, I would prefer "overdrinking" to be allowed. 0.o

    25+ hours of game time later, have yet to find a solar panel in the natural world. Had to edit one in to see how effective it is.. not bad!

    Very glad he doesn't take poison, and yes he can survive several swarms of bees.. but with the constantly spawning (it seems) hives, it gets harder and harder to do anything. (The displace mouse curser on hit doesn't help).

    Keep up the good work, and good luck with being a father!
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Thanks a lot!

    Yeah, the other effect of the larger map will be guaranteed solar panels, as well as more wrecks, hence more chances to get them naturally.

    For the bees, it's usually better to aggravate a swarm, then if necessary lead them into a hostile alien, a hive can only produce so many swarms at once, so you can destroy it and move on whilst leaving your enemies paralysed and fighting off the swarm of murderbees intended for you. I always use the Blade against swarms, since it works better than most projectile weapons.
    lotsofpaper (guest) 12 years ago
    I used the blade for a while, but I found that it makes much more sense to use the flamethrower if you have it. No energy, no fatigue, multiple hits. Besides, the blade got too heavy.

    Are you going to make it so that enemies have the same weapon restrictions we do? That is: enemies with energy weapons can't fire in Ion Storm, enemies can't use large weapons in deep water... etc?

    Will there be a lava field specific alien that is immune/resistant to fire attacks?

    Health upgrades (not just armor) for the android? Cuz.. That can get pretty bad. With no in-combat repair, he has to rely solely on his heavy armor plating to keep up when things gets bad and aliens get bigger. Even then, sheer numbers will be a huge issue for him, unless new aliens prioritize eating little aliens over hunting the PC.
    TNN17 12 years ago
    Weapon Restrictions: It's unlikely to come up for most enemies, only the Ship Graveyard is planned to have ion storms, and mechanical enemies are unlikely to spawn there. I don't think NPC creatures can detect whether they're under "cover" or not, and rain doesn't effect them either, but it should be doable to have a rolling check for Turrets to determine if they're close enough to a tree and it's raining and it's Ship Graveyard.

    Lava Alien: Yes, fire breathing red aliens are indeed planned, and live in volcanic areas (which will be remarkably devoid of instant death lava).

    Health Upgrades for the Android: There already is. Armoured Core gives a one-off +100 Health to the Android. Since fully armoured he's going to take tiny amounts of damage a hit, and he moves faster than small aliens anyway, so the usual strafe-and-shoot works against most enemies.

    He actually does have in-combat repair possible however, Repair Units will be a thing.
    7were (Guest) (guest) 11 years ago
    Hi I have been playing FM for a while now but not the newest versons can some one
    help me find one?
    Endymion 11 years ago
    0.31b is the newest version.
    7were (guest) 11 years ago
    7were (guest) 11 years ago
    What is the ship for and how do you kill a hive?
    Endymion 11 years ago
    I think the ship isn't done yet, there are supposed to be some containers in it but they haven't been done yet afaik.

    By hive you mean beehive? You should be able to just attack them normally(if you kill enough bees it shouldn't spawn more for a bit also I think there was some drink that you could make that gave slight poison resistance for a bit) or burn them(it'll burn the tree too though).

    Edited 11 years ago
    7were 11 years ago
    I found this tree that has a life bar and not just one three.what is it?
    Also I made fabric and it says that you can make a shelter out of it but i not know how please someone tell me.

    how do you make a vibrosword?

    Edited 11 years ago
    Endymion 11 years ago
    Not sure about the tree, I think the latest version might've broken the trees slightly but you can combine tinder with fabric for blanket(you might want to make it waterproof while you're at it) and Beacon Ray + blade makes a vibrosword. Beacon Ray requires massdriver in addittion to a pulse beacon.
    7were 11 years ago
    The tree has what something in the leaves that have a circular shape.
    Also every time i go to sleep when i put a waterproof blanket the sleep bar goes down
    not up. Is that meant to happen?

    how do you use the lumber all i can do with it is break it.

    I was in a jungle in Notrium when i made a grande and blew a hive up when i got the honey from the hive.What do you do with it? .can you make a Candle?

    where can you find fuel cells?

    Edited 11 years ago
    Endymion 11 years ago
    Honey is just food and lumber has no use atm. but it weights nothing so is a good way to store excess wood.

    And no it's not meant to happen. It's a bug I think and if I remember right it should be fixed for the next version(whenever that is released, its been 7 months).

    And fuel cells drop randomly from shipwrecks, proper equipment increases the chances(blowtorch and tools I think) but it's possible to never get one if you're unlucky.

    Edited 11 years ago
    TNN17doesnotdopasswords (guest) 11 years ago
    Hey all.

    A bit occupied with fatherhood, and working on getting another, more literary, project published at the moment, so combined with losing my version notes on what I was going to be working on next, I've not got any new content planned for the immediate future (maybe when I stop having to sleep on the couch to soothe a 4 month old insomniac).

    This said however, I do have a considerably more up-to-date version of content lurking on my machine in a comparatively rough format with a few more completed aspects and some bugs fixed, would anyone be interested in my uploading it?

    Incidentally, feel free to make requests if you think of them, I usually read through the whole thread when I'm about to start up on it again.


    The Tree you're referring to may be a prototype fruit tree, the circular shape is the trunk. In the newest content all trees have trunks and health bars, and can be chopped down for lumber at the expense of losing the canopy, and trees change foliage depending on the season.

    Honey is for eating, it's actually one of the most nutritious foodstuffs in the game.

    Fuel Cells do indeed occur on wrecks, 'tis random, but more frequently drop from better quality wreckage.

    I'm pretty sure the blanket was a bug, and a rapidly corrected one to boot.
    lotsofpaper (guest) 11 years ago
    I am still interested in the new version!
    Endymion 11 years ago
    New version would indeed be nice.
    TNN17 11 years ago
    Here ya go, enjoy.

    As ever, feel free to tinker with it yourselves.
    Forum » Notrium Final Mix - New Version out. 0.31
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