Hi Ohana!
Ohana (guest) said: If possible, please consider if you will adjust the sound of the waves and the seagulls. Make it less loud and at a gentler, slower pace. I like to listen to gentle waves crashing and the seagulls calling to each other, and dream  I'll tell you how you can adjust the volume of the waves yourself, so that it only changes on your computer. If you want, you can adjust it quite easily by following these instructions 
1) Open the following file: driftmoon\n\mainmod\script\sounds.ini
2) Find the sound named [ambient_waves]
3) And add these two lines of text right under the [ambient_waves] -heading (you can also try putting some other values between 0 and 1 instead of 0.5, but 0.5 might be a good starting point. minVol=0.5 maxVol=0.5
4) Restart Driftmoon, and go listen to some waves. 
Ohana (guest) said: Whenever I click on a food, it disappears but it does not go into my inventory. What happened to it? Did I eat it automatically? Don't worry, your food just goes to your food counter, lower left corner of the interface. You can notice the number on the food bar rising whenever you pick up something edible. You don't need to worry about remembering to eat it - you'll use up food automatically if your character is in less than perfect health.
Ohana (guest) said: Can a mod or a patch come out so we can sit in the chairs? I was at the Mayor's place and I thought that is a pretty house to live in for a while so long as one ignores the statue. Even has our very own gargoyle servant, sweet! It's certainly a possibility for a mod! There's even a sitting animation ready for it. 
Have fun playing!