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    Guest1 (guest) 11 years ago
    i an still stuck in the crypt at the monastry, can you let me have a screen shot or details of the switch sequence, so i can finally finish this puzzle.


    ville 11 years ago
    Did you notice the screenshot Anne posted?
    Or if the puzzle feels a bit too difficult right now, you can also always cheat to get around it.

    1. Shift + F1 to enable cheats
    2. Shift + 1 to make a magical jump to wherever your mouse cursor is.
    (If you just skip with Shift + 1 a few times, you can easily get to the other side of the puzzle (and back using the same method).

    Edited 11 years ago
    Cerda (guest) 11 years ago
    I rescued Word in the prison, I asked him about father, got back to the skeleton cook via Secret door . Talked to Paul, but the Find father quest is still active. What am I supposed to do? I searched the whole area, asked "everyone, everything", but no progress. Would you mind giving me a hint?
    Anne 11 years ago
    Cerda (guest) said:
    I rescued Word in the prison, I asked him about father, got back to the skeleton cook via Secret door . Talked to Paul, but the Find father quest is still active. What am I supposed to do? I searched the whole area, asked "everyone, everything", but no progress. Would you mind giving me a hint?

    Did you notice the secret tunnel starting directly from Word's prison? When you talked to Word, he explained that your father had been painfully digging that tunnel with a tiny little instrument. Word was unable to follow him, because he was chained up until you freed him.

    If you already found that, I'll help you with something else!
    Cerda (guest) 11 years ago
    Thanks Ann, I left that cell in a hurry not noticing anything strange and never returned back ...
    Anne 11 years ago
    Cerda (guest) said:
    Thanks Ann, I left that cell in a hurry not noticing anything strange and never returned back ...

    Glad I could be of help!
    CycyX (guest) 11 years ago
    Hmmm... I've got two small issues in the fortress area.:
    I can't get the goldfish in the refrigerator: I can't stop on the ice to click on it...

    After freeing Word and going through the tunnel, I've made the ticker explode in front of the gate, not in the red circle and now, I can't pass through this magical gate...

    Otherwise, very great game: I just spent like 13 hours on it, taking my time, exploring each area and I really enjoyed it so far!
    CycyX (guest) 11 years ago
    Well I just finished my first play-through (and still miss one goldfish), in about 14 hours.

    Nice game, but I would have liked to be able to travel freely in the land after the ending stories, in order to be able to chat with people...

    Anyways, great little game you made!
    Anne 11 years ago
    CycyX (guest) said:
    Well I just finished my first play-through (and still miss one goldfish), in about 14 hours.

    Nice game, but I would have liked to be able to travel freely in the land after the ending stories, in order to be able to chat with people...

    Anyways, great little game you made!

    Hi CycyX! Glad to hear you enjoyed Driftmoon! Thanks for letting us know about the tricky goldfish - I'll have a look and will probably change that one particular location marker to some other place. (The locations of the goldfish will change for different play-throughs, because we've assigned about 10+ possible locations for the goldfish in each different area of the game.)

    Edited 11 years ago
    CycyX (guest) 11 years ago
    FYI, the goldfish was in the left corner of the room, in front of the moving door.
    Psy-Q (guest) 11 years ago
    At the forge, after being awakened by Sarah and finding my father's secret tunnel, where do I go? I tried to walk all around the forge area, the prison area and the ventilation area but really can't figure out what's next Word is still petrified, if that helps. It seems from the spoilers above that you can awaken him?
    ChuckV 11 years ago
    After you wake up at the forge, you will find that a bridge has appeared in the upper left corner of the platform where the forge is, cross it and you should find something that will let you know what to do next. I got stuck at the same place the first time I got to that point.
    Edited 11 years ago
    Anne 11 years ago
    Hi Psy-Q, and thanks for the reply Chuck!

    Psy-Q, if you still have questions (or encounter new ones), don't hesitate to ask again.
    SmellyFriend (guest) 11 years ago
    I never know how to start these so here goes.

    Hello. I recently bought Driftmoon and am absolutely loving it. I´ve Been able to complete all quests received so far. All but one. The Pirate Treasure. I can`t find the duck. I need help with this one.
    Anne 11 years ago
    Hi SmellyFriend (I'm imagining you're referring to the smell of dark chocolate. Yes, that'd be good)! Glad to hear you've had such fun with Driftmoon!

    About that duck. Did you already find your way underground? If not, search in the Smithy Storage room, and try to move some of the stuff stored on the floor.

    If you've already been to the cellar, you should make a return trip and investigate the end of the corridor more closely.
    Psy-Q (guest) 11 years ago
    Hi Anne, Chuck and everyone

    I think I already did the part with the new bridge, Paul the Hermit is standing (petrified) on the wooden bridge in the west and I think I've learned everything I can from the instruction manual for the forge. I've reset its memory and everything. Self destruct doesn't work, and I don't want to sacrifice anything right now because I don't know how that'd help.

    There's also a big silver door in the north that doesn't budge. Any ideas?
    Anne 11 years ago
    Psy-Q (guest) said:
    Hi Anne, Chuck and everyone

    I think I already did the part with the new bridge, Paul the Hermit is standing (petrified) on the wooden bridge in the west and I think I've learned everything I can from the instruction manual for the forge. I've reset its memory and everything. Self destruct doesn't work, and I don't want to sacrifice anything right now because I don't know how that'd help.

    There's also a big silver door in the north that doesn't budge. Any ideas?

    Hi again Psy-Q! You need to go down the sacrificing path to get the fire of the forge to burn hotter, but notice that you can continue the conversation quite far, and and ask if there's something else that you can sacrifice (you can do that more than once). I definitely don't recommend settling for the first choices the forge suggests.

    After doing the above, you'll get to use the forge and some important equipment you've collected to make something that you desperately need. When that's done, you should have better luck with the Snake door up north.

    Oh, and you can also try to talk to Sarah about this forge / mysterious door business, I think she might have some good tips for you along the way.

    Edited 11 years ago
    SmellyFriend (guest) 11 years ago
    Thanks for the response Anne. The quest has been successfully solved. Thanks allot and again loving the game.
    Psy-Q (guest) 11 years ago
    Thanks a million, I finally finished the game Driftmoon is fantastic. I always dreamt of an RPG or adventure game with truly interesting characters and a lot of love in the dialogs, and boom, here it is! If I ever find the time, maybe I could try creating the campaign I was thinking of inside of Driftmoon, it seems people here value those things

    Anne 11 years ago
    Glad to hear you got through the tight spots, SmellyFriend and Psy-Q!

    Oh, and Psy-Q, of course we'd be interested in seeing your campaign done with the Driftmoon editor! Let's hope you get less busy soon!
    Snowwhite 11 years ago

    Am enjoying the game. Thank you for your efforts

    I am stuck on the island with the stone statue with one eye. (can't remember how to spell the name of the island). Have gone down through the hole. The door to the left won't open because of the water and the path ahead is too hot for me to travel. I can't find anything to drag over the hot stones except for a few chairs and there aren't enough of them. I can't find a lever or something to find an alternate path (and there is no indication that there is one anyway). Totally bogged.

    What do I do now?

    Thanks in advance

    ChuckV 11 years ago
    Hello Snowwhite,

    The geiser-like things that block your path are not hot all the time, there is a time at which it is safe to walk across them, figure out when that is and time your movements to avoid getting burned.

    Rami (guest) 11 years ago

    I just bought this game from today. I´ve played for about 5 hours now and I´ve been really enjoying it, but... I´m in the quest where I need to find 4 figurines to open the Gaunt Vault. I´ve found them all and placed them on the plague cauldrons except Sea Monster figurine. I have it in my inventory but when I click the cauldron it only says "The plague reads:Sea Monster". Am I doing something wrong or is this some kind of a bug? Any help would be appreciated since I can´t continue any further in the game.

    Rami (guest) 11 years ago
    Rami (guest) said:

    I just bought this game from today. I´ve played for about 5 hours now and I´ve been really enjoying it, but... I´m in the quest where I need to find 4 figurines to open the Gaunt Vault. I´ve found them all and placed them on the plague cauldrons except Sea Monster figurine. I have it in my inventory but when I click the cauldron it only says "The plague reads:Sea Monster". Am I doing something wrong or is this some kind of a bug? Any help would be appreciated since I can´t continue any further in the game.


    Nevermind, I figured it out. I had to drag it from inventory to that plague cauldron. The other figurines placed automatically by clickin the cauldron

    Anne 11 years ago
    Well done, Rami! We'll have to go and check that all of the pedestals work similarly (that is, allow for all of the possible ways to use them).

    Glad to hear you've been enjoying Driftmoon!

    Edited 11 years ago
    Nicole (guest) 11 years ago

    Would somebody help me, please, with the main quest, at the East Monastery?
    I can not get into the monastery I completely stuck. I walked around and talked to everybody at the marketplace, and the monastery guard too, I was at the place, where the fake skeleton lied...what should I do now? Did I miss something?

    Anne 11 years ago
    Nicole (guest) said:

    Would somebody help me, please, with the main quest, at the East Monastery?
    I can not get into the monastery I completely stuck. I walked around and talked to everybody at the marketplace, and the monastery guard too, I was at the place, where the fake skeleton lied...what should I do now? Did I miss something?


    Hi there Nicole!

    I think we'll find a way to help you! Let's try this first: Did you already talk to the Panther sales man, right by the entrance of the marketplace? If not, you might want to try there first. I've been told panthers have an amazing sense of smell, and that might come in useful.
    ville 11 years ago
    And if you've already done that, show the message scroll from the Gorns in the cave to the guard monk.
    Tom 11 years ago
    Wow I love this game so much and I am in the East Monastery. I did a lot 4 out of 6 quest and I already pick up hearing aid. Now I have the flute what I really need is to find willams so I can give him the necklace. Where I freed the bird, I wonder how to destroy the wall on right side because I saw the tunnel there. Thank you
    Tom 11 years ago
    I found it lol silent monk is William lol
    Anne 11 years ago
    Tom said:
    I found it lol

    Well done, Tom! Nice to hear you've enjoyed Driftmoon so much.
    Sarah (guest) 10 years ago
    ok, i am a bit stuck. i am looking for the prisoners and cannot seem to find them. i have been through the fridge, talked to the guy with the fishing pole, beaten the giant spinning thing, and looked everywhere i could. i cant open the gates since they are locked from the outside, so what do i do? i keep going back and retracing my steps, trying to figure out where i went wrong, but i have no clue. can someone give me a step by step from where you enter right after the bridge with the crack in it? or a hint or something? lol.. thanks in advance its a great game, i just hate being frustrated and stuck. :/
    ville 10 years ago
    After the spinning thing (The Machine) you should go up north and come to the machine with the little boxes that go on a conveyor belt. Just go up the conveyor belt, and you can get forward.
    noolan 10 years ago
    I bought this really great game Drifmoon at GOG, I'm stuck in the first area that the submarine
    goes to, the island with the huge footprints, I've already given the fireflower to the "rock that talks", it flew off, leaving a hole in the ground, I went down passed the first area but the second area has a series of lava pits and it pushes me back with a good amount of hit points gone,
    how do I get across ??
    noolan 10 years ago
    Never mind, I solved it.
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