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Forum » Translating Bikez2 sources.

Translating Bikez2 sources.

prefic 13 years ago
HI! Just making a note here. I started translating bikez2 sources from Finnish to English, as they are opensource now. We have discussed about making it work on other platforms too. But first those codes need to be translated.

<!-- l --><a class="postlink-local" href="">viewtopic.php?f=3&t=3877</a><!-- l -->

first file is translated already.
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... r/bikez2.h</a><!-- m -->

All help, feedback and critisism are welcome.
Venom31 13 years ago
"prefic" said:
    bool options[10];//options

No, seriously?
prefic 13 years ago
yeah, seriously. First I went trough all comments and translated them in English, without caring about the code. I know it looks silly, but I wanted to avoid losing information. secondly I added comments to Finnish function names etc. In conclusion seems like original writer (ville) did have limited vocabulary back then.
Venom31 13 years ago
Ah, it's ok then. The less vocabulary you have the more space for actual programming
prefic 13 years ago
Bikez2.cpp is now translated. I also added comments to all finnish function names I found.
Just having a problem with github. I just started using it so its a bit confusing. I tried to google, but it didnt help. have to figure this out today.

I also updated the bikez.h file. The file is updated in github. I added some comments and replaced word "dude" with word "character". Dude would closer to the finnish word "ukko" wich is used in the files. But I think it is cleaner to use word "character". what do you think?

It seems that other files are almost completely written in English. At this point a fancy refactoring tool would be nice.
prefic 13 years ago
Yay. I figured it out.

<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... bikez2.cpp</a><!-- m -->
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... ter/func.h</a><!-- m -->
E_net4 13 years ago
It'll actually be easier for the programmer to take those in English rather than just knowing what they do through comments. Just be careful when editing the actual code. Changing a function's identifier demands all calls to that function to be changed.
prefic 13 years ago
It'll actually be easier for the programmer to take those in English rather than just knowing what they do through comments. Just be careful when editing the actual code. Changing a function's identifier demands all calls to that function to be changed.
That is true. It requires longer thinking chains to form a name from the description every time you operate with those. Secondly working with abstract things without names is not natural.
Although I started with comments because there was no risk of making a mistake. I'll make a version with everything translated. This was just one step of the process. I wanted to publish this incomplete version because I wanted to show that there actually is some progress happening.

Since I prefer to use Linux system I cant open either bikez2.ncb or bikez2.suo. Is there anything that needs to be translated in those?
I tried trough virtual machine, but it didn't succeed. It seems those are some visual-studio extensions, am I right? could someone convert those to .txt files?
Amarth 13 years ago
Don't bother. I don't think there's anything needed to change in there, and otherwise it's probably easy to generate new files.

However, if you work on Linux, are you able to compile right now? It seems kinda hard without DirectX libraries. And if you can't compile you can't check whether your modifications work...
prefic 13 years ago
I am not sure about that. since i could use a virtual machine in Linux. Or I could boot to windows from another hard-drive. sure, it seems ridiculous to open my laptop and change hard-drive every time I need to compile. Or I could install windows to one older desktop-computer I have. Why not to use windows whole time... because I have my reasons.

I wonder if it would be possible that one of you would help me here? It might be necessary because I am not very familiar with directX anyway.

Anyway, I have to concentrate on quality of work now on. I wonder, if it would be best to translate both main files simultaneously to make sure they are translated with exactly same words. Most of other files doesn't even contain same function names.
Venom31 13 years ago
Exactly, you shouldn't bother editing *.ncb and *.suo.

.ncb is VC++ Intellisense Database which is remade from .cpp-.h as soon as you try to recompile.
.suo is Visual Studio's "Solution User Options" as it says. You can actually delete .ncb and .suo from the project. The moment your h-cpp files are correct for compiling, you're free to go.
prefic 13 years ago
I translated all function names from those three files. Some one could try compiling it. I would like to know how many errors messages it prints out. I thank you for your helplines.

files can be downloaded from;
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->

There is one function left i didn't translate because of its shortness. "aja" (=drive) as it might confuse some variables that has it as part of their name.

Also there is structure named "esine" which means "object". Butt it cannot be changed because there is other structure named "objekt". I hope there is no other this kind of problems.
Grim Reaper 13 years ago
"prefic" said:
Also there is structure named "esine" which means "object". Butt it cannot be changed because there is other structure named "objekt". I hope there is no other this kind of problems.
Switch "esine" to "item" then, or is that used as well?
prefic 13 years ago
I feel ashamed ops:

Someone who has directX libraries should try to compile it. Before I start messing with variable names.
E_net4 13 years ago
Let me give it a go...

Edit: It appears the SDK version I have here is too recent. No can do.
ville 13 years ago
If you can understand parts of it, I applaud you!
Actually Driftmoon is the first game I've coded fully in English. Aside from the ones I've done at work. It didn't occur to me at the time that anyone would ever look at the codes, ever.
Kario 13 years ago
"ville" said:
If you can understand parts of it, I applaud you!
Actually Driftmoon is the first game I've coded fully in English. Aside from the ones I've done at work. It didn't occur to me at the time that anyone would ever look at the codes, ever.
So...So... Notrium and Wazzal aren't in english they're Finnish or some other language?
prefic 13 years ago
I predict that they are half english half finnish. Just like bikez.

Couple of days ago I got the OpenGL red book from libarary... It seems that tinkering DirectX out of this migth take some time from me. Maybe i focus on translating it to english first.
E_net4 13 years ago
Converting to OpenGL is a good choice. Right now I fancy it more than DirectX. Still, don't worry about that.
You can read version 1.1 of the Red Book here, by the way: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m -->
prefic 13 years ago
I have 6th edition of the book. it tells about Gl version 2.1.

Are you enet4 already working on it? Do you need more translations?
E_net4 13 years ago
Not really. I actually looked into it for a moment, but then I realised I don't have the same DirectX SDK version.
ville 13 years ago
"Kario" said:
"ville" said:
If you can understand parts of it, I applaud you!
Actually Driftmoon is the first game I've coded fully in English. Aside from the ones I've done at work. It didn't occur to me at the time that anyone would ever look at the codes, ever.
So...So... Notrium and Wazzal aren't in english they're Finnish or some other language?

Half english half finnish, with more english the more I learned the language.
Forum » Translating Bikez2 sources.

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