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Forum » Driftmoon Demo

Driftmoon Demo

stubbie 12 years ago
Hi all,
I have been playing the demo for about an hour now and I am liking what I see.
I was wondering how long the demo goes for.
I have just entered Elders Tomb and I am level 5.

If I pre order the game now, how much more content will I get compared to the demo?
Thanks for any help guys.
Anonymous1157 12 years ago
I've no idea how long the demo is, although I'd bet it's not much longer than the progress you've already made.

The full game in its current state has seven mostly-complete areas on the world map. My character made it to level 16 before I ran out of game. It's actually decently long for an incomplete game, and you won't be disappointed. Totally worth buying. Go for it.
Anne 12 years ago
stubbie: If you want to save some money, you might want to order our discount code to your e-mail. You'll find it by looking around in the main menu of the game. So start Driftmoon, and the link to the coupon is in the menu which lists the mods.

You're pretty far along in the demo, but you might still have half an hour or a bit longer till it ends. The current alpha has taken most of our players between 6 and 11 hours to complete (we've asked the playtime close to the end of the alpha). And naturally, more is coming. Nice to hear you've had fun playing!

Edited 12 years ago
stubbie 12 years ago
Thanks for mentioning the discount code offer Anne. I actually overlooked that while playing the demo. Guess it didn't show up in big enough text and flashing lights for me.

I ended up finishing the demo and wanted more so you guys now have my money.
Look forward to playing the rest of the game and of coarse more releases.
Titus (guest) 12 years ago
The more I play this game the more I like it, and the graphics is in fact very decent, reminds me the old good Demonstone. The game is absolutely casual, and it's got a very picturesque, detailed and interactive world. Haven't played anything this beautiful since the Little Big Adventure probably. And it's also got much humor, plus tons of text and pretty branched dialogues with, say, (LIE) options and stuff.

Conclusion: the game's a project of love and inspiration, not commercial crap.
Anne 12 years ago
Titus (guest) said:
The more I play this game the more I like it...
Titus (guest) said:
Conclusion: the game's a project of love and inspiration, not commercial crap.
Thanks Titus, great to hear you've liked Driftmoon! And you're right, we're putting a lot of love into making Driftmoon - and a ton of working hours, naturally.

Stubbie, Titus (and all other preorderers): It's great that so many people want to offer their support to the development of small indie games like Driftmoon!
Titus (guest) 12 years ago
You're always welcome. I think you should try to get on Kickstarter or something.

BTW, some people say
"I can't play this, the top down view makes me seasick, and I feel like I'm skating around rather than walking" - perhaps something could be changed about that, e.g. by setting a step pace? Also, when you walk around the 'camera' moves in tiny abrupt tilts, would be great to have it moving more smoothly. I don't find it distracting, I even manage to play "Realm of the Mad God" without nausea, but these little technical improvements could make the game more attractive.
ville 12 years ago
Both the problem with skating around and camera moving in jumps sound like the game is running at a very low frame rate. Normally the camera should run very smoothly, and the player should not skate at all. I haven't added any options for graphics quality yet, so if anyone has problems with the frame rate, graphics quality settings should help speed the game up.
Edited 12 years ago
Rapistelija 12 years ago
Uhm... Hello and sorry for posting to a old thread. But I have to say that I enjoyed the demo a lot. When I first watched the videos and a trailer I wasn't am I going to like this game. But I gave it a try. And I didn't regret it. This game seems to offer a lot to player's like me.
The demo took me about one hour and thirty minutes to complete it and I made sure that I would check every corner of Northrop and most of the Eldar's Tomb. And collect every freaking mushroom from the forest. =)
I'm almost absolutely sure about buying the real one.
Anne 12 years ago
Thanks Rapistelija! We're glad to hear you enjoyed the Driftmoon demo! And don't worry about posting in an old thread. I think it's safe to say we're quite happy to hear from you no matter how old the thread is... If you have any other questions or comments, you're very welcome to share them with us. Hope you have fun playing!

You probably spotted this already, but in case you didn't: In addition to the main adventure, Driftmoon has some talented modders using the Driftmoon editor, and slaving away on their cool mods. They've thought up all kinds of fun things in the mods, so remember to check out the mods as well!
Forum » Driftmoon Demo

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