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Forum » v1.2: The Most Hated

v1.2: The Most Hated

ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
What are the things that you most disliked about notrium v1.2?

I think the thing that I found that really let the game down was the lack of emphasis on eating alien meat. I really liked in v1.11 how you'd run around killing aliens, before going back to your base, cooking them over a fire, then eat them; "Tastes just like chicken."
But as soon as I played v1.2, I found out that you didn't even need to cook the blue corpses, they gave you zilch food, and there weren't enough brown aliens to make their corpses a worthwhile foodsource. I think that the game lost alot of it's charm by getting rid of cooking alien meat, it was one of the things that set it apart from other games in my mind.
It would be great if cooking could be put back in v1.3, maybe the blue corpses could give you a little less meat, but please re-add the cooking.
Irispicticus 20 years ago
I found survival in v1.2 to be alot more difficult. I couldn't hunt alot of the aliens for food, mushrooms just wern't cutting it, and i couldn't find the right components for a Generator that needed non-renewable fuel to use.

While realistic, I perfer having a little force dome cottage in the alien woods with a sustainable resources. Having a nice base camp were I can sit there indefinitly is nice, allowing me to explore the wilderness leasurely, confident that i have a fallback point. Even though i can only go so far before running the risk of that little nest egg being useless because i'm almost dead on the other side of the planet.

I wouldn't mind making that kind of renewable equipment extremely rare, so i have to forage and rely on non-renewable goods until i can finally scrounge up the parts. Dunno, just something to shoot for..
ville 20 years ago
At least the alien race will use alien meat as their primary source of food in 1.3.
Quanrian 20 years ago
The alien will be more or less a true hunter of all the races. I'll leave it at that. The hunger issue will be slightly more complex for at least one race. Nope I'm not going to make blue aliens give you meat when cooked when you get plenty from the brown and its not likely you'll starve unless from fair negligence in 1.3. Food bar goes down slower
Grim Reaper 20 years ago
What if you could cook the alien meat so it would taste better, but wouldn't have any other differences when compared to raw meat. Or what if you could store the raw meat in a 'freezer'¨or 'fridge', and cook it later, but when cooked, you couldn't store it anymore, and when it has been in the inventory for certain amount of time, it would rot?

Hey Quanrian/Ville/Zex, if you think this would belong in the ideas thread, then please move it.
Arcade 20 years ago
What's the point of cooking it then, if it'll heal the same amount of hunger (let's call it that)? In survival the rule is, if it's edible but doesn't taste good, eat it.
Wicked 20 years ago
actually, if you eat something more appeasing, you feel fuller than if you eat something with close to bitter taste... since the bitterness makes you find something to flavor your mouth with, just a theory of mine.
Casanova 20 years ago
Actually cooking does is make the meat safer to eat and easier to digest. Heat kills many of the parasites and other patogens so that one doesnt get sick from it. But depending on the animal, it may be safe to eat raw, like fish.
Wicked 20 years ago
but, i mean, seriously, would you want to cut up a dead alien and eat its meat uncooked? you have no clue what it has been exposed to, and its meat could posess unknown bacterial organisms that could lead to a similar epidemic as the Europeans meeting the Native Americans.
Soran 20 years ago
One thing you need to know about all Sci-Fi, and I really won't get too into this, because there are a LOT of problems (physics, here), with Science Fiction (it's fiction...I know). While the aliens may have lots of diseases that could kill anything else from Notrium that ate it uncooked, the diseases on Notrium have not adapted to humans, and could not infect us (till they evolved and were able to, which usually takes about 1.5 million years). So, Arcade? Eat all the goupy, fleshy, cold alien meat you want.
Arcade 20 years ago
"Soran" said:
So, Arcade? Eat all the goupy, fleshy, cold alien meat you want.


I think you were reffering to my story. If you post it on my thread I'll explain it, (geez I'm wasting to many braincells on this story )
ville 20 years ago
A disease can transfer from an animal to a human, but to transfer between an alien and a human, that's very unlikely. Unless it's some sort of a supervirus, or a nanobot virus.
Soran 20 years ago
As I'm new, I didn't even know you had a story, and being lazy, probably won't get through all eight pages of whatever has been written...still, I wasn't really making fun of you, I think everyone's eaten the cold alien meat at some point or another, (awkward silence).

Still, I have to wonder how long the marines have been stranded there. If they've been there for multiple generations, the pathogens could have possibly evolved enough to begin maybe it's time to go vegetarian. Then again, who knows what kind of poisons are in all those mushrooms and "healing" plants, eh?

Maybe I'm thinking too much into this.

(Bites into an alien corpse.)
Arcade 20 years ago
I didn't understand that statement that Soran wrote until I read my own post. Forget what I wrote that last post. Anyways, we're talking about the game, I mean if it'll heal the same amount than it would be if it's cooked than there's no real reason to cook it now is there? Of course in real life you should cook it anyways, just like you guys said it could carry some bad bacteria which would be able to kill us. Remember Notrium is similar to our precious Earth
Naurizt 20 years ago
I disliked the way that at the beginning unless you had the modded subspace radio you were pretty much in a very very bad position because those darn metal rods are so hard to find along with the parts for a lethal weapon.
Eternal 20 years ago
"Naurizt" said:
I disliked the way that at the beginning unless you had the modded subspace radio you were pretty much in a very very bad position because those darn metal rods are so hard to find along with the parts for a lethal weapon.

I agree ENTIRELY, I still dont play very often (unless I'm testing), because its so hard to get off the ground.
ville 20 years ago
I've got good news for you, but I won't reveal it yet.
LunaticNeko 20 years ago
"ville" said:
I've got good news for you, but I won't reveal it yet.

Is it the 1.3? Yes release it soon so I can continue my Notrium Unofficial Mod.
Zombie 20 years ago
When 1.3 comes out, I have a feeling that we will all be pretty darned happy.

Dunno why, just a feeling I've got... o.O ...Or maybe it's the fact that everyone's being so impatient and excited about it? Probably not... *shrug*
Forum » v1.2: The Most Hated

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