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Forum » a bug

a bug

Tyrian 20 years ago
at the tower(where the mage and alchemist are) my healer is ... well he is not there! he is invisible! there is a green line that shows his start position and i can select him but i cant move him or cast a spell. sam thing happenss in level after.
can somebody help with this
Odaisn 20 years ago
Try putting your save file somewhere else, and reinstalling your magebane. If that doesn't work, then just start a new game.
ville 20 years ago
Sorry, can't help. It's definitely a bug.
Tyrian 20 years ago
doesnt matter finished the game without the healer
heart of evil RULES
Odaisn 20 years ago
Tyrian, I had the same bug as you. My brawler became ten times faster than my other characters. He moved across an entire map in less than three seconds. Also, because of his knock-back effect, and his constant hitting, the stone golem couldn't lay a finger on my Brawler. It was rad...
Forum » a bug

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