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Forum » Challenges


Amarth 20 years ago
I think we all agree Notrium is easy to finish. It is a bit harder to get some different endings, but but with a bit of hacking in the game .dat's even that is doable (Well I remebered searching a hell of a lot before I knew what was the next paper item, don't remember which one...).
So, to add a bit of excitement(sp?) I thought about some challenges.
With challenges I mean a way of playing to handicap yourself, so to make the game harder.
Possible ideas:
1. only carry X items at a time
2. only carry X weight at a time
3. always be overloaded
4. don't use/pick up item X (e.g. stasis field , survival kit :twisted
5. only use item X for weapon
6. don't enter area X or enter area X ASAP and stay there (e.g. mine area)
7. Pick up every possible item you see (including every corpse...)

It would be great to brag about ("I finished the radio quest (when it will be possible) while being overloaded with corpses and I only used the welding torch in my game!")
Perhaps not that extreme but hey, you got the point...
Casanova 20 years ago

It would be great to brag about ("I finished the radio quest (when it will be possible) while being overloaded with corpses and I only used the welding torch in my game!")
Perhaps not that extreme but hey, you got the point...

Some of your ideas would make the game VERY tedious. But having a time challenge mode or being always unarmed would be interesting....
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
All those things are possible, just mod the game to give yourself a challenge.
ville 20 years ago
A sort of a nethack style conduct? Yeah, it would be pretty cool to say I killed the alien queens with the tazor. (Which I have. :twisted

I deleted the whole off topic conversation between click and Leego. Guys, I know you're trying to be helpful, but please stay on topic. This thread is fine as a new thread.

And no more quoting quotes. It is considered spamming, lenghty quotes will be removed.
Amarth 20 years ago
Wow something seemed to have happened here...

Well, perhaps it should have been in the idea thread. I thought about that a bit too late ops:. But I also seem to have the impression that the ideas topic becomes quite flooded this way, and not very easily readable, but that's perhaps a stupid reason to defend myself.
But, as ville said, 'this thread is fine as a new thread' (I don't like BBCode, sorry), so when ville says it, it can't be wrong .
And yes, I'm new, but I had followed discussions here quite a long time, don't know why I registered just now...

Anyway, back to business.
I didn't think of it at first, but indeed, my idea seems to have NetHackish inspirations... Which can only be good .

I didn't really suppose it to be like NH an ingame-function, although it would be very cool (together with the possibility to dump to a file etc, the monster list comes into mind :twisted. I rather thought about something as in ADOM, were the community made up some challenges (they all had names of materials, I think like 'wooden man' and 'platinum man' and things like that) like 'enter the towel cave and stay there until you're level 40', where the towel cave is a cave where all monsters are of level (2 x own level).
Challenges are MEANT to be hard, of course.
ville 20 years ago
Obviously it would need some sort of ingame support, otherwise people would just say they completed the challenge without actually doing so. You could actually do it in a mod, have certain things increase a bar or decrement an item.

You could have a separate inventory for the conduct, like a bunch of items with names like Never wielded a weapon, Never killed a creature, Seconds spent in Mining area. In the game you would give and take items from the inventory, and in the end the player could see what he's done. A score of sorts.
Forum » Challenges

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