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Forum » Most useless item
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  • Most useless item

    Raiden 20 years ago
    most useless item?
    Crazy 20 years ago
    nothing is COMPLETLY usless but id have to say sand. or with the psionic... everything.
    Click 20 years ago
    Depends on which race you're playing with...since each race can't use certain stuff...
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Well sand can be an extreme annoyance, but really only if you play Psionic since it effectively glues you to the spot until you dump the sand. I'll try and think of another use for the sand though
    Click 20 years ago
    How 'bout flicking it into enemies eyes.....That sounded so stupid ...
    ForceUser 20 years ago
    yea, make it like a weapon with a short range and make it so that the enemy is temporarily "Blind" (his sight is set to 0) so you can run away
    LunaticNeko 20 years ago
    The useless item is Dummy Item. Yay! And I got many batteries without computers thus I can't use them at all.
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    Yep batteries are the equivalent of a ration for other races, but for the Android. Since the Android can't get any use from rations. As it was mentioned, you wont be using every item. So there is always going to be items you don't need. Though on the other hand maybe you find a broken turret and than find a computer unit. Well now you've got everything you need to get a fully working turret. Alot of items tend to be like that where you have to look to their alternative uses. They may prove useful in the end
    Naurizt 20 years ago
    How is it possible to fix broken turrets like the sniper vine and laser turrent? I tried using the V key to pick them up then "using" a repair unit but it just equips it. Off topic but didn't know where else to put it.
    Zombie 20 years ago
    The most useless item is... rations if you are an android. Those are the MOST USELESS things in the world if you are playing an android... no other use for em except for biologicals to eat them.

    Blaggah-dee blaggah-dee bloo! I know stuff, how 'bout you?
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    How is it possible to fix broken turrets like the sniper vine and laser turrent? I tried using the V key to pick them up then "using" a repair unit but it just equips it. Off topic but didn't know where else to put it.

    Firstly you only use the V key for living creatures you can pick up Secondly the Repair Unit is combined with the Turret but it wasn't in your beta, I added it in mine which I'll send to Ville when I'm done. Thirdly the Sniper Vine is dead once it's dead, that's it. You'll also be getting another turret though.

    This is way off topic by the way, this should of gone in the Notrium Question's thread
    Danny L 20 years ago
    I think the most useless item is the lighter. Because the weapon you create from it (flame thrower) is just uses too much I need that 1400+ unit ether for food no?
    Casanova 20 years ago
    Most useless weapon for human, the irradiator. For android, pulse laser. And for every race, trowing pebbles. Plus i have never used the ice maker nor found any use for the battery charger (since there are so many energy converters).
    Quanrian 20 years ago
    You didn't actually think throwing pebbles would be an effective way to defend yourself did you ? Imagine this... "Here comes a blood thirsty alien, quick throw a rock at him !" I'm sure you could imagine how that would end up for that person I just added that for the heck of it. You can at least kill the Small Blue Aliens and some of the other weaker creatures with it Though for that crazy nut out there, you could try killing everything with pebbles I actually killed as tough as a brown alien with pebbles
    Zombie 20 years ago
    Haha, yeah... Well all spam and stuff aside I think:

    Rations are the most useless if you are an Android.
    Sand is the most useless for anyone else.
    the duke 20 years ago
    Sand is very hateable as the Psionic, you're just walking along looking for your droplet that lets you into your mind while being chased by 5 droids then wham you're not moving.
    Zombie 20 years ago
    Urr... You're in the wrong ship place... You're at the missle base... What you want is the ship graveyard... It's got grass floors and broken stuff all over.
    ville 20 years ago
    Cleaned this topic of trash. Zombie, Crazy, consider yourselves warned.
    Zombie 20 years ago
    Woah! The pages went down from... alot... to... a... little... *gulp* ops: Whoopsie!

    As you would say Ville... By the great holy trousers! That was a lot of garbage!
    Crazy 20 years ago
    *gulp* now that wasnt very nice of me...

    *consentrates not to do anything stupid* ops:
    Tomo 20 years ago
    pebbles arent that bad, ever heard of the pebble shotgun ?
    ville 20 years ago
    True, I find it a very useful weapon against swarms of little aliens.
    LastDay 20 years ago
    sand is useful too when you have much tokens as psionic...I wont tell more...
    dudesdude 20 years ago
    sand for psyinics is da second most usefull things for psyonics later in game,second only ta life essence,and for sand haters i have this to say
    STAY OUT OF MISSILE BASE,until ya get void token

    --------->spoilerdesert golems usefull,and VERY strong in numbers,i got 7 and can take alien queens,took missile base when i had 4
    muffinman 20 years ago

    the useless item that is common and of course, its not complete:

    alien-all the guns, radios, armor that r only for human and android

    human-nothing much is useless, except pebbles if u don't have pebble shotgun

    android-health kit, and like human, pebbles unless u have a pebble shotgun

    psionic-everything, except the things psionic need and sometime if the other people were telling the truth
    Crazy 20 years ago
    shut up, butthole!
    that there would be considered a spoiler
    Soulefoin 20 years ago
    Yay! First post!


    I believe the most useless item of them all is *drumroll* crystal ore! I don't really care for ice pack generators, It's really easy to find enough ice packs and since I don't care for the pulse gun I litterally have no use for it.

    Cap'n Kyth 20 years ago
    Crystal Ore is damned valuable.

    Hint; combine a Radiator with a Pulse Beacon

    That's what the Crystal Ore is there for.

    Sand is actually pretty handy if you're building up defenses.

    Sand + Icepack = Barrier

    Barriers can then be deployed to make chokepoints for Lasers to zap aliens.
    Soulefoin 20 years ago
    I stick with my statement of crystal ore, I just don't like the pulse gun. It's heavy, crystal ores weight more than ether ect. ect. I find more than enough ice packs on the ground. I prefer use of the flame thrower. Second place would be sand of course, baricades I find dont help me much, I'm always on the move when I attack, I love to strafe when I shoot so not much use.

    burgerking 20 years ago
    The Beacon ray rules!!
    It is the only weapon you'll need to take the missile base with. one shot kills a large group of robots. try doing that with a pistol. the most usless item is the dummy item.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    Enviro-armor on easy mode is my vote. No uses at all whatsoever, best just keep the power armor.
    Cap'n Kyth 20 years ago
    Ether can weigh TONS when you have a lot of it. It has a decimal weight, so it keeps stacking up...

    Lugging 1400 Ether around after a long trip is NOT easy. Hehe.

    I never did manage to get a Flamer on that game... << >>
    Murska 20 years ago
    How did you have 4 golems when taking the missile base? How did you make them as you cant carry stones of branches or anything?
    The most useless item for me is THE FIREWOOD!!!
    I never use fires.(exept for cooking, but I allways find a burning crater soon enough.)
    Well, I never play with human either, I think he just plain sucks.
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "Murska" said:
    Well, I never play with human either, I think he just plain sucks.
    I wish people who said this were a little more specific. I happen to like the human, and use it more often than any other race. I just wish I knew why some people hate it...

    How did you have 4 golems when taking the missile base? How did you make them as you cant carry stones of branches or anything?
    I'll give you a hint.

    What happens when a character has an item with a negative weight?
    HarmlessHermit 20 years ago
    There also is a pretty complicated token if you advance your psionic far enough that you'll appreciate.
    Forum » Most useless item
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