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Forum » Steam Greenlight

Steam Greenlight

Amarth 12 years ago
Do it, Ville, do it!

(at the end of August, that is)

Edited 12 years ago
E_net4 12 years ago

And this is to make the post just a bit longer.
ville 12 years ago
That's definitely a good idea. Thanks for pointing it out!
Amarth 12 years ago
It's alive!
E_net4 12 years ago
Hey, you beat me to it!

Anyways, link.
NeoGangster 12 years ago
now with 100$ entry fee per account, to fight the spam
E_net4 12 years ago
I suppose it's better that way. Can you imagine having 100 new games on Steam every month? That or an extremely low ratio of accepted games, taking too much time to analyse them all.
This, not to mention how likely it was to find a joke post such as GabeN Platformer. Mostly this.

Edited 12 years ago
NeoGangster 12 years ago
it was really flooded with joke games and games which people didn't own, so yes it is really better this way
Cowbird (guest) 12 years ago
If we've pre-ordered the game, and it makes it onto Steam, will we get Steam keys? It'd be nice.
ville 12 years ago
Definitely, I'll arrange it.
Cowbird (guest) 12 years ago
Great. Thanks. Good luck with the Steam stuff. I wouldn't be surprised to see it on there without Greenlight.
E_net4 12 years ago
The first batch of games registered on Greenlight for release was established.

Black Mesa
Cry of Fear
Heroes & Generals
No More Room in Hell
Project Zomboid

Let's hope Driftmoon makes itself worthy for Steam to be greenlit.

Edited 12 years ago
unsfa 12 years ago
"Slashdot" said:
EA Exec Won't Green Light Any Single Player-Only Games
Sadly, that's how most big companies seem to handle it... does anyone know most of the 10 games on the list and can say, how valve / steam do it? Wonder if most of the "greenlit" games have archievements or something that make them "social games" in some way or if they are really just among the most popular games as per "player votes"?

Edited 12 years ago
MageKing17 12 years ago
E_net4 said:
The first batch of games registered on Greenlight for release was established.

Black Mesa
What, does this mean Black Mesa will actually get a release?
unsfa 12 years ago
postid_734012 said:
Disregard this post. Delete functionality is missing, and the previous post (to which this one was a reply to) only showed the quoted bit prior to posting this.
heh, oops / sry hit submit instad of "preview" xD

( edit: and I did it again! *gnnn* )

What, does this mean Black Mesa will actually get a release?
Sounds like it. That's plain single player without "social gaming stuff", right?

Edited 12 years ago
Anonymous1157 12 years ago
Black mesa?

Black mesa...


I thought it was abandoned long ago. Or at least that development had slowed such that completion date approached infinity.
Pete 12 years ago
Yup, due to release in about... two days?

...without Xen. But oh well. Honestly, I lost all the hype for that mod in about 2009.
E_net4 12 years ago
Yeah, I was surprised about Black Mesa as well. I had thought the thing had just died.
Anonymous1157 12 years ago
Black Mesa is seven gigabytes. Without the game engine.

And they didn't even do the Xen chapters.

Holy crap. I need to get Windows again.
Amarth 11 years ago

E_net4 11 years ago
Edited 11 years ago
Endymion 11 years ago
I guess this means I probably should try to finally make my mod(s) at least somewhat playable.
ville 11 years ago
Thanks guys! The process of putting up the official Steam store page was somewhat of a pain, but it's finally done. Now waiting for a suitable (=available) release date, which will take some time.

Endymion said:
I guess this means I probably should try to finally make my mod(s) at least somewhat playable.

Go for it, Endymion!

Edited 11 years ago
Motoki 11 years ago
Well definitely don't launch between December 19th to January 2nd. That's when the big winter sale is going on and their front page gets changed to featured games on sale so new releases won't get noticed.

The dates of the sales are supposed to be a secret from the public but someone leaked an email.
MageKing17 11 years ago
Congratulations! This is a big step.
Forum » Steam Greenlight

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