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Forum » Preordered ages ago, didn't license

Preordered ages ago, didn't license

Dilzi (guest) 12 years ago
I pre-ordered Driftmoon a while back, when the only way to access it was to preorder.

I redownloaded it today and it's asking for a license. I don't think I got one when I first pre-ordered and I can't find the original email that confirmed the purchase. I still have access to the email address I used so can I use that to confirm?
Dilzi (guest) 12 years ago
Oops, the title should read "Preordered ages ago, didn't get license"

My bad.
Anne 12 years ago
Dilzi (guest) said:
I pre-ordered Driftmoon a while back, when the only way to access it was to preorder.

I redownloaded it today and it's asking for a license. I don't think I got one when I first pre-ordered and I can't find the original email that confirmed the purchase. I still have access to the email address I used so can I use that to confirm?

Hi Dilzi! I've just sent you your Driftmoon licence key! Have fun playing!

And a tip to others with the problem of having misplaced their licence key: Dilzi also just sent us an e-mail with his contact information (name and e-mail he ordered Driftmoon with). We need at least one of those to find the correct licence key. And we always try to reply as fast as we can, if we're within reach of the internet! Most often, we are.
Forum » Preordered ages ago, didn't license

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