I. I cannot change the name of new map You can only change the map manually inside the /Notrium/mods/default/terrain_maps.dat You have to open it with notepad, and find your defualt map name with find function (ctrl + F) (Something like "new map 7", you can check out the name of your map when you switch between them in editor)
As you can see,
"Start Area;//name---------------------------------------" this is the line you should change when you find your map inside. Don't change anything else or it may break the whole map. Make sure that
;//name-- is untouched.
II. The new map doesn't appear in Normal mode. This is a little bit tricky. It depends what type of map are you making. Is it something similar to hive map? As you need to define the area this map belongs to, and that is important as specific climate, objects, items and plot objects will be spawned in them.
First, open Areas.dat
Locate the area that is very similar to your one. If you are making something similar to hive, you will use these lines:
Copy the similar area block, and paste it on the end of the file.
Make sure that you place the correct ID/Identifer (Brown marker, this case 25 in defualt mod), that must be unique. Next, place the correct map ID/Identifer that you can locate in terrain_maps.dat (purple marker) And make sure that end_of_file; is the last line, or else it wont be included inside the mod.
Now, try to load your mod. If it crashes, you did something wrong. If it starts, exit Notrium and find maps.dat in the mod directory.
Now, this is tricky.
Welp, if you want your map to be in specific place (0 is start area, 3 is hive,), you must enter that area class ID from the file you last edited in Areas.dat into this grid. Pay close attention to which number you are looking for (check the bottom of that file).
If not, you don't have to change anything, as it will automaticaly place your map to random position.
If I would add another hive area, I would do this:
If you have any more questions or problems, feel free to ask~