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Forum » Question about Notrium 2

Question about Notrium 2

TheGuyInTheDress (guest) 9 years ago
What will happen to Notrium 2, has it been canceled? What about the multiplayer?
E_net4 9 years ago
TheGuyInTheDress (guest) said:
What will happen to Notrium 2, has it been canceled? What about the multiplayer?
Hold your horses, nothing's been officially cancelled (nor did Ville say that Notrium 2 will certainly happen). There's a topic on Notrium 2, containing multiple ideas and suggestions from the community, but nothing has been carved in stone yet.

As for multiplayer support, there's an initiative to extend OpenNotrium for that, but I don't think it will be completed any time soon. One would be better off contributing to the OpenNotrium project with bug fixes and enhancements right now.
ville 9 years ago
Who knows, there might be a Notrium 2 at some point. I made a small prototype last spring to test a few ideas, but I've been kept too busy with my day job to make it a reality yet.
Quanrian 9 years ago
It'd be interesting to see what avenue a new iteration takes as the survival market has since become extremely saturated especially after the zombi craze started and never left. Personally, still find myself playing these kinds of games but even stuff like the new Fallout 4 end up being quite convoluted and even counter-intuitive. Though, they say the easiest way to encourage a developer is to feed them. So maybe... encourage people to buy his current game and you never know what might happen!
Klautsche 9 years ago
Hello Ville
I really hope you'll get to making a new Notrium, I loved the first one, it was one of the first good games I've ever played and up to now it's one of my top 3 games I've ever played (and I play ALOT of games ). I hope if you make a new one you won't try to create something completely new, but just kinda upgrade the old one while keeping the same mechanics like the top view, the survival aspect and the creativity. I also loved the music, so atmospheric!! I hope the new one will leave just as many opportunities to go and explore as the old one
TLDR: Please make another Notrium
PS: I love you for Notrium 1 no matter what
ville 9 years ago
Thanks Klautsche! I'm glad there's been so much interest in the new Steam version of Notrium 1, it makes a good point for making a version 2.
Forum » Question about Notrium 2

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