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Forum » driftmoon multiplayer?

driftmoon multiplayer?

Forte226 12 years ago
isthere any chance that drift moon could be multiplayer so you could play the adventure with your freinds?
ville 12 years ago
A cooperative mode? I've always loved to play RPG's in co-op mode, so it's not out of the question, but it's probably impossible to add at this point. Maybe in a sequel...
Forte226 12 years ago
Guest325 (guest) 12 years ago
Didn't Driftmoon come to be by you abandoning a multiplayer game because incorporating multiplayer was too hard, or something like that?
MageKing17 12 years ago
Guest325 (guest) said:
Didn't Driftmoon come to be by you abandoning a multiplayer game because incorporating multiplayer was too hard, or something like that?
No, as far as I know the networking code wasn't the reason Cormoon and Driftmoon became separate projects; in fact, as far as I can remember, the Cormoon tech demos had multiplayer, there just wasn't much to do with it.
ville 12 years ago
Indeed, the engine used to have networking capabilities. But they were abandoned when the game engine was turned into a single player version. Technical issues aside, Driftmoon's game mechanics aren't tuned for multiplayer. The very fact that the game pauses when you speak with someone is a problem in itself. Or the inventory pause. But as always, if there is enough interest, the sequel might have multiplayer. And I know there are many people eager to see Notrium as a multiplayer game.
MageKing17 12 years ago
ville said:
But as always, if there is enough interest, the sequel might have multiplayer. And I know there are many people eager to see Notrium as a multiplayer game.
We'll get Notrium 2 before Driftmoon 2, right?
ville 12 years ago
MageKing17 said:
We'll get Notrium 2 before Driftmoon 2, right?

I'm hoping yes. We already have lots of great ideas for it!
Forte226 12 years ago
a nortrium 2 sweet
Forum » driftmoon multiplayer?

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