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  • Werewolf 11 - A Dark Night Falls

    Amarth 12 years ago
    Lynch timez!

    Speedblade: MageKing17, Kario, Shingo
    MageKing17: Speedblade, E_net4

    Speedblade dies, he was Talia, which means the villains won the game! Flawless victory!

    Game notes here.

    About balance: it was fucked. Sorry.
    I think it was a combination of Crazy not showing up, underestimating the Bobbie powers, underestimating binoculars and the villagers just playing too goddamn well.

    About Bobbie: it's probably only useful to include this role if everyone has 100% understanding of the rules, has some experience with them, and if everyone (especially on wolf team) shows up. It requires convincing fakeclaims from team wolf to keep the game going. If it works, I believe the role to be wonderful, but it clearly didn't do the job I wanted from it here.

    Anyway I hope you still had fun!

    EDIT: oh, did anyone crack the 'color code' for the items? It's the targettables (the striped ones), the other ones are just 3 shades of gray and kinda boring.

    Edited 12 years ago
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    I would just like to point out that if Murska and I hadn't both been overly cautious on the first day, the game could have been over by the end of the first night, making it a truly flawless victory. I know it didn't happen; still, it was possible. And yeah, balance was well and truly fucked.
    E_net4 12 years ago
    I was amused by the ridiculously lack of balance. Yes, I had fun!

    Sure Bobbie was a give away to the villag- I mean, villains. And I disliked the "more than one life" mechanism, which only gave the hero one more possible night kill unless they were still too worried about picking a villain that had used a lazarus essence.

    As for my last move, it was mostly for, as I mentioned, chaos. Also because Talia didn't die along with Batman as planned and measured by Mageking.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    E_net4 said:
    As for my last move, it was mostly for, as I mentioned, chaos. Also because Talia didn't die along with Batman as planned and measured by Mageking.
    Yeah, I already complained to Amarth about the description for Poison Ivy's ability not hinting that Lazarus Essence can protect against linked-pair-death.
    SpeedBlade 12 years ago
    I think I'm the first to snatch the Seer on the first try.

    It wasn't a total fail.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    SpeedBlade said:
    I think I'm the first to snatch the Seer on the first try.

    It wasn't a total fail.
    You killed the Seer in the game with the least-useful Seer ability, and after your entire team had already been identified.

    ...Yeah. Great going, there.
    Endymion 12 years ago
    I almost poisoned all the other wolves at some point but since Crazy should have known that the 2 items weren't megaphones Amarth told it to me. I think he should have just let me use them anyway
    Also what the hell Speedblade? If you somehow identified Lazarus Essence you should have told me. I had one and wasted the last night identifying it.
    SpeedBlade 12 years ago
    I was suspicious that you were a sort of double agent because Amarth told me I 'sorta' work with you. Even so, it didn't cross my mind that the colored-box outputs were uniform.

    Or maybe I haven't really read the rules again...
    Endymion 12 years ago
    Lol. Yeah I guess you didn't. :/
    Kario 12 years ago
    Bobbie rules...
    Murska 12 years ago
    Heh, yeah. I was sort of paranoid when MK suddenly told me on the first day that he knows all of the wolves and that I should use my toxin. So I waited until the first day ended to confirm Crazy's identity.
    MageKing17 12 years ago
    Murska said:
    Heh, yeah. I was sort of paranoid when MK suddenly told me on the first day that he knows all of the wolves and that I should use my toxin. So I waited until the first day ended to confirm Crazy's identity.
    I should also note that your paranoia also helped, after the end of the first day, by pinpointing Endymion as Gordon. Mind you, that turned out not to be terribly useful when Grim died at the end of that night, but that was the exact moment when all roles were solidified, so your paranoia wasn't completely unhelpful (and, as I think I already mentioned, totally justified... although annoying).
    E_net4 11 years ago
    So... Can we have another one? :]
    Amarth 11 years ago
    Mostly depends on who's willing to host, and what themes we are going for, I guess?

    I could host, but I wouldn't mind if someone else did it. Not sure about theme. Maybe the time-travel thing if I did it. Maybe something related to beer and pizza's. Not sure which is better.
    Pete 11 years ago

    Doc Brown's pizza delivery - because arriving in under thirty minues is just the easy mode.
    SpeedBlade 11 years ago
    We could repeat a previous theme or play vanilla.

    Also, Pete is playing this time.
    Pete 11 years ago

    Anonymous1157 11 years ago

    ... To be clear, this posting of a literal bandwagon means I'm playing next time.
    E_net4 11 years ago
    I could host, if no one else is interested in that role. But my relatively excessive hours of Oblivion could affect the theme. It'd still have items, to a lesser extent.
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    I don't think I'll have time for the next game, but if you wind up with an odd number of players I could probably be press-ganged into rounding it out.
    E_net4 11 years ago
    Bump. I heard Narvius had plans of his own!
    E_net4 11 years ago
    One moment...


    Just wondering how many active people are available for more forum games right now. I have a sad feeling we can't play another WW without some fresh new active members (or old members coming back).
    Grim Reaper 11 years ago
    Might be nice to play something again.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    Lately, I've been checking this forum every hour because I've nothing better to do while I wait for an 18-year-old computer to compile some updates from git.

    What the hell, I'm in.
    MageKing17 11 years ago
    I suppose I might have enough time, assuming turns take long enough.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    That's five people a day. Not bad. :]
    E_net4 11 years ago
    So I suppose we're half-way to having another WW or the like. I have yet another idea that might just work and be less painful than the previous variants: Instead of giving away one load of items at the beginning of the game, new items would be sorted to each team at the end of each day. Of course, there could be rare items that are always (and only) given in the first day.
    Edited 11 years ago
    Amarth 11 years ago
    I'll play!

    I consciously gave all items in the first day so it would be perfectly clear that I was impartial. No randomness (except for assigning the roles, of course), no things I could have changed during the game. It's not terribly important for every forum game, but it makes for a cleaner WW experience IMO: everything that happens is 100% caused by the players, I just describe what happens.
    SpeedBlade 11 years ago
    I'd like to play.

    Hmm... I vote to lynch Amarth. :p
    Anonymous1157 11 years ago
    SpeedBlade said:
    Hmm... I vote to lynch Amarth. :p
    Careful, SpeedBlade! We might gang up on you on the first night when the game actually starts for being so trigger-happy.
    E_net4 11 years ago
    And after some chit chat on IRC, I vote Narvius for the game host!
    SpeedBlade 11 years ago
    I am not trigger happy!

    Your quote obviously shows that I was thinking about it.
    Endymion 11 years ago
    I'll play.
    Narvius 11 years ago
    I might just do that.
    But, question: Do you prefer a more vanilla WW, or should I continue the tradition of increasingly convoluted versions?
    Forum » Werewolf 11 - A Dark Night Falls
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