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  • Testing Topic :)

    ville 13 years ago
    Feel free to use this topic to test the forum.
    ville 13 years ago
    testing edit
    ville 13 years ago
    ville said:
    Feel free to use this topic to test the forum.
    testing fancy new quote system
    ville 13 years ago
    Amarth 13 years ago
    ville said:
    Amarth 13 years ago
    Hmm, it gave a (non-descript) server error earlier, seems to work now though...
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Oh, so this is why the forums weren't working a while ago.
    Hmm. Why aren't the user names properly capitalized?
    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    Testing, 123! Well, this is certainly an interesting way to use a forum, now that I see it in action.

    Any chance tagging will be done soon? I've already noticed a slight (As in not software-related, therefore not immediately important) problem with not being able to figure out what some of the topics are about without opening them because they don't have key words in the title. (Namely, the thread called "Will everything work with wine / linux x86_64?" is actually about Driftmoon.)

    Oh, and I think threads with new posts should be highlighted, rather than threads that you've already read greying out.
    E_net4 13 years ago
    With all these topics transferred to this place, we could sure use a "mark all as read" button.
    Anne 13 years ago
    Wow, the forum update has sure done wonders to it's activity.

    Anonymous1157 said:
    Any chance tagging will be done soon? I've already noticed a slight (As in not software-related, therefore not immediately important) problem with not being able to figure out what some of the topics are about without opening them because they don't have key words in the title. (Namely, the thread called "Will everything work with wine / linux x86_64?" is actually about Driftmoon.)

    I'm in favour of tagging, or something of the kind. We actually discussed it earlier, but let's see what Ville says about it now.

    This is a cool feature for you to check: Click on the quote I just made (or rather the name of the quoted person), and you'll be zoomed right to the original post! Neat, isn't it!

    And I suggest you also try sending some private messages. They work smoothly. Did so yesterday anyway.

    Did you notice this: If you want a pal of yours to read a topic from a predestined point onwards, you can get the direct link to a certain post in the topic by clicking on the symbol # to the right.
    Kario 13 years ago
    Hey there's a reply box already there for you, neat!
    Grim Reaper 13 years ago
    Kario said:
    Hey there's a reply box already there for you, neat!
    Too bad the box doesn't fit in the designated forum area, but I'll let that slide for now.

    EDIT: Also got some sort of error when first posting this message.
    ville 13 years ago
    Grim Reaper said:
    Kario said:
    Hey there's a reply box already there for you, neat!
    Too bad the box doesn't fit in the designated forum area, but I'll let that slide for now.

    EDIT: Also got some sort of error when first posting this message.
    The text area looks ok to me, which browser are you using?

    There seems to be some errors when posting sometimes, it's colliding with post id numbers from the previous forum.
    Grim Reaper 13 years ago
    ville said:
    The text area looks ok to me, which browser are you using?
    Firefox. Haven't tried with others.
    Venom31 13 years ago
    Yeah, true. The reply box changes size during scale-up or scale-down, but is "jumping" in size, never appropriate to the actual forum wall width. Firefox 6.0.1, reports to be the latest right now.

    I think I'll miss the olde "go to the first unread post" button.
    ville 13 years ago
    Venom31 said:
    I think I'll miss the olde "go to the first unread post" button.
    That should actually be the default functionality right now. Doesn't it work?
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Grim Reaper 13 years ago
    ville said:
    Venom31 said:
    I think I'll miss the olde "go to the first unread post" button.
    That should actually be the default functionality right now. Doesn't it work?
    Seems to work now, didn't seem to earlier today.
    Anne 13 years ago
    Grim Reaper said:

    Seems to work now, didn't seem to earlier today.

    I wonder if it could be that it didn't work the first time you opened a topic, and clicked open the last page, but started working right after you'd done that? I remember wondering about the same thing first, when testing the forum.

    That is to say, all posts in the new forum are marked as unread to each user, until you open the last page of a topic for the first time. After you've done that, opening the same topic should take you directly to the last unread. Do you think that could have actually been the case?
    Kario 13 years ago
    Hmm. What about the smilies?
    Do you have to put in the code that you saw when smilies where imputed?
    Edit: You do!
    shafk 13 years ago
    One problem with the new forum is that the topic list is flat, currently there are no subtopics. Other than that I like the new format.

    Anonymous1157 13 years ago
    ville said:
    Grim Reaper said:
    Kario said:
    Hey there's a reply box already there for you, neat!
    Too bad the box doesn't fit in the designated forum area, but I'll let that slide for now.

    EDIT: Also got some sort of error when first posting this message.
    The text area looks ok to me, which browser are you using?
    I'm using Firefox Aurora 8 and I've got the text box issue too. I thought it was on purpose at first. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I can drag the corner of the text box to change its size? Or can everyone do that?
    ville 13 years ago
    shafk said:
    One problem with the new forum is that the topic list is flat, currently there are no subtopics. Other than that I like the new format.
    I wanted to test it for now, I'm liking that I can see what's happening at the forum in one go.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    I kind of prefer it this way. At least for our needs it's an improvement.
    ville 13 years ago
    E_net4 said:
    Oh, so this is why the forums weren't working a while ago.
    Hmm. Why aren't the user names properly capitalized?
    Sorry, the usernames lost their capitalization due to a slight error. I hope you can live with it, but if you absolutely can't, I'll fix it for everyone who asks.

    I think I fixed the private mails. Had to store them in a separate location to avoid collisions with non-private threads.
    Narvius 13 years ago
    Also, the Updated x units ago thing is also nice.
    Gives us one righteous reason more to lynch thread necromancers!
    Venom31 13 years ago
    Necromancy is good. Have you never played one?... no wait, where am I...

    Anne said:
    I wonder if it could be that it didn't work the first time you opened a topic, and clicked open the last page, but started working right after you'd done that? I remember wondering about the same thing first, when testing the forum.

    That is to say, all posts in the new forum are marked as unread to each user, until you open the last page of a topic for the first time. After you've done that, opening the same topic should take you directly to the last unread. Do you think that could have actually been the case?
    Could be, but I mean going not to last page, but to first unread post, which it doesn't. Right now this page is first AND last, right?
    Now it does. I'm an idiot. The firefox didn't manage to log me in automatically and I'm so lazy...
    @2nd EDIT
    Now it does not again. What's going on?!

    Also, editing text with html tags seems more tiresome now
    I never had it a problem opening reply in another tab. Now I even see it was kind of even better :/

    @11235423rd EDIT
    Also, no user-provided links? They're not clickable anymore.
    Grim Reaper 13 years ago
    Venom31 said:
    Also, editing text with html tags seems more tiresome now
    HTML tags use , BBCode tags use []. Since I've yet to see any successfully parsed HTML-tag-using post on this forum, I'm fairly certain you meant BBCode.
    Anne 13 years ago
    Let's test linking:

    Linking works ok when you use BBcode. Most of you know this, but info for some: Link by writing the thing below without the spaces:
    [ url ]the complete link[ /url ]
    E_net4 13 years ago
    Ok, this is awkward. Have you folks tried pressing the "Forum" button when already in the Forum?
    Narvius 13 years ago
    I just did. Yes, awkward.

    Also, @BBCode:
    Since a rich-text editor is probably some time away, you might consider, for now, showing possible BBCode tags under, above or next to the editing box.

    Also #2, show who last contributed to a topic.
    ville 13 years ago
    Venom31 13 years ago
    Grim Reaper said:
    Venom31 said:
    Also, editing text with html tags seems more tiresome now
    HTML tags use , BBCode tags use []. Since I've yet to see any successfully parsed HTML-tag-using post on this forum, I'm fairly certain you meant BBCode.
    Of course! I just forgot what its name is. Thanks
    The angle brackets don't show up. Is that on purpose?
    ville 13 years ago
    Venom31 said:
    The angle brackets don't show up. Is that on purpose?
    Yes, we're removing all html from posts to prevent breaking the layout. I could just allow some html tags, but I realized it would take many hours to make a parser, so I decided to leave it for now.
    MageKing17 13 years ago
    ville said:
    Venom31 said:
    The angle brackets don't show up. Is that on purpose?
    Yes, we're removing all html from posts to prevent breaking the layout. I could just allow some html tags, but I realized it would take many hours to make a parser, so I decided to leave it for now.
    Why don't you just escape them, so we can talk about HTML, at least?

    Also, I am kind of obsessive about my username being capitalized as MageKing17, so whenever you have some free time...
    Forum » Testing Topic :)
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