I love spaceshooters and space flightsims. My two favorite genres. I was cruising the Gamehippo.com archives one day when I stumbled across two games: Bounty Hunter SX and Wazzal. I was amazed. I thought to myself, here are some interesting new ideas for the spaceshooter market, and nobody is capatalizing on it! Why, I beleive myself and others have made a number of suggestions that, if put together into a finished product, could well revolusionize the way we look at gaming. For an idea of what I'm going for, think of a certain freeware game called Starfight VI - Gatekeepers. This game is not an ordinary adventure game, RPG, spaceshooter, or trading game. It is an excellent combination of them all. If someone were to make a game that had: Spaceflight and spacecombat, trading (for fuel, ammo, weapons, goods, etc.), solar systems, planets (including notrium-like exploration), and a number of other things I'm too tired to list, they would have one hell of a game on their hands. If you made a game like that, you would have no problem worrying about making money. Just make it cost, like, $5 or $10 and watch the cash roll in as everybody sees how great a game it is and tells there friends. I myself have been a supporter of freeware, but even I can't dismiss the thought of putting a small fee on such a game. That's how promising it would be. But here's the thing: No one has come anywhere close to such a game. They're all working on one aspect or another. Well here's my advice: Stop. Stop and take a look around. Broaden your horizons, and show the gaming world what you're made of!