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Forum » Wazzal: A new power.

Wazzal: A new power.

void 20 years ago
Ville wouldn't it be easy to just compile a new version of wazzal with a few minor changes? Maybe make it possible to take over a planet and store ships there or something. Nothing to big just a nice update to give it abit more replay value.

I already know you'll say no but still.......... . .. .
ville 20 years ago
It would probably be pretty easy, but I want to focus on new games instead of old ones. There's not much commercial potential in Wazzal at the moment, there are too many similar/better sharewares already around.
void 20 years ago
Making an update could get you a bit more traffic, new faces and thus more money and interest in your shareware game. Also the keyword is shareware; wazzal is freeware and that makes it far better!

Maybe you could get some help to make it get done alot quicker and with less stress on you.

I can't believe you didn't say 'No!'
ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
"ville" said:
It would probably be pretty easy, but I want to focus on new games instead of old ones. There's not much commercial potential in Wazzal at the moment, there are too many similar/better sharewares already around.
= a polite way of saying "NO WAY VOID!!!"

Even though, I really recon it would be a great idea. I loved Wazzal, its such a shame that your new game wasn't a Wazzal II.
ville 20 years ago
It was a near thing, but eventually I didn't find enough ideas that would be really new. It's a very competitive genre, there have been space shooters/adventures for almost two decades.
void 20 years ago
I thought the whole 'creating your own solor system with two suns and 13 planets each containing different and war loving races' would be pretty cool. Everbody wants to fell like God. It was wazzal over the universe with technology that made you God in the eyes of all but the most advanced races.

Oh how I wish you were more competitive.
LunaticNeko 20 years ago
Well make some kind of donation link in the game. That appears when you enter spaceports. May attract people to donate his money.
ville 20 years ago
Nah, I want people to donate the money when they buy the game.
Antimatter 20 years ago
Donate money for playing a freeware game? we are that desperate. If wazzal was shareware I would have never even downloaded it in the first place unless one of my friends told me it was worth it. As for making shareware, you need to constantly update that so that people can't crack it and recieve it for free anyway. Spaceshooters are my favorite genre, but I don't see enough original ones for me to look into them too much anymore.
ville 20 years ago
My thoughts exactly.
void 20 years ago
What happened to you Ville, you use to be cool.
ville 20 years ago
Got old after playing the hundreth space shooter.
There hasn't been much advancement in the genre in the last decade. At some point 3D came and there were space shooters called Wing Commanders, even one called Privateer. After that I haven't seen a good reason to play a space shooter, even though I've tried several times.
void 20 years ago
Are you a programmer or a mouse? Yes space sims are old... and your a programmer.... see my point? You are in the position to make a space sim that isn't the same old boring crap.

I don't even like completely 3d space sims. Wazzal's graphics were good just the concept was old.

You can make a game that brings space sims back to life.

Make it shareware. Give free copies to reviewers. When they see how good it is every one will look into it and buy buy buy.

All you need to do is make it unique and interesting. You can do it!

and if you don't then you can make the same old RPG. People who play D&D style games don't want heavy action they want interesting stories.
MageKing17 20 years ago
I love spaceshooters and space flightsims. My two favorite genres. I was cruising the archives one day when I stumbled across two games: Bounty Hunter SX and Wazzal. I was amazed. I thought to myself, here are some interesting new ideas for the spaceshooter market, and nobody is capatalizing on it! Why, I beleive myself and others have made a number of suggestions that, if put together into a finished product, could well revolusionize the way we look at gaming. For an idea of what I'm going for, think of a certain freeware game called Starfight VI - Gatekeepers. This game is not an ordinary adventure game, RPG, spaceshooter, or trading game. It is an excellent combination of them all. If someone were to make a game that had: Spaceflight and spacecombat, trading (for fuel, ammo, weapons, goods, etc.), solar systems, planets (including notrium-like exploration), and a number of other things I'm too tired to list, they would have one hell of a game on their hands. If you made a game like that, you would have no problem worrying about making money. Just make it cost, like, $5 or $10 and watch the cash roll in as everybody sees how great a game it is and tells there friends. I myself have been a supporter of freeware, but even I can't dismiss the thought of putting a small fee on such a game. That's how promising it would be. But here's the thing: No one has come anywhere close to such a game. They're all working on one aspect or another. Well here's my advice: Stop. Stop and take a look around. Broaden your horizons, and show the gaming world what you're made of!
ville 20 years ago
That's just it. Making a good space shooter that has actual new ideas and is unique somehow is a major task, and would be a huge feat for me to pull off. Plus I have no new ideas at the moment.

But that's not a good reason not to discuss it, even one really good idea that's not been considered before could very well be the one we need.
void 20 years ago
and would be a huge feat for me to pull off.

scared are we?
Antimatter 20 years ago
That's just it. Making a good space shooter that has actual new ideas and is unique somehow is a major task, and would be a huge feat for me to pull off. Plus I have no new ideas at the moment.

Most of the space shooters out there are basically the same game only with different sprites. Hell half of them are clones. Wazzal was from what I've seen a orginal idea. I give it 10 years time till some dummy decides to make a clone of wazzal that runs poorly and can't do half of what it does. As for spaceshooters, case closed they aren't new enough to keep gamers happy. The ideas thing just requires a bit more imagination. Puting it to code is another story. Trust me, I've been terrified by the horrors of C++ and I'm sticking to vBasic lots less annoying, easier to find errors. All those variable initializations and declarations, ewww. *Shudders to remember*

Best spaceshooters I've seen so far was a flightsim and this one. Beyond that there is very little that is original in this genre.
HarmlessHermit 20 years ago
Anybody played the game Starport GE? Great MMO space game. Each round in most galaxies lasts for 18 real world days. The whole concept is to gain as much experience as possible by trading, founding colonies, robbing starports (if your evil) and invading colonies. There is a reputation system so if you shoot a newb or a good guy you lose some rep.
Very addicting game, so addicting in fact that I only play it during my summer vacation
Grim Reaper 20 years ago
what's an mmo?
HarmlessHermit 20 years ago
Massively Multiplayer Online game. Think MMORPG without the RPG.
Antimatter 20 years ago
Ok a mmo is where a bunch of nerds all play the same online games with each other all at the same time. When doing this they act like complete jerks and will do anything to hurt your feelings. Mainly I feel mmo games are a waste of time. They take forever to get on with my comp. They cause my computer to crash. I get all sorts of crap coming to my computer because of them. The jerks (just about everybody but some are nice) cause problems all the time. Its just too much of a head ache to deal with. I never got along with them since. I'm not mean enough to be able to fit in mmos. I guess I'll stick to morrowind and freeware.
Crazy 20 years ago
ever played runescape?
Idiota 20 years ago
well... yea actually, but the game is too laggy on my comp...
Daniel:84 (guest) 11 years ago
Woah! I shouldn't be reviving a thread so old, but I have to say. I can't find any other games like this one. I think you should make a Kickstarter to get some money and do a sequel. Or even open to donations. There are many free games out there that get money just so that the developer keeps updating.
You release a free game and continue working on it as you keep getting donations. The times have changed over these years. People are more geek than ever, and very willing to give money over a good project.
MageKing17 11 years ago
You may not be aware, but Wazzal was open-sourced back in 2011. If you want to add more functionality, you can try doing it yourself!
ville 11 years ago
Considering that Notrium and Wazzal belong to the same universe, who knows if there might be a sequel some day.

And there's always Star Control II, you can replay it yearly like I do.
Amarth 11 years ago
Did anyone get the source to compile already, by the way? I might give porting it to SDL/OpenGL a try for the February One Game A Month.
Forum » Wazzal: A new power.

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