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  • Favorite race? (version 1.3)

    Leego 20 years ago
    OK, now peoples listen up, there's a new sheriff in town.... ops: Oops wrong line, let's try that again shall we:

    OK now listen up the orders are simple just answer: Who do you play as in version 1.3
    Casanova 20 years ago
    You know, the poll should be something like " whats your favorite race to play as?" , simple because I am willing to bet that most people have played with all the races.

    And by the way, this should be on the regular notrium forum.
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    You forgot the psionic.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    human is the best, cause you can relate to it
    Idiota 20 years ago
    Alien rulezz, when you have 16 brown aliens walking right next to u.

    Queen, here I come!
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    u dont need 16 babies to kill a queen, 1 or 2 lethal bites will kill it easy
    Idiota 20 years ago
    It's the idea that matters kiddo, ya gotta know that I need an army just to squash an ant
    Nephilm 20 years ago
    Once you get rage, the game becomes WAY too easy.

    Boss killing tacic: use rage, kill nearby enemies that may pester you, as soon as rage wears out use it again, use acid spit on the boss, use lethal bite, back away and wait for the bite to recharge, repeat.

    That's the easy way, but I prefer using bite and then claws.
    Idiota 20 years ago
    ... or you can just bring an army of kids and sit back and relax

    Thats my style
    Leego 20 years ago
    "Casanova" said:
    You know, the poll should be something like " whats your favorite race to play as?" , simple because I am willing to bet that most people have played with all the races.

    And by the way, this should be on the regular notrium forum.

    I wasn't the one who gave this name to the topic someone has changed it and deleted a bunch of my posts but whoo

    "Grim Reaper" said:
    You forgot the psionic.

    no I didn't he was in there and still is
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    Favourite race? it used to be the Human, but now 1.3's come out, I'd have to say the Psionic. Great work on the dreamscapes, Quanrian!
    Grim Reaper 20 years ago
    It wasn't there when I wrote my msg.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    It wasn't there: I put it in. You must have forgotten to press "add".
    MageKing17 20 years ago
    "Idiota" said:
    It's the idea that matters kiddo, ya gotta know that I need an army just to squash an ant
    Which reminds me of an exerpt from the X2 - The Threat manual...
    "X2 - The Threat manual - Some guy named Steel" said:
    But always remember this my friend, a word of advice from those that have been before you. Never arrive with two ships if it's enough to do the job. Bring ten.
    Anyway, my favorite race is human because once you have enviro-armor, you are unstopable.
    ForceUser 20 years ago
    hmm... I really don't have a fav yet but the Alien IS alot of fun

    ps.. X2 RULEZ!!!!! I love the game... I'm gonna make a thread in the general talk thingy place....

    muffinman 19 years ago
    even though i'm a noob, i still like aliens, cause their fast and strong, but the only thing that sucks is he needs alotta food, and the evolution rocks

    and i suck with human because i got no weapon, and android needs energy and can't find lots of blue plants, and psionic is the same as android, need energy
    Noctudeit 19 years ago
    my fave by far is Psionic . It's the only race that (without giving anything away) can travel safely and efficiently anywhere in the end . Many would argue that Human or Android can do the same, but trust me... Psionic can survive alot longer and isn't at all reliant on items (obviously ). Alien would be second favorite, but even with devour, I just found that my expeditions out of the Hive were a pain in the butt .
    ville 19 years ago
    What, nobody likes the android?

    I'm glad to see Quanrian's hard work with the alien evolution has paid off.
    Idiota 19 years ago
    That definetly was one of THE improvements of THE improvements of notrium
    muffinman 19 years ago
    With the android, its hard to heal. You can't find alot of repair units and the battery makes it even more challenging. If 1 of the 3 map you can go from beggining is not missle base, I quit.
    Kejardon 19 years ago
    I'd have to pick the Alien. Not for rage or raising your own army, I just liked being incredibly fast and being able to take out just about anything with just melee (Rage was more annoying than helpful to me, since I could never seem to hit anything while using it). She can also use a decent amount of equipment, though less than in 1.2

    The Human is a nice, all-around sort of character (which is probably the intention), and pretty non-descript. His speed feels slow, though, and it doesn't help that there's nothing special about him to make the game interesting.

    The Android seemed a bit underbalanced, though. Despite that, I still kinda like it, since I can usually get obscenely huge batteries, then just use a Fuel Cell once in a great while. The enhanced speed helps plenty, and I use primarily a pebble shotgun early on, or a VC pistol if I can get one. Since I just blitz through most areas with the Android, ignoring most items not detected by the scanner (aside from pebbles and bullets), I never even have to worry about energy much; I can usually even out from electric plants, and only carry a few batteries for emergencies.

    The psionic is fairly frustrating, though. The low food requirement is nice, but aside from that it feels like a handicapped character. Almost *nothing* is usable, not even brown aliens (which kinda worried me when I figured that out). Energy can run out frustratingly quickly if you keep getting attacked (especially in the Hive), and it also takes forever to regain. Not so bad normally, when Electric Plants are decently plentiful, but in dreamscapes I often have to carefully ration my energy. Although, in the end, the Psionic becomes pretty powerful with the Lifeforce token, and then nearly omnipotent with the Void token (Store up masses of Life essences, then convert it to energy whenever needed), but searching entire maps for dreamscapes is gets tiring pretty quick.
    Leego 19 years ago
    Wow I forggot I was the author of this topic !! I can't believe it's still alive well might as well vote since I didn't!!! Ahhh what the heck the Android cause I don't know why!!!
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    "Kejardon" said:
    I'd have to pick the Alien. Not for rage or raising your own army, I just liked being incredibly fast and being able to take out just about anything with just melee (Rage was more annoying than helpful to me, since I could never seem to hit anything while using it). She can also use a decent amount of equipment, though less than in 1.2

    The Human is a nice, all-around sort of character (which is probably the intention), and pretty non-descript. His speed feels slow, though, and it doesn't help that there's nothing special about him to make the game interesting.

    The Android seemed a bit underbalanced, though. Despite that, I still kinda like it, since I can usually get obscenely huge batteries, then just use a Fuel Cell once in a great while. The enhanced speed helps plenty, and I use primarily a pebble shotgun early on, or a VC pistol if I can get one. Since I just blitz through most areas with the Android, ignoring most items not detected by the scanner (aside from pebbles and bullets), I never even have to worry about energy much; I can usually even out from electric plants, and only carry a few batteries for emergencies.

    The psionic is fairly frustrating, though. The low food requirement is nice, but aside from that it feels like a handicapped character. Almost *nothing* is usable, not even brown aliens (which kinda worried me when I figured that out). Energy can run out frustratingly quickly if you keep getting attacked (especially in the Hive), and it also takes forever to regain. Not so bad normally, when Electric Plants are decently plentiful, but in dreamscapes I often have to carefully ration my energy. Although, in the end, the Psionic becomes pretty powerful with the Lifeforce token, and then nearly omnipotent with the Void token (Store up masses of Life essences, then convert it to energy whenever needed), but searching entire maps for dreamscapes is gets tiring pretty quick.

    You actually summed up the races very accurately and at least depicted to some degree what I was going for. When I designed the Psionic and redesigned the rest, save the human which wasn't changed drastically I had certain goals in mind. You at least outlined what they were with your summaries.

    The human has always served as a good middle ground and even with the various advantages other races have it's the fact that it is the middle ground that makes it more accessible. It also can get one of, if not the most powerful ally to start with, which is exclusive to the human. I'd still say the human is one area I plan to improve upon. In the end you can view the human as the template all the other races were built off of which makes playing the human a good step in getting better with the other races.

    The android's gimp on health came at the realization that people were finding the android very easy and I personally ignored my health because it had so much and was so very easy to increase. The fact that you have to really manage an Androids health makes sure you're careful. In nearly every other area the Android has a good advantage over others, so the healing factor was the best way I found to gimp it.

    The Psionic was planned almost exactly as you described it. It was meant as a good challenge which obviously can translate to frustration for some as any challenge usually does. Over time and with practice players will however find that the Psionic can become incredibly powerful which is the reward for sticking with it when you can obviously just go with an easier race. I am actually glad you can't go into the Hive, blow your energy. The Psionic was planned as a mage type race and that's why it scales up in power and plays the way it does.

    The alien wasn't covered by you but I'll explain that one as well. One of my main goals was I wanted a type of experience bar, but I didn't want it being a strict experience bar. You've got some form of tangible progression and to boot the alien turns into the powerhouse it always envisioned itself as. Things that were part of the evolution were either to compensate for not being able to use something, like the night vision and creature detection or because they otherwise seemed logical like laying eggs.

    My final goal if any will be to hopefully get each race to a point where the enjoyment of each is both unique and enjoyable without being too easy or difficult. I definately appreciate this thread as it helps me see what areas need tweaking and what worked and can possibly be improved on further. I definately understand that not everyone is going to agree with the changes, which is why I at least hope every person can find one race that they enjoy out of the four and possibly learn to enjoy the others later.
    Soulefoin 19 years ago
    Even though how much I love humans and aliens, Android has to be my favourite. Litterally the terminator of notrium. Aliens have trouble hurting it, marines have trouble killing it, it can carry alot, resistant to heat and cold (unless if you do alot of running around in the desert) and no worry about food. The list goes on and on. Of course the battery charger weighs alot (I choose to carry it around) it is still a great species.

    clogmonkey 19 years ago
    i think that the alien is the best, she's fast & strong, & i don't know if anyone else knows this but if you press r super-fast about 2-5 times (might take a few tries) your spead will go up 6/9/12/15/18 times faster instead of 3 (good for runing away from the hive)...
    but it might just be my computor ops:
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "freddy" said:
    i think that the alien is the best, she's fast & strong, & i don't know if anyone else knows this but if you press r super-fast about 2-5 times (might take a few tries) your spead will go up 6/9/12/15/18 times faster instead of 3 (good for runing away from the hive)...
    but it might just be my computor ops:
    It must be an older version, they fixed that in either 1.32 or 1.33.
    clogmonkey 19 years ago
    Quanrian 19 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "freddy" said:
    i think that the alien is the best, she's fast & strong, & i don't know if anyone else knows this but if you press r super-fast about 2-5 times (might take a few tries) your spead will go up 6/9/12/15/18 times faster instead of 3 (good for runing away from the hive)...
    but it might just be my computor ops:
    It must be an older version, they fixed that in either 1.32 or 1.33.

    Yeah that was a glitch I wasn't aware of till after release. Apparently it would stack. It wasn't intentional and Ville fixed it by 1.32 I believe.

    I'm really surprised people hate the Android so much, it's a very tough character. You can get repair units from quite a few Marines. It's nice to know since the Android takes hardly any damage from ballistic type weapons. It's for sure though that I'll make some adjustments and/or additions to the Android.
    UberWaffe 19 years ago
    The Psionic: Is by far my favorite race. (But I tend to lean towards mage type characters in all games.) What I do like is that once he has all of his tokens he can do some pretty powerful stuff. I have never had major trouble with its energy. Just don't go looking for a fight. And use dash only when you have to.

    The alien: I really liked playing with her but found feral rage to be too easy. The Psionic has time distortion but it has ammo whereas rage does not. Just slap it back on when it runs out and you have no problem. That's a bit unbalanced in my sense.

    The Human: Your average Joe, stuck on a hostile planet. Nothing stands out about him but yet nothing lacks, that is his strength. And a sniper pistol, beacon ray combo can go a long way.

    The Android: Second favorite race. The healing can get problematic but just because you have more health and you are resistent to attacks doesn't mean you should stop dodging. And the extra carry weight rules!
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "UberWaffe" said:
    The Psionic: Is by far my favorite race. (But I tend to lean towards mage type characters in all games.)
    eug1404 19 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    "UberWaffe" said:
    The Psionic: Is by far my favorite race. (But I tend to lean towards mage type characters in all games.)
    I also lean towards Mage/Sorcerror type classes; hard to start with but incredibly powerfull and worth the effort in the end.
    iceman 19 years ago
    my fave race is the alien, its the only one i can get past 3 days with

    i dont think i have ever sucked so bad at a game since i played notrium
    B0rsuk 19 years ago
    I don't understand why so few people like Androids. I think they're the easiest to play.

    - biggest carrying capacity
    - you don't really need extra armor
    - you're fast, so you can outrun melee creatures and avoid lasers more easily
    - you only have to watch your energy bar, fuel cells are common items and you can carry a lot of them.

    "Biggest health" as the game author calls it is illusion, you there's little difference between having 160 and 60. Both are enough for android, and you can repair yourself instantly. So health capacity doesn't matter.


    I start my andro games by visiting Ship Cemetary, then the snow zone. Both of them contain many fuel cells, which are critical for androids. There are plenty of them in Eden, too.
    I usually play with VC pistol and the shotgun. You eventually need laser pistol anyway, but it's easy to extend your battery to 300-400. With battery charger energy is no longer a problem.
    Tazor is useful for android when you're traveling thru desert, and don't have laser pistol yet. You can easily escape.

    Batteries and computer units are really common, so what's the problem ? Playing Alien in Hive is much ,much harder. And those flamethrower marines either kill you or empty your stomach.

    Human may not drain energy automatically, but the truth is you need both energy and food as human. So, in my opinion, Android can survive the longest excluding Psionic.

    One more thing. Repair units and batteries can changed into each other. Unlike medikits and ummm... ether ?
    Repair units may be a little less common, but extra speed means you get less hits.
    MageKing17 19 years ago
    "B0rsuk" said:
    Playing Alien in Hive is much ,much harder.
    Not in the least. The Alien has his claws, which are arguably the best weapon in the game. ANY opponent can be defeated with them, so Alien can defeat even the toughest bosses without evolving.
    clogmonkey 19 years ago
    "MageKing17" said:
    It must be an older version, they fixed that in either 1.32 or 1.33.
    either i cant count or i have 1.33 so why do i still have that glich?

    p.s. liveing in the hive is easy (at least for me )
    Forum » Favorite race? (version 1.3)
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