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  • Ye Olde Notrium 1.11

    Marevix 20 years ago
    Been playing since the orginal pre-1.0 Notrium. I'm thinking about writing a timeline on Notrium's progress (which only someone who's been around from the beginning could write). When I found the original, I never thought it would get this big over the past year or two.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    If a mod of 1.11 was to be made, would people prefer it to be EXACTLY the same, ie the same amount of areas, the same items, the same area types (like 2 winters, a hive, a couple of filler areas) etc. I beleive 1.11's hive had randomly placed eggs with a couple of queens roaming. I was thinking maybe the eggs could be clumped together yet still randomly placed, and with the queen still guarding them. I was also thinking the blue aliens in the winter could be replaced with the ice aliens. I was wondering if people would think small changes like this is a good idea, or if it should be kept the exactly the same, to the letter?
    Another idea was to create smaller areas, but have more of them, this would increase randomness. But if people would prefer to have it exactly like the orignal, I've got no problem.
    Anonymous1157 20 years ago
    Actually, your idea for 1.11 is great! Now that you mention it...

    Possible titles for NotriumX.X Remixes:
    X.X revolution
    X.X for the 21st century

    And you could also possibly create different generators resembling different versions? For example:

    Food Generator Alterer Chip 1.0
    This chip will make your Food Generator create the food in it's specimen container andyou will need to right-click it to collect the food. Each percent is one food unit. Once dropped, you can't pick it up!
    ville 20 years ago
    The original had some gameplay issues, that's why we made the newer versions. If I were to redo a 1.11, I wouldn't make it exactly as it were. For example the kill queens and eggs endings was tedious because the eggs were so randomly placed, it should definitely be made more interesting.

    I'd be happy to see your Notrium timeline Marevix. I could give you a hand with the details if you like, and we could post it somewhere around.
    Doogsy 20 years ago
    Ok, I'm going have a crack at doing the remake then. I'll try and fix some issues like you said Ville. I'll post a thread about it soon.
    Marevix 20 years ago
    One of the few things I can't remember is if the food generators were around before 1.11 or not, I have most of the rest down somewhere.
    ZeXLR8er 20 years ago
    They were, but they didn't spawn mushrooms; a number indicated how many untis of food it had made. 100 was the limit.
    burgerking 20 years ago
    I have 1.11 on an old PC User demo disk. (That was how i heard about Notrium). I Liked the combination puzzles. I clocked 1.11 and downloaded the expasion but i didn't play it much and dropped out of Notrium for ages until i was bored and started playing again.
    BTW happy new year!!
    Marevix 20 years ago
    "Anonymous1157" said:

    X.X for the 21st century

    Work on Notrium started in the 21st century. Must I always point things like this out? I don't know, but it's very fun.
    Vicrry 17 years ago
    I hate topic resurrecting, but was 1.11 the version with the annoying bug where the alien eggs would sometimes spawn outside the area?
    I hated spamming the pebble shotgun until I won..
    nerdoftree 14 years ago
    can someone please open up this link again
    ZeXLR8er 14 years ago
    Ville, do you still have a copy of 1.11 that you could re-upload?

    Also, just another request for the 1.11 expansion pack... anyone have a copy hanging around? If you do, please let me know!
    ville 14 years ago
    "ZeXLR8er" said:
    Ville, do you still have a copy of 1.11 that you could re-upload?

    Also, just another request for the 1.11 expansion pack... anyone have a copy hanging around? If you do, please let me know!

    Doubtless no. I've lost many important treasures over the years. I'll rummage around though, it could pop up.
    Forum » Ye Olde Notrium 1.11
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